Indoor Five's Auto Garden - Think Big + Super Skunk

thank you so much for your reply.
One more question I have is about the PH levels you used and at what stages you adjusted your PH levels if you did so.

many greets
thank you so much for your reply.
One more question I have is about the PH levels you used and at what stages you adjusted your PH levels if you did so.

many greets
I keep my pH at 5.6-6.3 from start to finish and fluctuate between those levels each feed as different nutrients are absorbed at different pH levels
thank you again, this helped me alot.
I wonder how you did determine the needed EC for your plants, because I struggle to find a way to termine it.
Do you have a way to calculate it or a table to check for each strain?

thank you again, this helped me alot.
I wonder how you did determine the needed EC for your plants, because I struggle to find a way to termine it.
Do you have a way to calculate it or a table to check for each strain?

If you check my OP you'll see the nutrient schedule I use. I use the same for every grow and just added CalMag for this one as the girls were showing deficiency.
I got it from another Canna Coco user who just took the schedule given by the manufacturer of the nutrients and dialled it down for better results after a lot of trial and error.
All nutrient manufacturers will tell you how much to use and when but growers find most advise to use a lot more than required which is why a lot advise to flush every couple of weeks.
It depends on the nutrients you use, your mediums and your grow style as to how much to use and when.
A lot of nutrient companies have calculators on their websites
If you check my OP you'll see the nutrient schedule I use. I use the same for every grow and just added CalMag for this one as the girls were showing deficiency.
I got it from another Canna Coco user who just took the schedule given by the manufacturer of the nutrients and dialled it down for better results after a lot of trial and error.
All nutrient manufacturers will tell you how much to use and when but growers find most advise to use a lot more than required which is why a lot advise to flush every couple of weeks.
It depends on the nutrients you use, your mediums and your grow style as to how much to use and when.
A lot of nutrient companies have calculators on their websites

thanks alot! I use Hesi fertilizer and they have a schedule on their website, but I thought Auto flowering plants would need a diffrent schedule, since the website only shows 1 schedule it should be for photo plants. Also i thought indica / sativa / hybrid strains would need diffrent EC levels.


Sorry for the delay guys but I have been moving house and things have been a bit all over the place this last couple of weeks.
The girls did ok in the move though and now have a nice new 1.2x1.2x2M tent to live in that they seem to be enjoying.

I have a few trich pics for you guys to check out but from what I see I'm thinking Super Skunk is about ready to start flushing but Think Big has a couple more weeks yet. I'd really appreciate you're thoughts though as I'm still not 100% confident with this stuff.

Super Skunk


Think Big


Some more trich pics for you all to take a look at. Since the move I can't find my camera so I don't have any plant pics but let me know what you think of the below.
I'm thinking Super Skunk looks ready to flush as my eyes see a lot of cloud and amber, but I'd really love some more opinions on this please.

Think Big probably has another week or so to go but again, opinions please! :)

Super Skunk


Think Big
