Any thoughts on miracle grow seed starting mix? I wanna fill a pot with fox farms ocean forrest, take a few handfuls out and put some miracle grow seed starter to make sure Its not to strong for the seedling? Good idea?
I wouldn't be too concerned about bugs in the soil. If anything, there may be some fungus gnats and they are very easy to get rid of.
Any Miracle Grow products, especially their soils, aren't recommended. Most of their soil products contain slow release nutrients, which can play hell sometimes, and some also have water retention agents, again something that can make things difficult.
I think you should be fine with the Floranova nutes, started at 1/4 strength. You problem before was most likely the combination of theOF soil and the nutes together that caused the overfeeding issue.
While having both liquid and soil pH meters is handy, you can get away with just a liquid one. I would highly recommend that you test your soil before you plant.has had some quality issues and we've seen some pH variations right out of the bag, with some having a low pH.
Regarding your water, while tap water isn't the best, it can be used. Just let it sit in an open container for 24 hours before use. Chlorine in the water can cause problem and by letting it sit, the chlorine will dissipate.