New Grower Updates and Question to My Dutch Passion Super Skunk Grow

[emoji16] [emoji16] [emoji16]

Haha! That was an error. I didn't mean to post that.

I'm gearing towards my first harvest, although I already cut almost a third of my first plant in bud samples... So far, I have only used ph'd watet. I did get the General Hydroponics flush product, Flora Kleen, or something like that. I'll probably try it on my Skunkie and see hownI feel about it. @Itisi Have you used any flushing products?
I've used canna flush.

Stuck it in the res for a day or so ,dumped it out and then plain water for 4 or 5 days.

You could see the salts the canna flush had grabbed out, floating on top of the res.

I reckon it cuts the flush time down by 3 or 4 days.


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All good tips they've given you out there Babnik, I personally wait for the leaves to yellow a little bit more, seems to work as a rule of thumb with autos, as they don't always amber their trichs, and this can be strain dependent. Follow the stickie from @Muddy and you won't miss it ("your leaves will tell you")
To my taste, I will stop now with nutes and you'll see how she devours the rest of the goodies from the leaves, turn them yellow in a week to 10 days and you're done!

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Do you mean start cleansing when leaves go yellow, i.e. dying ? Do you continue with nutes until the leaves dies off?
The first plant have only 2 crisp 5-leaves (I dont know what the correct names of different leaves) and 3-leaves on buds.

Lot of questions...
I grow organic, so no nutes, only teas...but anyway, I look at the leaves yellowing, not the big fans, the little ones around the buds, when those start yellowing you're in the sweet spot, but I would stop nutes now, and then you'll see how the plant finishes up all the nutes stored up in the leaves and they turn yellow

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I grow organic, so no nutes, only teas...but anyway, I look at the leaves yellowing, not the big fans, the little ones around the buds, when those start yellowing you're in the sweet spot, but I would stop nutes now, and then you'll see how the plant finishes up all the nutes stored up in the leaves and they turn yellow

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Thanks. I understand better now.
In between good stone and coach lock.
Most hairs are red but cloudy with few amber.
How would that develop when the plant is deprived of nutes?

For the effect you want they should be ready to start now.

Plants store nutes so the only way to actually deprive them is let them dry out.

You want to flush the excess and let the plant eat it's remaining reserve and lower leaves to finish up just like it does in nature.

You don't want to deprive them because you don't want to hurt bud production.
QUICK SIDE QUESTIONS: Last round I was inconsistent with my nutes. I believe this was the culprit. Around week seven, I started shooting new pistils on the top and bottom when originals were almost done!?
  • Do you ignore these pistils if/when this happens?
  • Do you think this was caused by inconsistent nutes?

You can have a few new ones here and there even when she is past ready.
Very true.....

There are some who flush and some who don't. There are some that can taste the stored nutes and some that can't (I myself can)

But as I was just mentioning to another grower, anymore I really could care less about all of the other reasons for it except for the contaminates / health aspect.

Flushing can be a personal preference, but I even flush organic grows due to the potential contamination.

A hazard of getting old I guess, anymore if there isn't a lab analysis proving no contaminates present then I prefer to err on the side of caution and assume they are present.

Actually this could be an interesting flushing sub topic for the Dr. to jump in on with his history in chemicals.

The chelated flush is supposed to grab onto a lot of unwanted things that are more prevalent in most everything around us anymore.

Maybe he can shed some light on that angle of it.
Hash,if your final product tastes like nutes you should scale way back during your grow,cause while it is possible to flush the roots with a product that is more sugar than anything else.its not likely that you will flush the "bud" ,plants just don't work like that,by flushing the roots the flowers pull the nutes from the fan leaves,that's what they are there for and that's why they fade ,when the fans can give no more the flowers will sacrifice the sugar leaves in an attempt to keep the flower alive long enough to create a viable seed( not the point since we don't want seeds).point is your not flushing the flowers,think about it..about potential contamination,are your plastics bpa free,do you use a butane lighter? What is actually in the flush agent you are paying good money for? It's prolly mostly overpriced and repackaged molasses.err on the safe side and use a chemical to flush a chemical.I don't take anything that anybody says as gospel and I wouldn't expect anyone to do the same with any info I put out there,if a person is looking for the correct way to grow and finish a plant I've got a surprise answer,there isn't one! I would urge everyone reading this to have a look at what "nutrient profiling" is, and how big the "window" of nutrients that the plant can use actually is. Now if you've ever pushed a plant till the tips show nute burn you obviously went to far,correct? This shows that your at the top of the window and you would normally cut back a little right? Well if you cut back a bunch your plant would grow just fine and the leaves would not be forced into storing the extras,and neither would the roots( think lock-out and toxicity) ..This info is not meant to belittle or berate anyone so please don't take it that way.but in order to understand and use nutes more efficiently and grow a plant that you will be happy with,do all the research you can,grow a few plants to experiment on and learn from your mistakes,but mistakes don't have to cost a lot of money,don't be a victim of nute company propaganda ...
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Hash,if your final product tastes like nutes you should scale way back during your grow,cause while it is possible to flush the roots with a product that is more sugar than anything else.its not likely that you will flush the "bud" ,plants just don't work like that,by flushing the roots the flowers pull the nutes from the fan leaves,that's what they are there for and that's why they fade ,when the fans can give no more the flowers will sacrifice the sugar leaves in an attempt to keep the flower alive long enough to create a viable seed( not the point since we don't want seeds).point is your not flushing the flowers,think about it..about potential contamination,are your plastics bpa free,do you use a butane lighter? What is actually in the flush agent you are paying good money for? It's prolly mostly overpriced and repackaged molasses.err on the safe side and use a chemical to flush a chemical.I don't take anything that anybody says as gospel and I wouldn't expect anyone to do the same with any info I put out there,if a person is looking for the correct way to grow and finish a plant I've got a surprise answer,there isn't one! I would urge everyone reading this to have a look at what "nuteient profiling" is, and how big the "window" of nutrients that the plant can use actually is. Now if you've ever pushed a plant till the tips show nute burn you obviously went to far,correct? This shows that your at the top of the window and you would normally cut back a little right? Well if you cut back a bunch your plant would grow just fine and the leaves would not be forced into storing the extras,and neither would the roots( think lock-out and toxicity) ..This info is not meant to belittle or berate anyone so please don't take it that way.but in order to understand and use nutes more efficiently and grow a plant that you will be happy with,do all the research you can,grow a few plants to experiment on and learn from your mistakes,but mistakes don't have to cost a lot of money,don't be a victim of nute company propaganda ...

Just a simple discussion amongst friends, it's all good.

I think more about getting rid of the dangerous contaminates myself, I don't focus on just the nutes. But once heat is introduced they can come into play as well.

I mentioned a while back in another thread that everyone should think back to their intro to chemistry 101 class and remember what can happen when you apply heat to a compound.... it can then produce other compounds.

So even some of the basic building blocks required by this plant give off hazardous compounds when heat is introduced into the equation.

Since I use it for meds I want to reduce that possibility as much as I can myself.

To start any research on this is as simple as googling : cannabis heavy metals

I try to combine flushing with the yellow leaf method myself. A perfect flush for me is getting rid of as much excess stored nutes and as much contaminates as possible while the plant uses up what it needs and eats itself from the bottom up just as it does in nature.

Warning... old guy speach ahead....:smoking:

I grew up in a time when I could drink straight from most rivers and streams and lakes.

Before it was unsafe for kids and pregnant women to eat too much fish due to contaminates and mercury.

I laughed when bottled water first started being sold as I thought no one would ever be dumb enough to pay for a 16 oz bottle of water.... and now I won't even let my dogs drink tap water.

There is so much crap in everything around us anymore that I myself just choose to eliminate as much of it as I can from my meds.

Commercial growers in several states are now learning just how hard that can be. MA for example has not had many that have been able too pass the mercury tests.

People there complain that it's just the government setting the requirements too tight to hinder the industry and that a can of tuna has mercury in it.

What some don't understand is the difference required for ingestion (PPM) and why inhalants need to be measured at PPB.

Contaminates in cannabis are something I would encourage any grower to do some research on.

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Just a simple discussion amongst friends, it's all good.

I think more about getting rid of the dangerous contaminates myself, I don't focus on just the nutes. But once heat is introduced they can come into play as well.

I mentioned a while back in another thread that everyone should think back to their intro to chemistry 101 class and remember what can happen when you apply heat to a compound.... it can then produce other compounds.

So even some of the basic building blocks required by this plant give off hazardous compounds when heat is introduced into the equation.

Since I use it for meds I want to reduce that possibility as much as I can myself.

To start any research on this is as simple as googling : cannabis heavy metals

I try to combine flushing with the yellow leaf method myself. A perfect flush for me is getting rid of as much excess stored nutes and as much contaminates as possible while the plant uses up what it needs and eats itself from the bottom up just as it does in nature.

Warning... old guy speach ahead....:smoking:

I grew up in a time when I could drink straight from most rivers and streams and lakes.

Before it was unsafe for kids and pregnant women to eat too much fish due to contaminates and mercury.

I laughed when bottled water first started being sold as I thought no one would ever be dumb enough to pay for a 16 oz bottle of water.... and now I won't even let my dogs drink tap water.

There is so much crap in everything around us anymore that I myself just choose to eliminate as much of it as I can from my meds.

Commercial growers in several states are now learning just how hard that can be. MA for example has not had many that have been able too pass the mercury tests.

People there complain that it's just the government setting the requirements too tight to hinder the industry and that a can of tuna has mercury in it.

What some don't understand is the difference required for ingestion (PPM) and why inhalants need to be measured at PPB.

Contaminates in cannabis are something I would encourage any grower to do some research on.

Your response and the manner it was given is greatly appreciated ,not all discussions have to turn in to arguments and I'm not trying to "push"
My views on anyone,just trying to clear some of the smoke that the nute companies feed us,,this is a great discussion and it is best that people look for as much info from as many different places as possible to make an educated decision for their situation,, :slap: For your knowledge and for sharing with the community..
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