New Grower Vertically Challenged Grow 2.0

Thanks it seems to be doing it's job ok I can't wait to try this outdoor also to see how it works.. and thanks for stopping by do u have a journal?
I will soon enough. I'm waiting on the mailman with my equipment and seeds to start my first grow. I've been doing lots of homework and ordered everything I need. There's lots of great advice from positive minds in these threads. I can't wait to start!

Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk
I will soon enough. I'm waiting on the mailman with my equipment and seeds to start my first grow. I've been doing lots of homework and ordered everything I need. There's lots of great advice from positive minds in these threads. I can't wait to start!

Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk

Yeah man the ppl on here are the best on the net all willing to help and very fun bunch make sure you check out LIVESTONERS if your bored most hang out in there on a reg basis and if ya need some quick info it's usually a good place to start make sure u tag me in your journal when ya get it going
Yeah man the ppl on here are the best on the net all willing to help and very fun bunch make sure you check out LIVESTONERS if your bored most hang out in there on a reg basis and if ya need some quick info it's usually a good place to start make sure u tag me in your journal when ya get it going
I will thanks!

Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk
Some more pics.. day 31

PolarLight (plant 1)



PolarLight (plant 2)



sorry dude been way behind on your grow...don't seem to be getting the notices in the corner.
Loving the DIY scrogs...:slap: know I think a scrog with the slightly small holes instead of the recommended 2.5" works better for autos, they get to the next square quicker. Also good use of a piece of bunting fencing...I wish I was still working on the building sites my groom would have cost me nothing, only the lights would have had to be bought.
sorry dude been way behind on your grow...don't seem to be getting the notices in the corner.
Loving the DIY scrogs...:slap: know I think a scrog with the slightly small holes instead of the recommended 2.5" works better for autos, they get to the next square quicker. Also good use of a piece of bunting fencing...I wish I was still working on the building sites my groom would have cost me nothing, only the lights would have had to be bought.

I have been trying to use all the scrap I can get my hands on.. and yes they don't seem to be mindi g the smaller holes plant 2 is really taking to it nice! I think because it's a shorter distance to the scrog.. but plant 1 is starting to come along, should be neat to see the difference.. anyway thanks for popping by @Slater I know you've been busy with the harvest bro, and thanks for the slapper man
Hey @Powerful14 looks like you got the same mix pack as I did a couple grows back. I just planted potted the last of the Blueberry and Polar Light [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] last night.

I have to admit, I didn't read the whole thread. What happened to Mazar?