New Grower Waira's Main course of HighRise with a Side of Sweet Creme's....

:drool: getting frosty on the left coast brrr :D:
....Roger that on the Ca-Mg Sniper! The white MoB has been burning through it since mid-veg',..... I wonder, if it's not so much a need for extra, as it is a poor absorption capacity, meaning she has to have elevated amounts around all the time to meet her demands for it (Ca particularly in this case),....Hmmm, maybe I'll look into that, and ask Jm too,...:wiz:...
Yeah, that and the build-up of the 'crobe herd below, which can help buffer and absorb the extra nute's, releasing it more gradually,...(?)
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over my head i just know if you put water on crops they grow
water? like out da toilet? <---idiotcracy :crying:

now i recall seeing something on here somewhere about cal and N work together but that's about all i remember i have this thing were i forget stuff but not completely :smokebuds: don't remember what its called but i know i got it :smokebuds: :rofl:
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....Roger that on the Ca-Mg Sniper! The white MoB has been burning through it since mid-veg',..... I wonder, if it's not so much a need for extra, as it is a poor absorption capacity, meaning she has to have elevated amounts around all the time to meet her demands for it (Ca particularly in this case),....Hmmm , maybe look into that, and ask Jm too,...:wiz:...
Yeah, that and the build-up of the 'crobe herd below, which can help buffer and absorb the extra nute's, releasing it more gradually,...(?)

Yes, I have been reading some articles lately by this phd botanist over in the Netherlands about Calcium and nutrient uptake. It is really making me reconsider how I feed. I don't want to post anything on forum because I am not sure I understand it all yet but there is a direct correlation with Calcium and nutrient uptake. To the point, this guy is saying it is the most essential nutrient in the regiment.
Sniper! :roflcry:
water? like out da toilet? <---idiotcracy :crying:
<--they don't call it poop tea for nothing!!
i have this thing were i forget stuff but not completely
don't remember what its called but i know i got it
<--- It's a very common condition here,... it's called "Medicated" :smokeit:LOL!!

A420'- Hey bro'! thanks for coming by,... did you see the MoB porn on the previous page?.... Giggady!! *** sounds very interesting,... I recall (Sniper-style) something about this from another source a while back,... something to do with Ca being a membrane transport facilitator for certain nute's... and why many are considering Ca more and more to be a true Macronutrient... is this in the ballpark of what the Prof' is writing about?.... :wiz:

ARK'} What's good, mate? thanks for popping in and the kind words,... Yes, color is nice, but bag appeal is irrelevant to me, it's the aromatic's and the potency that matter most! Purple is very pleasing to the eye, though, huh! It's interesting how the diff's between two color variants of the same strain can be so great,... I had Star Ryders that did this too, one went deep purple on me, and the other had the lightest shades of the whole strain diverse crop! The aromatics are very far apart, but the buzz is actually pretty similar...And damn good! SR is a fantastic strain! These MoB's aren't that far apart on things, aside for the minor aromatic diff' and the whites' Ca-Mg high demand... :D: Best smelling stuff yet, hands down...
A420'- Hey bro'! thanks for coming by,... did you see the MoB porn on the previous page?.... Giggady!! *** sounds very interesting,... I recall (Sniper-style) something about this from another source a while back,... something to do with Ca being a membrane transport facilitator for certain nute's... and why many are considering Ca more and more to be a true Macronutrient... is this in the ballpark of what the Prof' is writing about?.... :wiz:

Wooo, no I didn't but I just did. That isn't cal/mag that looks very much like K deficiency. Possibly from too much Calcium. But it is difficult to tell from so far away, any chance you can take a close up picture of one of the affected leaves that haven't died off tomorrow morning and post it up? Calcium will actually lock out K if there is too much in the soil, as will nitrogen but that doesn't look like too much N.

The other girls are looking wonderful! Congratulations on being a very successful mother.
LOL!! Thanks A420'! No worries, I has Cres eye-ball her when she really started to suck up those fan leaves,... he said it's nothing to sweat over, given how fast MoB's flower, and she is progressing even faster than the purple one! ... From about mid-veg on, this one has been a Ca-Mg hog! Molasses wasn't cutting it, so I scored a dedicated supp' for this; I'd treat, foliar and soil, it'd go away for a week or so, then the spots would try to start up again...,retreat again, it'd stop,... since then over a month now, it seems to have stabilized with only occasional, dilute soil dosing...You make a very good point though, I can see the potential for trouble... the way the fan leaves were yellowing, oldest first, even, non-spotty loss of color, made me think either she needed a bit more N, or this is just her way of finishing up,and that's pretty much what Cres said,...*whew* ...I didn't smack of a nute lockout, and the last thing I want is a last minute tail-spin! .... Oh, and the water is about 120ppm hardness, just enough to buffer, without the mineral build-up! (Mix RO/gassed tap)... Gotta get back over your way, mate! I saw the pics briefly today of the Fruit and NL/BB!! Fantastic grow A420'! The smoke report was pure torture...! citrus aromatics are my fav',... :High 5:
Yeah, I just went back through your grow. Looks like on 9/5 you were beginning to see the first signs of it there. Take a look at the picture, you see the yellowing on the outer edges of the leaves, that is K deficiency. The question is, what is causing it? I didn't see your feed schedule so it is hard to tell if it is too much Ca or just not enough K. Ph doesn't really affect K too much, it is available pretty much throughout the entire range so I am leaning more towards too much Ca or not enough K.

LOL!! Thanks A420'! No worries, I has Cres eye-ball her when she really started to suck up those fan leaves,... he said it's nothing to sweat over, given how fast MoB's flower, and she is progressing even faster than the purple one!

Well he knows his plants better than I do so ignore what I said.

Yeah, the Fruit turned out wonderful. That NLxBB really broke my heart. Damn heat and humidity around here really suck this time of the year. It doesn't help that I live right on the river as well. 90rh is the norm for us pretty much all year. I shoulda known better than to put her outside. Oh well, live and learn.