Gratuitous MoB porn}}}
... just a shotgun blast of the white and purple pheno's, plus the little LTS'ed GhD/C99! A few extra pics with different setting, trying to dial in what works best to show off the goods,... :brow:
Both are frosting up very nicely now, and should be just plain
sick by harvest! Aromatics are amazing and delicious, with the white pheno' being the strongest and best, IMO, with the purple having a very different fruity notes from the very-berry whites' (LOL!- giggady pun).....She's going to be done way before the purp', which has young-looking calyxes still, and pistils just starting to shut down,... Cres' prediction looks to be spot on, as her leaves continue to get consumed, bud growth slowing down, getting notably fatter from a few days ago, pistils also shutting down more and more...I've removed many spent fans already, which is helping the popcorn nugg's put on some weight! :smoke:
<--this is the Odd Girl Out (OGO)from the Sweet thread, a juicy little
GhD/C99 that's now making more quality bud than any of her previous non-light supplemented sisters, and still has a ways to go.... :smoke:
Mr.'Turd- LOL!! thanks bro', it's baby season for the Blue Belly lizards, and they're all over the pots and general vicinity, snacking on gnats and flies, posturing at each other (hilarious push-ups and head bob's); I have to be careful where I step! ....
... worthy minions!
Cres} thanks for the magic eye, mate!... what does it say about the purple pheno'? couple-few more weeks yet?... :coffee break: