New Grower using hps lights for autos.

from some reading it would be to sex them before u go through the hassle of transplanting it into dirt and it be a male .....

IM sure Muddy knows best tho ......just from some reading I did after i fugggggde up my grow 2 round im ready for a flawless grow !!!!!

Good lUck Freedom
have u looked into some threads for the soils u using and other peoples grow ........i literlay read for a day when i started and around 4 hours a day looking at all different grow soils and what not .....
Thanks bro good luck to you. I'm using FFOF and heard its great soil but to strong for seedlings so I guess its another $28 for some happy frog soil which I hear isn't as strong.
well i'd reccomend promix next time you get soil if they have it in your area... Promix BX is about 38 bucks a bale and it goes a long way, has mycrozzial fungi, and no nutes... so you can start in plain no nute soil and scale up as neccesary... from my understanding FFOF has had some issues in recent years with their product line of soils... I'd hate to see you get some BS bugs messin with ya... I had a problem with thrips a while back in their soils and have since discontinued the use of it and use promix exclusively now. other people have had great results since... I just think its too expensive for me these days... :Toke:
What tests can I run on the soil before I use it to make sure its all good? It's unopened and I don't want to throw it in all my pots and have it be no good :confused: any advice? The bag has tiny holes around it where the soil is visible.( not tears or punctures) is this normal to make sure it doesn't go bad or did I jus get a shit bag?
ph is always a good one... but that doesnt prevent bug issues... which wouldnt hatch for a while depending on their temps and gestation period...


other than that... the best test is see how it grows! :thumbs:
Could bugs be a problem in the bag I bought or do I just got to make sure.none get to my plant's?
never tried this but, soil can be heated in the oven for an hour on 200f to kill all the nasties.
they could destroy the roots .......

I read through alot of the organics forum and found alot of great homemade soils some hot for mature oplants some u make yourself....

subcools super soil is well know and u can make alot more for cheaper but read the recipie and what ever fits ur budget u can add it in over a month

Soil i will use for my next grow is already marinating and will be used in Nov...

20 gallon container
Coco fider
Biomax Seaweed compost- potassium 1-1-1
Biomax Shrimp compost- calcium 1-1-1
Peruvian Seabird Guano 10-10-2.5 at 1/4 dose
worm catings
dolomite lime

And i just seen that roots makes a new feed in a bag it had so much stuff and i dont quite remeber the name but im going buy a bag tuesday
rock meals fish meals alont of calcium for the rocks oyster shells was amazed but didnt have enough cash

some options or the promix cause alot of the pros here use it

I chose this soil cause i will be able to use for the garden inside an out
HTG ( high tech garden is where i shop )

good luck i hope this sort of gives u an idea for other stuff

and Im now sold on Grow More Seagrow for nutes !!!!!