Sniper} My lazy ass copied this over from the Sweet thread-->
[..Been remiss with specifics of my nute' regime... :Stones slap: Big picture, since I'm using some new stuff (Sea Grow Bloom, fish goo (5-1-1), Ca-Mg, honey, Microbe Brew, and now worm poop tea made from local horse poop worm compost); I'm taking an approach similar to how I fert' my orchids: lesser strength, more frequent dosing... I dose, I watch to see how they respond, and next time make adjustments, if any... typically I'm running at about 2/3 strength on the primary fert's, 1/2 Ca-Mg,... any sup's like Big Bloom, inoculant/poop tea, etc. at full,... Usually things are blended; with the tea alone, just add some Ca-Mg, honey, BB, and let stew for a day or two, in a wide shallow drywall bucket for decent gas exchange...
.].... more :Stones slap:-LOL! I forgot to mention schedule details: general watering, for the MoB's- daily!... root mass is
solid... :thumbs: ...The auto's get pretty much a topper every day; I'll let it dry more if I plan to fert'... Actual fertilizing, that gets done 2-3 times a week for the MoB's, 2 doses for the autos, but I cut the conc. down to about 1/2 strength from 2/3+....On occasion, I give them a sweet water treat! (just 1T of honey in there).. 'crobes be :coffee break:!!
Alan} Really?? I'd swear you've been here, not just at the Sweet thread,...shit!- LOL! :Stones slap: I lose track myself now, so no worries my friend!.. this is where the MoB's are, of course....:brow: ....The orchid scene!! Man, that's a whole separate PM, mate! You asked/cued up a mouthful....
It sooo depends on whether it's factory nursery tissue culture clone plants, or hand grown species types, with plenty of over lap, and cross stabbing!.... I've got some pics at Rebs' picture thread, weird things, just what I love!....
Swampy} Exactly! That's why I'm dosing more often at lower conc.'s,.... not gonna get cute and try to duplicate what Mrs. 'Turd does! Even Mr.'Turd is astounded,...