New Grower Updates and Question to My Dutch Passion Super Skunk Grow

@Moondude @HashMaster @witchyhour You wise people!

How do I know when the two weeks of cleansing should start?

Final flush depends on several things

What kind of effect are you going for ?

Is she a big drinker ?

What kind of medium and what kind of nutes ?

I'm actually thinking about going with the AN Flawless Finish because it cuts down the flush time and because it grabs onto heavy metals and other nasty things these girls can absorb.

Also by using that as opposed to water you only have to determine what effect you want because it is much more efficient.

More amber = more couch lock
Hey Doc, I heard you howling at the moon........

This is one of my final big struggles brother, when I was young, I chopped when I was told to AND the plants were fed by a creek and nutes from the cornfields......

To help cover my but I purchased FloraKleen, which is the rinse solution from General Hydroponics; whom I use for nutes. This stuff is suppose to jump you to flushing only 2-3 days. At this point I cannot comment on this product, I have not had it long enough.

Here is what I have learned so far:
  • I don't think it is possible for a true stoner to wait too long with Autoflowers.
  • Unless it is a hobby plant (Roadrunner), it will not be done before 60 days total.
  • Most go around day 70 (so far for me).
  • Two weeks ain't gonna happen IMHO. If you run nute schedule according to text, it does not add-up. Technically you do not feed them until after three weeks. You give them straight water for two full weeks to flush. This does not leave any room for a proper nute schedule.
Going forward I am going to STICK to my nute schedule and after week eight, keep them on ripen nutes until trichomes are were I want them, flush with FloraKleen, then clean feed for about three days.

This is from someone with eight AutoFlowers under their belt. I am anxious to hear from @budelee and @HashMaster and @witchyhour..........

Do you have one of these charts:
View attachment 578970

Good chart, off just a little bit though from my experience. At least with the strains I run.

Second from last happens around 70% - 75% and progresses to the last stage after that.
Final flush depends on several things

What kind of effect are you going for ?

Is she a big drinker ?

What kind of medium and what kind of nutes ?

I'm actually thinking about going with the AN Flawless Finish because it cuts down the flush time and because it grabs onto heavy metals and other nasty things these girls can absorb.

Also by using that as opposed to water you only have to determine what effect you want because it is much more efficient.

More amber = more couch lock

See why I'm still freaking on this one Doc!!!?
Final flush depends on several things

What kind of effect are you going for ?

Is she a big drinker ?

What kind of medium and what kind of nutes ?

I'm actually thinking about going with the AN Flawless Finish because it cuts down the flush time and because it grabs onto heavy metals and other nasty things these girls can absorb.

Also by using that as opposed to water you only have to determine what effect you want because it is much more efficient.

More amber = more couch lock

I'm guessing Flawless Finish is similar to what I got from General Hydro. I HOPE.....I will hit google, if not the same, AMAZON PRIME!!!
Flora Kleen® is formulated to remove fertilizer residue that can accumulate in hydroponic systems, growing media and potting soils over time.

Use Flora Kleen monthly to maintain your hydroponic system or potted plants and eliminate excess salts that can accumulate over time from regular fertilizer application.
• Dissolves away accumulated fertilizer salts.
• Reduces excess and imbalanced fertilizers.
• Releases nutrient bond between plant and system.
• Use Flora Kleen as a final flush for one week before harvest.
• Safe for hydroponic systems and media while plants are growing. DIRECTIONS: Hydroponic systems:
Between nutrient changes: Mix 1 to 2 teaspoons per gallon water. Use milder solution for young or fragile plants, stronger solution for older and stronger plants close to harvest. Recirculate in hydroponic system for one to two hours. Drain and refill hydroponic system with fresh nutrient solution.
Final flush before harvest:
Drain old nutrient solution and discard. Refill hydroponic reservoir with fresh water and mix 2 teaspoons Flora Kleen per gallon water. Run this solution during last day or two before harvest.

Potting Soil & Soilless Mixes:
•Fill a watering can with fresh water and add 1 to 2 teaspoons Flora Kleen. Drench until there is runoff from the bottom of the pot. Resume your regular fertilizer schedule with the next watering.
See why I'm still freaking on this one Doc!!!?

It's not hard, starting out I usually just tell people to wait until 75% of the hairs have turned brown.

You can't go wrong with that as a baseline and then as you get more experience you can play with it depending on your desired effect.

But since I miss about 95% of the posts here I thought it would be easier and quicker to just ask him and maybe help him dial it in a bit better for his needs.

As I've missed keeping up on his grow......
Flora Kleen® is formulated to remove fertilizer residue that can accumulate in hydroponic systems, growing media and potting soils over time.

Use Flora Kleen monthly to maintain your hydroponic system or potted plants and eliminate excess salts that can accumulate over time from regular fertilizer application.
• Dissolves away accumulated fertilizer salts.
• Reduces excess and imbalanced fertilizers.
• Releases nutrient bond between plant and system.
• Use Flora Kleen as a final flush for one week before harvest.
• Safe for hydroponic systems and media while plants are growing. DIRECTIONS: Hydroponic systems:
Between nutrient changes: Mix 1 to 2 teaspoons per gallon water. Use milder solution for young or fragile plants, stronger solution for older and stronger plants close to harvest. Recirculate in hydroponic system for one to two hours. Drain and refill hydroponic system with fresh nutrient solution.
Final flush before harvest:
Drain old nutrient solution and discard. Refill hydroponic reservoir with fresh water and mix 2 teaspoons Flora Kleen per gallon water. Run this solution during last day or two before harvest.

Potting Soil & Soilless Mixes:
•Fill a watering can with fresh water and add 1 to 2 teaspoons Flora Kleen. Drench until there is runoff from the bottom of the pot. Resume your regular fertilizer schedule with the next watering.

Yeah, not the same... water will do all that.

There are contaminates you have to worry about such as heavy metals and mercury etc

Fish by products can give you mercury, soil or peat or nutes can give you heavy metals, Chinese plastic pots can leach lead and other nastys.....
[emoji16] [emoji16] [emoji16]

Haha! That was an error. I didn't mean to post that.

I'm gearing towards my first harvest, although I already cut almost a third of my first plant in bud samples... So far, I have only used ph'd watet. I did get the General Hydroponics flush product, Flora Kleen, or something like that. I'll probably try it on my Skunkie and see hownI feel about it. @Itisi Have you used any flushing products?
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Hmm what's up @HashMaster @Moondude @Dr. Babnik I have mixed feelings about pre harvest flushing and have tried a few different ways.First off if you think/believe that an ash that does not burn gray is caused by improper flush or nutes still present( like we've all been told) then it of course makes sense that you should flush your plants before harvest( but look at your curing process before you spend money on a flush agent) if you think that a plant should use all its nute reserves and turn yellow from nitrogen deficiency before /as the triches are ambering up,think again,what would happen if you defoliated maybe a few weeks before harvest and there was no nute reserves or fans to turn yellow,changes the whole game doesn't it?? There are many theories and "tests" done to "prove" that flushing is necessary most of which were probably done by nute companies to have you buy their a natural setting where the fans would be necessary to store what little nutes it can gather from a( prolly) unconditioned soil, the fans would be necessary for the plant to make it to harvest therefore the yellowing is caused by the plants usage of those reserves,but ,there would not be a flush of a plant in a natural setting,..I have ran plants with no flush and they burn clean I have straight water flushed for a few weeks and they have still burned clean..the mid term flush between cycles is to flush salt buildup which may not happen if the plant is watered with plenty of runoff and done often,but when a plant is being flushed from a nute issue or trying to "reset" the medium it is said to be done with ( something) like 3-5 times the water as the pot size( cause this clears nute/salt buildup and basically resets the medium which is why a 1/4 strength feed is supposed to follow) ..these are my thoughts mixed with different reports/studies and without an in depth and accurate test of two plant( one flushed and one not) (to see what's left in it) how would you know if the product your spending money on really works,but each strain is different and each pheno could also be different in the way they use the nutes,now if your plant has an issue that is obviously cause by a problem( like nute burn,spotting,toxicity,deficiency) then I would say flush it( and this would include near harvest cause that's when plants needs change and a lot of the time are over/under nuted) but if your plant gets to the Amber % you are looking for but the leaves show an even uniform fading ( or none at all)I would not flush( and I have had them finish this way) sorry for the book but do a search for flushing and you will get 50% say yes and 50% that say no,,try it and see..just my 2cents tho..
I'm stoned,short answer,do I or have I use a flush