Indoor Vapor's Ridiculous 15+ Auto Strains 5th Grow

To be completely honest - i'm not 100% sure of the ins and outs of CO2 additions

I think (and this is only from memory) that the temp needs to be about 90f to absorb the Co2 - either that or CO2 allows you to run at hotter temps.
I think the fans and extraction need to be turned off while the co2 is on

... you know i might be making some of this up lol - I'll can have a look around to see if i can find more info, but i think Mr Ganjamoto is running Co2 so he'd probably be a good person to ask!
YEA CHECK OUT MUDDYs grow BOOM..think Co2 LED,and DWC is where its at for supa dupa monsters.:stylez rasta smoke:Looking good..guess we will get to see if the soil is too hot or not..I dont like to transplant with autos.most will tell you right to dirt with the seed is best..but its best to get them to their forever homes as fast as possible..specially you have fem seeds .There has bin a crazy outbreak of Shield bugs in the States..I moved a cardboard box that was outside and like 30 of them were behind it getting it on LOL :hump::hump::hump::brow::roflcry:OH what brand is your fan?
... you know i might be making some of this up lol - I'll can have a look around to see if i can find more info, but i think Mr Ganjamoto is running Co2 so he'd probably be a good person to ask!

:crying: Alright I'll send him a message and take a look at his setup haha!


I put the cart before the horse on the germination and grow room; took me a few (forced and coerced lol) evenings straight to get the grow room done after I already started germinating in the paper towels; had I had the room setup I totally would have just set them right up in the pots. On my next grow I will just go straight into the pots since the lights are already there. I just get so excited and start doing things out of order lol. I drink excessive amounts of coffee :coffee break:

The 720 CFM 8" centrifuge fan is a VenTech, I just bought it recently but saw some other members had them on here, and they got pretty good reviews on several stores online.

The two 400 CFM 6" centrifuge fans are HydroFarms.

The 6" 240 CFM inline fans are... ohhh I believe LEDWholesaler fans? Simple can fans; I had one out of like four or five of these 240's crap out so far; and I'm pretty sure it's just a loose wire as I accidentally (ACCIDENTALLY) dropped it while holding the cord; which loosened some wires out of the grommet hole leading into the motor. They are pretty good for the price; I wouldn't bank on them real long term though.

I have a pH pen and some pH Up/Down; I just need to FIND the darn thing. My basement looks like the beaches of Normandy revisited while getting all this setup; it's cleaning day lol! I'll keep you posted!

Hello Jorilla
Mr (lower case g) ganjamoto
A surname without a capital letter is a special thing indeed! You are truly a rare & mysterious thing of beauty! :)
:Piggy Hug:
So feel free....
Quick Vape - i think that was a royal invitation to pop a cheeky CO2 question to the king (hail!) lol

Mr ganjamoto,

Greetings and salutations! Would you have any wisdom to impart on the workings of CO2? Do you think a setup such as this would warrant trying it out? Do you have any grows where you detail your CO2 setup? Appreciate your time and any advice, sir! :smokebuds:
Mr ganjamoto,

Greetings and salutations! Would you have any wisdom to impart on the workings of CO2? Do you think a setup such as this would warrant trying it out? Do you have any grows where you detail your CO2 setup? Appreciate your time and any advice, sir! :smokebuds:

Greetings and salutations also....

After reading your possible light regime of 100w per square foot there is a strong possibility that CO2 concentration will be a limiting factor so Mr Jorilla ganjamoto would recommend CO2 supplementation.

You will also be able to run room temperature at 90F+ without undue ill heat effects on the plants...

As for CO2 boosting methods Mr Jorilla ganjamoto has used a CO2 boost bucket to good effect

You may be lucky and be able to get hold of bottled CO2 which can be used in conjunction with a regulator such as the excellent Ecotechnics Unis controller or Evolution CO2 controller system....

Well worth doing and I'd say essential with light at the intensity you say you may use....

Any CO2 supplementation experts feel free to help....

Good growing

Mr Jorilla ganjamoto.
Great INfo ..co2 puts you from good to great!I have made my own with bottles and yeast and water and sugar..seems to work well but just another chore to do in ya grow room.:stylez rasta smoke:
Mr ganjamoto,

Very much appreciated, sir. I'll do some reading tonight on my own; but is there a relation with the wattage per square foot with the consumption of CO2? Like, could you consider that amount of light to actually have "saturated" the area to the point where growth can't be pushed anymore without the CO2 supplement?

The temperatures in the grow space are falling at night; it hasn't yet gone over 90 degrees Fahrenheit once (and it will not; it's been abnormally warm and it's about to get abnormally cold.) I took the temp of 90 degrees at about noon yesterday, and in an 8 hour stretch the temperature in the grow space dropped to 86 degrees Fahrenheit. As the outdoor temperature drops and begins to maintain it's cooling effect, the ground will freeze down at least 6 inches and my space is surrounded by old masonry on an exterior wall; so I actually am questioning if I'll need supplemental heat in the grow space. I'll be running an oil heater down in room next to it; but I have some variables that I can directly change to accommodate some temperature variance. The reason I ask this is because if I bring additional CO2 in and it's temperature dependent; I want to be able to plan now before it starts getting really cold out :smokebuds:

Do you like those CO2 Booster buckets? I almost had to change my undies when I saw the price of a bucket, almost $120 USD for one! What's the average life span of those babies? I see they sell replacement mix for them, so obviously reusable. Just need to justify the return on investment; my Mrs. would have my balls in a vise grip if she saw that invoice lol!

DABaracuss, so CO2 released from active fermentation is the same principle of these other CO2 products? You just happen to be talking to a nearly 5 year beer brewer hahaha! My other hobby :X's Evil Laugh x: I have about a dozen 1 1/2 gallon PET plastic mini kegs that I could retrofit with air locks. I have untold pounds of corn sugar, candy sugars, locally harvested clover honey, and other fermentables. Or I could just brew some ales, stick them in their 6 gallon fermenting buckets, and let them bubble out in the grow tent haha!

Are you using brewing yeast or bakers yeast? Bakers yeast would be a heck of a lot cheaper.

Anyways I'll explore both store bought and DIY options; you fellas seem to think that'd be a helpful addition and I've seen your grows; I know I'm in good hands with your advice! Now if you fellas want to try some two year aged heavy scotch ale, now of that I can be of service :tiphat:
14 Days from Germination

14 Days From Germination:

Got to thinking; when do people start their count of days with their plants? Do you guys start from day of first leaves? I'm starting from tap root into seedling pots.

Anyways, I got my air bubbler working in the water reservoir.


The tub can hold about twenty gallons of water and it's being bubbled constantly by 8 small air stones. It donned on me that I could have used two larger air stones and just run two straight lines into the water (two separate air lines on the air pump,) but instead I decided to take a big steamy dump all over the KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) concept and rigged it all together with a ton of tee's and unnecessary tubing. :wiz:


My temps have been staying in the 80's (Fahrenheit.) I dropped down to 82 the other night; averaging around 86-88 right now. Supposed to get some snow tomorrow, so should get a nice idea of what the temp will be like on a cold snowy day. I've been thinking about taking the towels out of the coal chute and opening it up full bore; maybe slip some pantyhose or something over it as a makeshift screen (man pantyhose. mantyhose. yes. mantyhose.) I meant to open it up tonight when I watered but durrrrr :No: I forgot. Now there's a horde of freshly watered pots in the path leading up to it. Oh well; they'll be alright.


My humidity is pretty low; but I just watered tonight so it will raise that baby up at least 10% (you can see the high % is about 30% in there as of recent average.)


Here are the girls. You can see in these pictures that I have some slight leaf curling on the sides. I looked up some info; I'm about 90% sure it's a pH issue with the water. This would be due to it coming fresh out of the tap (with chlorine and all sorts of other minerals and chemicals.) I'll be watering from this point on with highly oxygenated and bubbled out (hopefully chlorine free) water. You can see it's affected a few of the plants so I'll be watching for it.

The HPS light gives a wonderfully crappy yellow look to everything; they are all peter pan green on their leaves. I noticed I had a little splash burn because I'm mister butter fingers when it comes to watering.

I'm going to try to find my pH pen and start pH'ing my water reservoir after it's bubbled a few days.


I watered tonight; took about 17 gallons or so. I used Advanced Nutrients calculator on their website to try to figure out how much of the Grow-Bloom-Micro to add; according to the calculator it said to add about a half oz, or 15 mL per gallon of water. I instead added half that amount (50% strength) at 7 mL per Grow-Bloom-Micro container and 1 mL of SuperThrive per gallon. I watered until runoff. I should have let the water settle a bit; had a bit more runoff then I wanted but it will dry quickly with the fans and the lights and it'll help with some humidity. Not worried about mold with how dry my humidity is already.

My next project is to build a DIY CO2 generator. I found some information on equations to help figure out the CO2 generation of fermentation based on using sugar. I'm not sure how feasible it's going to be, but I think I'm going to use a 6 gallon brewing bucket with a fitted lid with a 3 piece air locket (grommet on the lid) and ferment bakers yeast and sugar. I'll post pictures as I go through it. It will release CO2 regardless; just not sure how much good it will do with the ventilation system setup like I have it.

Will keep you all posted.