Indoor Vapor's Ridiculous 15+ Auto Strains 5th Grow

Hey vapor, looking good. Love to see such an ambitious grow. Glad to read that I could help you decide to grow a syrup. I love that strain for an everyday smoke. Have you figured out all your temp issues? I also have cold winter temps where I am, it's already been 12deg F out at night a couple times and it caused me a bunch of issues with condensation. Can't wait to see how this multi strain grow harvest. I am specifically very interested in the auto blueberry from Dutch passion. Could you do a couple pics of just that plant? I'm thinking about ordering that exact strain, but maybe even the fem photo one as well. I'm looking for that true blueberry smoke. I've only had it 3 times in my 11yrs of smoking and it was when I was younger. That true blueberry pie smell and taste is what I'm looking to grow. It would be great if it was in an auto form. Looking forward to updates. Keep up the good growing. + rep bro
briman and DABaracuss, thanks for the suggestions! The AN nutes are nice (I really like the pH perfect and the buffers in there, makes watering/nutes a little more user friendly, especially with this many plants.) Like you stated briman, adding all those nutes per feeding and multiplying that times the number of plants, blahhhhh! :stylez rasta smoke: I hate watering, it's usually close to a full 20 gallons per watering/feeding haha! Labor of love, right?

I'm totally interested in saving some $ though; especially if I do another large run like this. I won't count the AN lineup out by any means; just want to run a cost analysis and see what's going to be more effective for me!

So it's a three part? This is what I found so far:
Sea Grow Flower & Bloom 4-26-26
Hawaiian Bud 5-50-17
Grow More Mendocino Avalanche ($35 for a quart, yikes!)

What's the veg nute in the series called? I see a lot of these listed in pounds; these are granulated nutes? I'll definitely keep an eye on them; I'm going to use up the AN stock that I have (if I have any more mysterious boxes show up on the doorstep, my Mrs will have my jewels in a vise grip :No: ) :roflcry:


Thanks for stopping by! My temp issues are pretty well resolved; my temp/humidity gauge gives 24 hour time period averages, and I've stayed at a steady low of 81 degrees F and a steady high of 86 degrees F. Average ambient temp has been around 82 degrees F (it's at 82 almost every time I open the grow room door to check.) Not quite into the 70's like I would like, but it's been stable for several days now. My outside temps have been dropping as well, the high for the past few days was in the 30's (Fahrenheit.) I've considered switching some of my fans around; maybe sticking a more powerful fan on the coal chute opening (drawing much more cool fresh air in.) On the other hand; if I switch things around I'm about 95% sure I'll be doing it again once the "official cold" has set in. Regardless, the plants seems to be doing very well!

I haven't had any condensation issues yet (knock on wood.) I don't expect to though; the humidity here is relatively dry and I don't know if I have that much of a difference in temps to cause it form (if it did, it would be from that coal chute.)

As for the Dutch Passion Auto Blueberry, absolutely man! It's unfortunately in the way back of the grow space, but I'm due for a watering/feeding soon, so when I do I'll pull it out and give it a glamour girl photo op for you! This is my first run at a Blueberry auto (I've got an Auto Seeds Berry Ryder in there too, supposed to be fairly berry in taste.)

If you aren't opposed to photo strains, have you ever dried Dinafem's Blue Widow? Blueberry crossed with White Widow. That was the most fruity, dankest, stickiest berry smelling herb I've ever smoked. I've never gotten more compliments on herb in my entire life than with that thing. VERY fruity/berry smell from the bud and a berry taste that lingers in your mouth afterwards, and potency? HOLY MOSES man. STRONG.

Anyways I'll keep you all updated and posted; pictures coming by the end of the week. 215medicineman; if I remember to I'll shoot you a message after I post pics to let you know when they are on. I'm going to start LST'ing on this next feed as I pull them out; got a lot of branching that can already be strapped down. Pretty excited for the bondage. With the plants. The bonding time I mean. Yes... the bonding time! Mwahahah! :face:

Thanks the replies fellas, have a good Thursday :smokebuds:
Day 27 and 28 from germ

Day 27 and 28 from germ. 22 plants. 1800W. Ridiculous electric bill. Confetti and eggnog at the end. Presents from Santa? A very merry ChristmaHanaKwanzika? We'll see!


Preflowers and flowering going on with pretty much every plant. Got some limbs starting to stretch out a bit, so decided to start the arduous task of LST'ing twenty two plants. From start to finish, took about 3 1/2 hours. Give or take Corona breaks, smoke breaks, and classic rock Pandora channel changes.

Here are a few pics of my LST tools of the trade. Had some old wire marking flags in the garage, so snipped off the flags and bend them into wicket shapes. Pushed into soil, gives me a little trellis-like area to attach things to. I like using pipe cleaners for my training, it's very easy to cinch them up to make things tighter, or loosen them up. The fuzzies give a slight cushion padding, making them less stressful pressing against trained stems.


I needed to water very badly; I let them go a bit longer than I would have liked for watering but circumstances kind of prevented otherwise. Luckily they've all been given a big burst of water nutes today (28 days from germ,) so all should be just fine.

Since they all stayed so green and healthy looking with 50% nute strength; I decided to take a gamble and push it up to 75% nute strength, and started adding Big Bud and Bud Candy from the AN Lineup at 6 mL per gallon of each.

Here's a lineup of the ladies!

My Dinafem lineup!

Dinafem Amnesia Auto:

Dinafem White Widow (x2! love these!)

Dinafem White Cheese

And now a couple Auto Seeds strains!

Below is an Auto Seeds Berry Ryder:

Auto Seeds Tran Siberian (very cool, minty smoke!)

Auto Seeds Purple Cheese!

Below here are a couple pictures of the Advanced Seeds Bio Diesel Mass:

Here are my Sweet Seeds plants!

The Black Cream!

The Red Poison (sisters!)

The Dark Devil (times TWO!)

How about a couple Dutch Passions?

Dutch Passion Think Different. Be Different. Or... not. (x2)

Dutch Passion Auto Blueberry! 215medicineman, these are for you!

Short Stuff Russian Rocket Fuel!

Here are two Buddha Seeds strains:

Buddha Seeds Syrup

Buddha Seeds Purple Kush

Here's the Pyramid Seeds Auto Super Hash below!

G13 Labs Pineapple Express Auto (x2, the long necked giraffes)

Here's a pic of the tent after the training. Got a MUCH more level canopy in there now. Will train them down more as they grow, bring it on!


And here are a few miscellaneous pictures of some bud sites and the training. It's been a full 24 hours since they've been bent over, they love it :hump:


I'm going to see if this latest nutrient feeding will green up some of those yellowing leaves; I'm guessing a bit of N deficiency.

I accidentally gave the Purple Kush a good nute blast; I'm not going to be surprised if she gets burned. Oops! I didn't even realize what I had done until it was too late. Could I flush her out to correct this?

I'll be replacing the 1000W and 400W metal halide lights with HPS lights tomorrow since I'm pretty much into flowering all around.

I can't wait for another 28 days! And another 28 days! And hopefully not but if it comes down to it, another 28 days. But that's it. No more than that. No man should have to wait 28 days times 4. So it shall be written, so it shall be done!

Thanks for stopping by, will try do some more mini updates! :smokebuds:
Holy shit. I can't juggle more then 5 at a time. Props man. How many in total?:slap:
Twenty two. :smokebuds: It wasn't always twenty two. No sir, in fact, the better half and I had a good talking (or should I say, I had a good talking to) about how many to plant this time around. Something more manageable. We had a plan. A PLAN! And then I had Jagermeister. :No: And it was pretty much downhill from there. A couple disappointing UFC fights, several corona and shots, and bright eyes here (referring to myself) decides "OH GEE I should GERMINATE really late at night!" Had the list me and my own put together right in front of me. I meant to follow it; I really did. But then I looked down at all my choices! Alas, here we are today. :wiz:

It's going to get crowded in there no doubt. I'll ride it out until it's too much (if it comes to that,) then may possibly toss a few in a tent with a light.

The three lights are exhausted into a space under my bedroom floor though; so I get all those warm air rising up and heating my bedroom. Nobody likes cold toes. Nobody. :stylez rasta smoke:
whoa what a juggling act!!!:Holy Moly: im sub'd

my head is spinning after checking this thread out!

looks like a full time job:gthumb:, keep up the hard work ill be cheering for ya:woohoo:
Day 31 from Germ. Switched out the 1000W and 400W metal halides for HPS about 2 days ago. Plants are going crazy. Temperatures have been dropping down outside, had a low of 64 degrees Fahrenheit and a high of 82 degrees yesterday, with an average of 77 degrees. Today it's staying about 80-81 degrees (unseasonably warm again. what is up with this weather?!) I'm going to put the fresh air intake fan on a timer so it shuts off between like 6 or 7 PM and 6 AM. I'm also looking at a fan speed controller for the 720 CFM intake fan that's blowing air into the space.

My humidity levels spiked into the 40% levels, a certain SOMEBODY forgot to vent the dryer during laundry. They'll drop back down after my dirty undies are no longer dirty. :wiz:


And check these babies out! Sweet Seeds Black Cream!


And here's the show off! Sweet Seeds Dark Devil! Look at the color coming out on this baby! Holy smokes! "Munch"


Can't wait to see these babies in another 50+ days! :stylez rasta smoke:

I looked into the Grow More Sea Grow and other nutrients; I'm thinking of sending off for the Sea Grow 16-16-16 and 4-26-26. I'll also get the Hawaiian Bud and the Mendocino Avalanche, just for grins. You guys twisted my arm. :Cool:
Right on Vapor! Unbelievable looking ladies you got there!!!! :clap: picture are awesome but that how hue mucks them up, dying to see those pics with lights off and flash on :grin: hey what can I say? I'm a sucker for canna porn!
I also just aboard the sea grow band wagon myself as much as I LOVE LOVE ADvanced Nutrients running perpetual harvests are not the easiest with it as you got to mix a bunch of different for different ladies , love the simplicity of the sea grow though I've noticed it takes a lot of ph up to get my h20 to 6.5. About to start a experiment running sea grow against AN!
Vapor sorry for the side tracking ... :rofl: really great job your doing over there!
34 Days from Germination

34 Days from Germination. Pictures updates of 8 out of the 22 ladies. Extreme bondage. Not for the faint of heart, weak of bowel, or poor of posture. Bring popcorn. And chocolate covered almonds. :pop: "Munch"

The Grow Space


8 out of 22 of the Lovely Ladies! Moulin Rouge de Vapor!

Dinafem Amnesia


Dinafem White Cheese


Auto Seeds Trans Siberian


Pyramid Seeds Auto Super Hash


Dutch Passion Auto Blue Berry


G13 Labs Pineapple Express Auto (1 of 2)


Sweet Seeds Black Cream


Sweet Seeds Dark Devil (1 of 2)


I also picked up:

Grow More Sea Grow 16-16-16
Grow More Sea Grow 4-26-26
Grow More Hawaiian Bud 5-50-17
Grow More Mendocino Avalanche Bud Hardener
Grow More Rapid Root 3 (root growth inducer)
Grow More Sea-weed Extract Liquefied Organic Kelp (.10-.10-1.5)
Grow More Iron Chelate 10%
And a gallon of Cal-mag!

I'm going to probably continue on with the Advanced Nutrients Grow-Micro-Bloom, but I may substitute out on some of the plants that I have doubles of to see if it makes a difference or not.

I'm hoping the cal/mag and the iron will help with some of the yellowing I have on my upper fan leaves.

I have some leaf curling on the Dinafem White Cheese; I suspect over fert. I can't imagine it was over watered, it was pretty darn dry when it got it's last dose of juice. I may dial back the nutes on her and see what happens; it doesn't seem to be TERRIBLE, but not something a guy wants.

Anyways, I'm going to be pulling out the rest of the ladies and strapping them down some more over the next day or two. Those Think Differents in the back have been VERY naughty and must be shown a thing or two. Stay tuned for what can only be considered "behind the beaded curtain in the back of the video store" content! Bwahahaha! :group:
35 Days from Germ - Pictures of the Think Differents!

Still training away. Decided to hold off a day on watering as I have some SuperThrive and CalMag coming today that I wanted to add to the plants. Probably should put pants on. The UPS guy is friendly, but not that friendly.

Got a few more pictures of the girls; I ran out of pipe cleaners so the training had to be put on hold, but I got the tall ones pretty much all tied down for now. I found a big box of 1000 twelve inch pipe cleaners for about $15 on Amazon, that will last me forever.

I also bought a quart of Silica Blast, as I've read a few people using it on their grows with some good degree of noticeable difference. From what I gather, it makes the stems stronger/thicker?

Also picked up a Hydrofarm adjustable fan speed controller.

AND, my latest "going to get me in trouble with the Mrs." purchase, an Autopilot CO2 monitor!

Very excited for this baby. It's such BS that a CO2 monitor is so expensive, the technology behind this is NOT expensive at ALL. I'm good friends with an employee at a safety supply store; I've gotten gas monitors at "the cool guys club" discount and they literally had slapped almost 120% markup to their cost on it. 120%! I'm not making that up! Blah! But I digress!

I'm really excited to see what the CO2 level is in the grow space. I still want to try my 6 gallon DIY fermentation CO2 generator just to see if it does anything, but I've also started looking at CO2 tanks. I found this regulator with a solenoid on it on Amazon for about $65. I'm going to check with some welding shops and brew shops to find a second hand CO2 tank, $100+ for a 20# tank is RIDICULOUS. I have dozens of welding shops nearby, so that should be an easy feat.

I'm not quite ready to jump into propane CO2 production, but I have 20# and 100# tanks already so that's just a hop, skip, and a big jump for when I finally get my proper grow area set up haha! :wiz:

Here are some more of the ladies; still have several in there to photograph and train down.

Dutch Passion Think Different

It appears that I have two different phenotypes of the Think Differents. The one in the green pot is a super bush, with TONS and TONS of bud sites! Holy crap! :High 5: Just a bushy bush bush. The one in the 5 gallon bucket hasn't really put out any flowering spots, she's still just vegging along. And BIG. Massive. Thick stem. Massive leaves. Big girl. Like, would play rugby or american football.


Dinafem Auto White Widow (1 of 2)

I love Dinafem White Widow. Stinky, SUPER sticky, incredibly awesome taste and gets you vastly medicated. Preferred smoke of my Mrs (who has fibromyalgia.)

This is one of the two I have in the grow space, the other one isn't nearly as big as this, but still flowering out. Soon this baby will just GLISTEN with trichs and the pistils will turn flaring red/orange. Ohhhhh :hump:


Sweet Seeds Dark Devil (2 of 2)

Here's my other Dark Devil. She's much bigger than the previous girl, but she doesn't have near the bud sites or bud production. I think the high sides of the pot are actually affecting her growth; I should have put more Pro-Mix in there. She'll be okay though, the light are starting to raise up enough that they are all getting a good dose of artificial sun!


So as you can see, lots of big girls in there. I've strapped them down as much as I can, I know I'll be doing this at least once a week but I'm keeping them manageable. I'm able to keep the big plants on the outer ring of the grow room, which allows actually a surprising amount of flexibility with the smaller ones in the middle. I'll try to get some better pictures, but the canopy across the board in there is nearly LEVEL. Take that. 22 plants. BOOYAH!

I've got some girls that have shown much for preflowers yet; the Russian Rocket Fuel, that Think Different, and the Purple Kush all are still just kind of vegging along. Wondering if they are going to be fickle light dependent ladies :No:

Anyways; more pictures to come and we'll see how the cal-mag does with some of the yellowing leaves, I really think that's going to fix them right up!

I'll also be working on getting better lighting down there for pictures; soft warm 40W and a CFL make for crappy photo taking. My apologies for the dreary looking light.