In Dog Beers I've Only Had One
Your response and the manner it was given is greatly appreciated ,not all discussions have to turn in to arguments and I'm not trying to "push"
My views an anyone,just trying to clear some of the smoke that the nute companies feed us,,this is a great discussion and it is best that people look for as much info from as many different places a s possible to make an educated decision for threir situation,,For your knowledge and for sharing with the community..
Thanks for the slapper Bro !
Oh, I agree with you on the whole advertising aspect, but I was trying to get people to think about what's actually in these accumulator plants.
They are planted over toxic waste sites for a reason....
But that's also why I always encourage everyone to do their own research and think for themselves.
I really get a kick out of some of the "advertised" organic products myself. If people only knew the actual percentage.....
Unless you make it yourself or have it analyzed it's best to assume the majority is not, as I'm sure you already know.
I really love the ones who use all the fish and shell fish byproducts and kelp. Ask any of them about lab analysis and they seem to avoid answering that and go straight into touting how they are "certified organic"
It's like they think no one is smart enough to know that the byproducts are made from the bottom of the barrel waste, not from food grade. (And even the food grade has mercury)
Have you seen they now sell a handheld heavy metals tester / scanner for weed ?
You can get a quickie reading right through the bag !