New Grower using hps lights for autos.

explain this party cup method..:toke:

take 2 red solo cups ok cut one of the bottoms completely out into another cup with just drain holes in u can start in a good seedling medium

after about 2-3 weeks u can transplant the cup with the hole directly into the dirt so u dont stress the roots
Its the best way cause just about everyone does it with autos u can feed the nutes into the cup to good roots easier and u also gotta water the other dirt around

the have micro grows that flower all the way to the end in the solo cups ...who knew it bet Toby KEitth really partied the red solo cup .....
look into threads maybe in the search box .....look through MUddys thread i think he uses this as well

It has been my best plant so far for growth .....
Thanks man that's good info. Can u place the cup on top of the pot filled with soil and just basically put tha roots under? How's this less stressful than planting them directly into a 3 gallon?
you insert the cup half way into ur next medium but if ur using a hot soil u put a lil more seeding medium ......then the hotter soil on closer to the bottom

going straightt into the bag is awesome too but its frustrainting watchin them stay runts till the root all the way to the bottom .....look at my thread on the bottom look at the differences in my size its a PIA but i was a noob .....look at the BR3 in the tier Compared to the others strainght in dirt ...then u can get the picture better .....!!!!1
Happy growing hope this helps /

geek out a few hours on here reading for composting ur soils if u gonna grow regularly ....u can make soils now too for ur next grow and they get better the longer they sit

Sub cool super soils
u in the right Library for cannabis here bro !!!!!!
I have a bag of fox farms ocean forest and some perlite. What else can I get to mix in because I've heard ocean farms may be to strong for seedlings. And what type of nutes do u recommend ? My seeds are yet to come in so I'm trying to get anything to make my yield that much better. Every g counts!
i have gonna straight ffof with good results add some dolomite lime and some mycorrhizal never hurts

if i could get it locally id use it straight but alot mix it 50/50 with ff happy frog

or use the tier method swampman is telling you about get jiffy or other seed starter mix put that in the cup then their that into the ffof
Could half ocean forest half happy frog be good to use in the party cup method? Or is that still to strong for a seedling? Any thoughts on floranova nutes? Sorry for all the questions I'd jus rather hear straight from growers rather than some random on YouTube.
yeah that would work but Im not familiar with those nutes
Four weeks should have been fine on the feed. FFOF has enough nutrients in it to last the first 3-4 weeks. I also asked how big they were and how many nodes when they sexed, but you didn't answer. Reason being is that I think the FFOF, being a hot soil mix, probably stunted your plants, which resulted in the lower yields. Autos have about a 6 week veg period and the key to high yields is getting them as big as possible during that time. Anything that stunts them during that period will lower their yields.

Being that you are using fem seeds, the tiered planting method isn't necessary. That's more for regular seeds. The cups are big enough to get them to sex thereby avoiding the need to commit a 3 gallon pot to what may end up being a male. For your next grow I would suggest you fill your pots with the FFOF, then scoop out a couple handfuls in the middle of the pot and replace that with some Light Warrior or Happy Frog, then plant your seed in that. Make the LW or HF at least 6" deep. That will give your seedlings a more suitable mix to start their growth, without the heavy nutrients in the OF. As the seeds grow they will eventually grow into the OF.

When you do start feeding nutes, start at 1/4 strength. See how they like that for a couple feeds, then slowly increase the strength. Most dwarf strains will usually tolerate no more than about 1/2 strength before showing signs of over feeding.

I'd say around 4 weeks is when I gave one a small amount of nutes jus for experiment while I gave the others nothing but distilled water. They were feminised seeds so I wasn't looking to determine sex. I still have plenty of FloraNova for root growth and another for flowering. The first time I used less than the recommended amount and still got nute burn. Should I put even less or get some new nutes from my local hydroponics store?
Thanks man I'm going to take your advice and go buy some happy frog or light warrior. I believe u could be right because some plants appeared healthy but seemed short and stunted. I always here u can easily get 1-3 oz from a a single auto but the most I've gotten is around 10grams. I'll be putting much more money and love into my next grow so the more advice the better.
Is this jus useful because u can tell the sex before u transplant? Or is it for better root growth? The seeds I ordered are feminsed..