Indoor Vapor's Ridiculous 15+ Auto Strains 5th Grow

I start my count after the first set of leaves. When it starts to look like an actual seedling and not that "embryonic" look. It's usually about a week after sprout.
20 Days from Germination (big picture update!)

On day 20 from germination (or probably like day 16 from seedling if that's how you count your days.)

I've been running a 24/0 light cycle with the three lights since day 1. The outside temps have been really abnormal for this time of year; I've been banking on cooler weather to help keep my grow room cool with this many lights. My temps have been hitting 90 to 91 degrees Fahrenheit; way too hot. I'm going to take some measures when I water tomorrow.

Speaking of watering; here's my reservoir bubbling away!


This will be the first time watering with bubbled aerated water; I'm very excited to see how much of a difference it makes. I've still procrastinated finding my pH pen; I really want to see how this holds up to my straight up tap water.

I'll be doing straight bubbled water with 1 mL of SuperThrive per gallon added for this watering.

Here are a couple pics of the girls as a whole. I've got three 6" clip on fans providing air flow within the tent; it's doing a pretty good job keeping all of the plants swaying. I may add in an oscillating tower fan or a Vornado table fan mounted up high (these babies move some air.)


No if's, and's, or but's (or butts :bong: ,) I'm going to address my humidity and temperatures. My humidity drops down to around 15% when my pots are dry (and in need of watering/feeding,) and raises up to around 30-32% after a good watering. I'm considering putting a bucket of water inside the tent to allow to evaporate into the air; I actually did this in a smaller tent and it raised the average humidity almost 10% (it was a much smaller cubic area though.)

To address the heat; I'm cracking that coal chute wide open and fixing a 240 CFM 6" inline can fan to it. I've got some spare timers since I'm going 24/0 on the lights; so I could set the fan to kick on for hour intervals or some sort of time set; that way I'm not pulling in that cold air 24/7 (abnormal outside temps are ending very soon, the high for Monday is 35 degrees Fahrenheit (the low with wind chill could easily get down to near 0.) Bring on the frosty coolness! My grow space will thank the weather!

Here are some close ups of the girls. Most of the curling I had on the plant leaves seems to have corrected it self for the most part. My Bio Diesel Mass has some big curling going on, and the Buddha Purple Kush has some yellowing in the leaves. I suspect both to be pH related since I didn't pH the tap water (and it was straight out of the tap, chemicals and all.) So I may try flushing the Purple Kush with this oxygenated water (gotta find that pH pen!!!) Then I'll stay light on the nutes; I need to do a little investigating to see what the deal is.

I figured that a straight nutrient regiment wouldn't work across the board for all the plants; so I'm finding out what's tolerant to what levels pretty quick. It's all good! :Cool:

Here's a Sweet Seeds Red Poison (1 of the 2 I have in the grow space.)


Here are the two G13 labs Pineapple Express Auto's I have in the grow space. I grew out their photo strain version of the Pineapple Express; that was some of the tastiest, most distinct smoke I've ever had. I hope the autos live up to the photo taste!


Here's the Bio Diesel Mass. Look at that curling :No: As stated; I suspect pH as a big culprit; but I wonder if the 90 degree temp isn't adding to her stress. I'm going to attempt to address of those things tomorrow; I really want to bring this baby back (ribs.)


Here is the Dinafem Amnesia. This plant is pissed. Like "Rawr" pissed. Beefcake.


Here is the Auto Seeds Berry Ryder. I should've (could've/would've) put more soil in the dang pot. She's bushing out hard. She's sitting under the 400W HPS, so that may be part culprit? It's green throughout though (that HPS lighting gives such a yellow tinge to everything; I hate it!)


Here is the Auto Seeds Trans Siberian. I grew this on my last auto run; this stuff is some very icy/minty smoke. Even my Mrs asked "do you taste like a minty flavor?" out of the blue. Love it! I guess I lied; this one here is showing some slight cupping on the leaves too. So that makes three on my critical attention list!


Here is the Pyramid Seeds Super Hash. She's super pissed in that yellow pot. Maybe she hates yellow and is trying to grow out of it? Maybe it's just a PHASE and she's just trying to... grow out of it?! HAHAHAHA oh man I'm so punny! :rofl: :roflcry:


Here's one of the two Dinafem White Widows. I grew several of these on my last auto run; my Mrs absolutely loved them and she said it really helped with her fibromyalgia symptoms. Very sticky, very resinous, very smelly plants. Hope these babies turn out well!


These next two are my Dutch Passion Think Differents. These babies are growing exponentially! I can't wait to see what they look like in two weeks! Monsters I'm sure!


Here's an overhead shot of the back set of plants (partially under the 1000W MH and more fully under the 400W HPS.) You can see in the light blue pot in the front is the Purple Kush, having some issues with her. Will get her fixed up so she can roll with the big... girls.


The Buddha Syrup! I'll be honest; I was inspired to grow one of these because of 215medicineman's grow journal on his epic Syrups!


Here's one of the two Sweet Seeds Dark Devil's I have in there. I'm pretty excited to see these babies in action!


I couldn't see the tags on some of the plants; I'm pretty sure I have a Black Cream, a Dutch Passion Blueberry, and a few others in there. :wiz:

I haven't noticed any issues with the height of the lights as of yet; I think I'm going to lay down a few boards and maybe block up the shorter pots so they are more even with each other; OR, just move the larger pots to the back so I don't have so many varying pot heights.

I'm going to attempt a DIY CO2 generator system using a mixture of sugar, honey, and yeast (and possibly a few other things.) I've got some formulas from beer brewing that I think may be applicable; so best case I raise the CO2 ppm level a bit in the grow space; worst case I'm out a couple bucks and still learned something from this.

I'll be training these babies down quite a bit; but I'm already a bit apprehensive about the number of plants in here. It's gonna be packed like a sardine can! If it DOES get too hairy; I do have my two extra tents I can setup and finish it off; so I have a few other options on the table to take care of space issues if it does come down to that.

I'm happy as heck with my results so far; going to get the temps back in line, the humidity up, I'll get those three plants treated; start pHing, using bubbled water, and so far they are looking pretty healthy in my opinion!

Thanks for taking a look and I'll try to get some pictures of the DIY CO2 system tomorrow!

Ciao! :beast:
Damn Vap!!! You are gonna have your hands full. Looks like the cupping is probably heat related as well. GREAT line up of ladies you have going on!!!kind of reminds me of can can dancers all lined up kicking their legs!!!(wouldn't that make a great BOM pic!!) Karma your way!
Thanks briman! And you're right, I already do have my hands full lol! I really like doing multiple strains; I did this on my 3rd grow (a slightly similar amount of plants,) and while my yields were of epic breaking proportions; I had like 11 different strains of smoke that lasted me and my Mrs quite a good while. My goal is to grow better ever grow; I've learned so much through my failures and success and the people on here (big shout out to Muddy, you have been a Godsend on answering my questions!) It's a pain in the butt though, I keep telling myself I'm not going to do this whenever I plan a new grow, but I guess... know thy self, right? I did at least plan on having a contingency plan in case some variables on this grow didn't work out (like having 22 flippin plants in that small space :smokebuds: .)

I'll be working on the heat issue today; like I said I really screwed the pooch on banking on the cooler weather. I think with the 240 CFM inline fan on the coal chute I should be able to drop the temperature down at least 10 degrees; there's a 40 degree Fahrenheit ambient temperature difference outside versus what's in the grow tent right now. Starting next week (it BETTER, darn weather man!) there should be almost a 60-70 degree difference in outside/inside temps. I just don't want to wait for that to happen as a few days of heat stress could prove to wreak havoc, although I'm surprised how few of the other plants have shown any of those signs. Better safe than sorry, right!?

Watering is a beast; takes almost a full 20 gallons and when you start adding in those nutes; ohhhhhh mama... it's literally about an hour and a half to a 2 hour affair watering. Full strength recommendation from Advanced Nutrients was 15 mL of the Grow-Bloom-Micro, I went with 50% of that and even that's 7 mL per gallon, times 20 gallons, at what like 140 mL of each nute per feeding total? Blahhh! Luckily they seem to be lasting alright; I wanted to look into the supplements that Advanced Nutrients have but it's so overwhelming and some of those additions are pretty spendy for the volume. I read some of the AN pH Perfect reviews here on AFN; I didn't see any specific to the Grow-Micro-Bloom series though; but I've got some Bud Candy and Big Bud of the AN line; might look into a few others.

The odor down there is amazing :drool: It smells so good and so stinky at the same time! I need to finish up my tent; I never put the front flaps on yet so I have a big crack where light and air can get out; although I will say I have a fair amount of negative pressure inside the tent, as the smell pretty much stays in there unless you stick your nose right up into the crack of the door. It REEKS though. STINKY STINKY. Even with the two 6" carbon scrubbers. I need to get the sleeve back on the one; I've probably coated the crap out of the carbon with dust. I'm going to look into some big bags of replacement carbon; I was looking at the scrubber the other day and this would be a piece of cake to replace the guts. I have the whole ONA line-up to help in addition to the scrubbers; I'm a big fan of their products, have used them quite successfully, but I do understand the limitations of essential oils (they don't work for every plant.) So I'll be using two ONA mist spray dispensers (on timers, so they spray either at 15 minute or 30 minute intervals,) the ONA gel quart jars (these usually last about a month to maaaaybe two months,) then I bought a big jug of the ONA liquid concentrate, which I can rejuvenate the ONA gel or you can buy water adsorption crystals and pour the concentrate on them (that's essentially what the gel in ONA gel is.) I'm not too worried about the smell; but it's definitely time to do something about it. It'll only get worse with these stinky ladies!

What do you guys use to fix your nutrient deficiencies? All I have is basically my three part nutes and a few leftover General Hydroponics General Organics nutes. Think it would be wise to invest in some Cal/Mag? Anything else I should have on hand for when I see any deficient signs? I'd like to put together a little "plant medical kit."

Anyways I appreciate the karma! :karma Cloud: It's almost 6 AM, got the coffee brewing and bacon on, going to attempt to bust butt at work today so I can be home by noonish, then it's time to get dirty in the grow room! Peace and have a great day friends!
Quick update -

I went to water Sunday and I opened up the grow room door, temps were at 100 degrees F! It looks like it just warmed up in there; didn't see any adverse heat stress on anything in there. Immediately took half the plants out of the grow space so I had some room to work; and installed the 6" 240 CFM inline fan into the opening of the coal chute. Lady luck was on my side; it literally slid right in. I'm going to wrap it up with some insulation to help dampen the sound; I can hear it buzzing on the outside chute opening lol! I kicked the fan on and immediately started drawing cool, fresh air from outside into the space. Checked the temps 1 hour later, went from 100 degrees to 81 degrees. Checked the temps again a few hours later, 82 degrees. Checked them again before bed, 82 degrees. Checked them yesterday, 82 degrees. What a difference!

I watered on Sunday using bubbled tap water and 1 mL of SuperThrive added per gallon. The Purple Kush is starting to look a little better; looks like I have some nute burn on one of the leaves, I think I'm going to just straight up water this without nutes for the next two or three feedings before applying a much lighter dose. The Bio Diesel Mass is looking good; still have a fan leaf that has cupped in leaves, but only on the one, so I'm not sure if that leaf will return to normal or if it's forever cupped. Still need to play doctor with 'em.

Watering has already made a HUGE difference in 24 hours, holy crap! Yesterday I noticed SEVERAL inches of growth on pretty much everything. My damn Pineapple Express plants decided to stretch their necks, stupid giraffes! :smokebuds: Got a nice big long stretch of stem with no nodes in between it. DOH. They'll be alright, I gave the one a little bend and it's about time to start tying these ladies down bondage style. Whips, chains, chips and dip. Key party at Vape's grow room! :hump: The Think Different's are RAGING, what a bush! Getting a lot of branches shooting out of them, they are also just about ready for some training.

The smell is getting ridiculous down there. Open the door and it's a tidal wave of odor. The temperatures are GREATLY to blame for this, terpenes and terpenoids becoming highly volatile in temps over like 75-80 degrees Fahrenheit, causing them to burst (and regenerate.) This releases smell constantly more or less, so another good reason to keep your grow room temperatures down! I cracked open an ONA gel quart jar and stuck it down there; immediately noticed a HUGE difference. Did an odor check 24 hours later; I still have a little smell outside the space I want to get rid of; so I'm going to set up the ONA nebulizers in the tent and may pick up a few others for outside the grow space. I STILL haven't put on the grow space tent flap on the opening like I wanted (so right now, the opening is closed off with a wooden door, but not sealed. I think with the extra 240 CFM fan blowing air into the grow space, I may have upset my negative pressure system and now I'm blowing some air outside of the space. I may splurge on the fan controller after all!

Anyways, more to come! Working on the DIY CO2 generator still (most likely will do that today; I've been getting friendly reminders from the Mrs about all the sugar and yeast I had her buy that's still sitting on the kitchen floor :crying:

Will do a photo update soon; I'm just about into that massive growth spurt phase of the plants and by the end of the week I expect them to be up nearly another foot (speculating but hopeful lol!)

Thanks for the read! :smokebuds: :beast:
Looking good. I agree with the pineapple express. The taste is one of a kind and the high was pretty damn good. Hope those autos turn out the same. Will be watching to see how it turns out. If good I will have to get a pack.
Hey vap, glad you got the temp under control!! If I was going to run a grow like that, I would use a cheaper but effective nute line. I read a few journals about GROW MORE/ SEA GROW with additives call HAWAIIAN BUD, AVALANCHE, N-CAL/MAG and their version of sensizyme. This stuff is super cheap, and folks are getting great results. NO i do not work for them, and where I live they dont even sell the stuff, but I will buy some off the interweb!!! Check em out.
I run the whole AN line, and it gets to be a bitch adding 20ml of this 40 ml of that and so on. This stuff is easy on the pocket book and easy to mix and a little goes a long way. I know we as growers cant bitch about the cost of nutes, lights dirt etc. but if I can get great nutes for a fraction of the cost, that work as well or better than AN products, I am going to go that route!!! Dont get me wrong, I love the AN line and get great results, but i am gettin bored I guess. Yes on the CAL/MAG!!
Also TaNg has a GREAT ADVANCED NUTRIENT feed schedule on here, check that one out as well. Type feeding in the search bar to find it!!! I am rockin my grow with this schedule!!!
Yea lots of the old vet use the sea grow/grow more brand...its cheep and it works..its what I use..simple..2part or 3 if you add the sweetener..veg/bloom/calmag/Hawaiian bud ..last one is not super important..but they last over a year or 2 ..and is cheep as hell..dont rally think it gets much cheaper...also Id add molasses if you dont get the HB...its a very clean nute and not much of a flush is needed to still get great flavor and not much cough!:stylez rasta smoke:
Quick Mini Update - Sweet Seeds Dark Devil Pre-Flower

Just had to do a quick update; got preflowers on pretty much everything in there. The Pyramid Seeds Auto Super Hash actually has a good 5 or 6 bud sites already going. Pretty excited, massive growth everything.


BUT, I digress. This is the reason for this quick update! Check out this Sweet Seeds Dark Devil preflower! Look how dark that looks! Is this indication it should be a darker/reddish pheno?


Super pumped! :beast: