New Grower Waira's Main course of HighRise with a Side of Sweet Creme's....

Yarg....."hey Romeo look pretty plant, pretty plant, pretty plant......SPIDER!!!" . Well there goes the happy dreams. Hope morpheus laughing can knock me deep to sleep.

:crying: :roflcry: :roflcry: :crying: Bromeo...-Gotcha!! ....maybe you and brother Stick' can hold each other closely for comfort! :WTF: My sincerest apologies friend, now that you put it that way, I can see why it's a ugly surprise at the bottom of the goodie jar! LOL!! ....Like a rat turd found bobbing in the last spoonful of cereal you just finished!! :X's Evil Laugh x: Thank you Rival-Brudda! Good one-up there!... An excellent and funny video find,...Now I'm inspired to find an even greater horror to visit upon the unwary!! I gotta agree with Doobage though, that digging in the sand has a creepy element to it, but the narrative is comedy! *** TY Doob', I sure hope a year finds me in a position to even consider it :D: Meanwhile, I can enjoy vicariously with your grows of his gear! So right 'bout da light, my friend!! No more auto's outside, unless I can supp' them with proper lighting... Otherwise it's fast strains for me!... and we're getting more and more of these " 'tweener's " on the market all the time! Sweet has several of versions of their star line-up like this now,...:brow: As you know, I've got a Green Poison I'm wringing my hands at now, trying to get her to switch over modes! She's only been off supp' lighting for a few days, so I'll bet she goes soon,....:bow:oh please! LOL!

*********Okay, a special news flash: harvest update!!*********
Here's the last of the HR girls and the Sweet CC too...:woohoo:
They all are nice and frosty, with savory aromatics... we'll see what carries through to final cures,.. wet aromas are hard to resolve sometimes,....

016.jpg<--GhD's - Similar to the GhD/C99 (sweet floral), more earthy/slight fuel notes

014.jpg<--Crm. Caramel- Earthy dank, sweet and some spicy,...nothing specific...

015.jpg<--Gh/C99/C99- Floral, a bit of spicy,...

***** Okay Romeo, I'll soften up the shock factor with somewhat creepy orchid flowers! :roflcry: .... a couple odd-balls that were blooming...this gives some appreciation for how diverse a structure flowers can be!...from the simple, humble calyx to the notoriously complex WTF flowers many orchid species have,...:wiz:

006.jpg002.jpg<--Masdevallia erinacea (S. Am. cloud forests).. looks like a mopey mouth saying "blaaahhh"!

007.jpg008.jpg<-- Bulbophyllum tingabarinum (SE Asia)... this genus has the largest number of orchid species known,... at least 1600! ... dig the rich dark orange color, and the spidery arrangement of the flower umbel.. LOL!
Nice crop, waira. :drool: Looking forward to the smoke reports.

The missus, an orchid grower, is well impressed by the Bulbophyllum tingabarinum (which means I'll be doing the rounds of the garden centres next week...). :Stones slap:

PS we have some spider lillies flowering in the garden at the moment. If ya need a pic, just holler. :twist:
"holler!" LOL! - you're welcome to post anything you like here, mate...:thumbs: And thanks!! Your Mississ would be in heaven at the old species orchid nursery of my mentors! I've been a hobbiest for about 10 years, and have an irresponsible number there and at home! I'll find a link to the anything goes photo thread of Rebels here; there's s few more there, and plenty more parked at my end! She might recognize my avatar....:brow: Stanhopea martiana... I've got there are several other species too from near your neck of the woods....!'re welcome to post anything you like here, mate...:thumbs:

Just spotted this on the window: MegaHopper.jpeg

It's about four and a half inches feeler tip to wing tip: MegaHopper2.jpeg

The photo doesn't do justice to the colours.

I hope the arachnophobes in the thread are happy now. :brow:

She might recognize my avatar....:brow: Stanhopea martiana...

Ummm, no. I think she has three plants that she forgets the name of. More of an enthusiast than a collector...

Rebel's link would be good, if you can find it. Cheers, bro. :smoke:
Mr. NS, Cres... thanks for looking in,...:tiphat: here are the pics, as per PM,..002.jpg001.jpg<-- MoB in question;each side; the yellowing is much more advanced than it appears here,... damn camera! LOL
003.jpg<-- other pheno', never a moments trouble...
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Bulk coming on hard... finish around the 25th...
Hey waira, et al! :smokebuds:
Love how the MoB's are looking! Very nice! I agree the ladies are loving the heat we're FINALLY getting! Turned on the aromatics in our yard... :smokeit: I'm afraid I haven't been taking many pictures regularly, but I *did* just take this video yesterday - which fits one theme of this awesome thread you have here! hehehe