New Grower Waira's Main course of HighRise with a Side of Sweet Creme's....

:roflcry: Nice Shag-Mobile! .....I like it better when the girls are faster,...:woohoo: .... :peace: :smoke:
Looking good my friend!

I Love those MOBs! Do you think you might concentrate on growing more photos next year instead of Autos?

Man I can't wait until next year to grow some MOB x C 99. They are en route from RCMC , along with some GG#2.
Also all of the HRs auto strains,and some Duurty Dragons to grow out until spring.
Well, if I'm not to burnt out from trimming this years OD crop that is!

Oh, I chopped a HR Diesel Auto Mix stumpie today.(Don't ask me what pheno it was, all I know is that the buds look and smell potent ) I waited to long to transplant it into a permanent container, but I think I learned newbie lesson 238. I have since transplanted some other M/F Autos the day they sexed, and what a difference. Plus, I finally got some proper air exchange in my grow cabs , and I know that is making a difference also.

Man, growing Autos indoors is much more complex than Photos OD. I think, I'm starting to get the hang of it though. I can't ever see myself growing plants like these master growers grow indoors.

Also just germed the first seeds I made this week. That is kind of exciting, and another milestone for this noob.

Be well my friend! It's time for this fool to go dark for a few hours.

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**WEEK 12**
MoB's pretty much the main feature now; remainder of autos will get harvest pics only, coming in a few days... I'm done with them! I hate to be a broken record, but the MoB's are building buds at a :jaw: rate! Especially considering that were almost at the Fall Equinox,... Eve's are fog-free, and decidedly cooler, ...Indian Summer is in full swing, with very nice days temps as well... Trichomes and aromatics are developing nicely indeed,... a little rub gets you a yummy berry bud smell, each a little different...
008.jpg009.jpg<--Faint purple blush coming on this one, but doesn't show well in the pic...
010.jpg011.jpg<--color is increasing steadily; inner nugg's are deeper in color, but a bitch to photo!

001.jpg<-- :yoinks: :Coolio: Creature Feature Time!! :X's Evil Laugh x: This is a Wolf Spider mama with an absolute back-full of babies!! ...Love yo' Mama! :KISS:

***Sweet Girls go here tonight, plz,..***
Man O Man! Are those ever a thing of beauty. You deserve a big old :slap: Oops, I guess I have to spread some more love around before I can slap you again.
I can smell those sweet ladies clear up here! :hump:

It is amazing to watch these HR Photos fill out so fast each day now isn't it? I went out to check on the hoopy ladies earlier today and it seems like over night my PK x MDs just exploded in filling out, well actually I can almost watch the flowers filling out each day now with all the ladies.:smoke:

Oh, and thanks for the Wolf Spider mama picture with ALL the babies on her back.:finger: I will have to sleep with the light on tonight.
I showed the picture to my wife, as she knows how much I love spiders, NOT!
She grew up in Grand Coulee where there are mucho Black Widows. She just told me a story in which she remembers like it was yesterday, even though she was only about 8 years old. There was a Black Widow mama scampering across the kitchen floor, as her mother hit it with a broom, out spilled what seemed like hundreds of babies. I guess Black Widows are one of the few spiders that give live birth, rather than laying eggs. Is this true, my spider loving friend?

I promise I will take those pics of your two favorite phenos of yours tomorrow. I will try to get some decent shots of those (GH x C 99) buds as well. I didn't end up doing anything today except a little tending to the girls indoors.

Stickbrother :D: Good to see you! Yes, the MoB's are a total treat, just to watch!... can't wait for the goods to be ready :drool: Hell, you know far better than me! Your crew is doing much the same,.. the speed in build-up is something to behold... I look back a week at where they were, and just shake my head, in a good way!! LOL! You know!! Cres' Ju-Ju is powerful good! *** Green Gods, Stick, I'd pay $$$ ( as would many others!) just to spend the night hanging in a hammock in that HoopY... :dance:The aromatic's in there must be getting heavenly, and by harvest it'll be olfactory overload!! *** ...that MoB/C99 cross should be phenomenal! You have lots of exciting this in the works, huh! :woohoo:All kinds of choice seeds to play with through Winter inside... congrad's on the new bab-ee's you 'sired'- LOL!! (Damn, I forgot what crosses you made,... gotta go back and look!) *** Stumpies are goin' down all over, my friend! I'm sick of looking at mine, so they're gonna dry out for another day or two, then Chop-Eye's gets busy! How's your's drying out so far? *** Folks opinions are all over the map on transplanting... I think it has more to with the roots not being traumatized/restricted, than timing per se,.. Sweet Seeds Tommy did his twice, but was done properly, skillfully, so that the plants didn't miss a beat! Like you, he did move into final pots at sexing! Personally, I'll avoid it altogether if I can,... barring need, like for non-fem'ed seeds... I'm very happy with the inverted pot tiering I did on the Fall Girls; that extra few inches of drop made a true difference,... that, and the supp' lighting! Indoors, you're the God of Everything,... and what a task that is! Getting things dialed in, just for the hardware alone is a whole skillset,... But once you do, and become efficient and certain of how things behave, you can focus more on the plants... only sheer experience with your system can do this...a couple grows, my friend, and you'll be cranking out the beefy-chicks right and left! :High 5:
:roflcry: Gottcha!! I knew you'd just love the spider mama! She was under the garbage can when I went to roll it out,.. couldn't help myself,... Biologist to the core! LOL! Besides, I've never seen a Wolfie mama with her brood riding shot-gun before,... :brow: .... LOL!- Whatever your Mom saw, it wasn't a Black Widow if there were actual babies spilling out all over... not sure any spider gives 'live birth',.... for sure, BW's lay eggs in big cocoon balls, tucked well into their webs,....(some, as you see, will carry the egg sac and/or the hatchlings around for a while, for better survival rates) They're ubiquitous all over most the US; I have to go on a special hunt for them inside a couple times a year! I killed 7 recently, under furniture, drapes, etc...any dark quiet place will do,... their weird, tangled non-planer webbing is tell-tale... so are the piles of bug corpses nearby!... :smoke: Okay, time for chow!! I did pop in real quick at your thread and saw my fav's! Thanks Stickbro!! :tiphat: I'll be by there shortly,...
Holy crap..I wrote like 2x here and took too long to post..grrr copy copy copy post LOL :face:Nice update man Im happy to see a nice harvest around the corner for ya bro!:smokebuds:
Doobage, my friend!! you know, I'm having some probs with the forum's behavior myself,... lost a few posts due to some SNAFU or another,... now I stop and do a copy highlight frequently so when it frags on me, I can recover most of what got beamed into outer fucking space,....... Thank you brudda!! MoB's saved the day, but the Fall Girls are still the best results for autos I've had yet!... all thanks to you hounding me about the lighting :High 5:... it's made a big difference, even if it's not the HO grade bulbs,... I know you're flush with seeds, you hoarder- LOL!!- but even this early on, I can tell the MoB's are going to be soooo killer! and stupid fast during flowering... dunno if you saw Cres' comment, but when they start to bloom, vertical growth flat out stops!... good thing to know if you grow some indoors someday,...I think if you top them once, let'm veg a bit longer to get those side branches to push out more (they were slow to start this at first, but then *sproing!*- out they came!), and they'll bush up nicely, controllably... and the aromatics are freakin' juicy delish bro'... trich's are just getting started, but when mashing a few bugs today, I smeared some on my fingers, and the berry-bud sweet smell was well defined, even at this early stage! :drool: Be by you places later, I've got some CM to test out before bed-time!! LOL- thanks brother Doob!
Yea man thats sweet glad I could impose my will on you LOL for a good cause of course lol more light is what autos are all about IMO ..MO lIGHT MO BETTA..I think next year a lil bird will bring you LBH auto seeds made for the outside then we see what is really BUENO ! lol Hop digityThe guy is sick with his no feed outdoor plants LOL Maybe you just need a early semi auto .:peace:
So I'm cruising along catching back up again and :poof: another spider pic.:cuss: Why spiders? Yarg....."hey Romeo look pretty plant, pretty plant, pretty plant......SPIDER!!!" . Well there goes the happy dreams. Hope morpheus laughing can knock me deep to sleep.