Mephisto Genetics UPDATED Seed starting advice in real time with slowandeasy

I hope you don't mind Slow. But you give so much to others, wanted to give you something back. Just a couple of things you might want to add to your germ game. And this is just a joke bro. Having a laugh.

First off, I'd be worried about someone kidnapping your beans when germinating. So that is why I have a wifi security camera pointed at the germ station, so I can watch over them 24x7!
I also like to over do it with temp and humidity. My preferred setup is to have 2 hygrometers. One inside the tray dome, one outside. And I have a laser point and shoot thermometer to check the temperature of the medium (you coco, me rapid rooters) as well.
I also take a deep breath and exhale in to the dome once per day to give them a boost of CO2.

Well, that's all my friend. One more thing. I have 5.5 out of 6 germinated now using the plugs.

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Glad you got 5/6 up now bro. When did you plant them? What strains? Good luck homie.
Glad you got 5/6 up now bro. When did you plant them? What strains? Good luck homie.

Thursday. Not sure what time of the day. Supper hour I think. Meph Fantasmo and Heisenberg and a couple of Sweet Red Poison. I'll take that good luck you offered up bro! Hope all is well on your end.
How do you germ bro? Interested.
So far all mine have been put in a small tupperware container for 24hr soak in RO water. I tap seed out of package on piece of paper then dropped into container. In that time I had cracked shells with small tail showing. I had my pots of coco precharged waiting, then made shallow hole and mixed in 1tsp of mykos. In the loose mix made 1cm hole (chop stick), placed seed tail down carefully with tweezers. Then misted the top of pot, 24hrs later I had them popping up.
So far all mine have been put in a small tupperware container for 24hr soak in RO water. I tap seed out of package on piece of paper then dropped into container. In that time I had cracked shells with small tail showing. I had my pots of coco precharged waiting, then made shallow hole and mixed in 1tsp of mykos. In the loose mix made 1cm hole (chop stick), placed seed tail down carefully with tweezers. Then misted the top of pot, 24hrs later I had them popping up.
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Nice work, I don't like to do more than a 24hr soak in water. I really only do 10-12 hrs. Because they don't really need it, and if I were to get busy I don't want them to get too soaked. The 10-12 hr soak will activate the seed for germination, but most of the time you won't have it open that quick. I like to precharge my Coco the night before and let the Coco soak it up good and get up to temps in the Coco before planting. The light covering of moist Coco will act like a paper towel and the seed germinates quickly. No extra moisture is needed, just a dome. Set it and forget it, they will be above ground in no time.
Thanks for this thread Brother✌️
Some you guys jumping in here Need to learn a bit Respect!
Myself I soak over night just like Slowandeasy at this point if it has sunk to bottom of cup I put into my final pot! Then keep a done on it and mist if needed! If seed don't drop to bottom of water i wait longer but never more than 24hours. I had a good germ rate so far and I also NEVER TOUCH MY SEEDS AFTER TOUCHING MY BALLS!!! lol I open vile or pack and tap seed into water then drain and tap into soil lol
Having said all that lately I've had low germ rate and you mentioned the room temp with soil I've never paid attention to this and now I think I can bring my germ rate up so this thread has give me good tools so thanks slow and easy one day I will grow a Big one again lol
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Rapid rooters are useless for people growing in Coco. To feed any seedling in a rapid rooters it must be transplanted or inserted into your medium. A complete waste of time and money, they are not magic or anything special. Show me people feeding full strength nutes in just rapid rooters without any other medium. No need to COMBINE anything in pure Coco.

There is plenty of proof that the human hand is covered with unwanted essential oils/dirt and any Botanist would absolutely tell you it is not worth the risk of handling seeds barehanded. If you want to do things half assed, that is up to you. If you want to take unnecessary risks, that's up to you. There is ZERO reason to touch a seed with your bare hands. Potential failure is the only reason you need to avoid it. Again, I am sharing my method. 20+ years of growing goes a long way. People that get lazy and cocky fail eventually.

Rapid rooters are fine for coco, according to *( don't link directly to there, against TOS)*
They are listed among the "optional" accessories near the end of the article.

We take a risk every time we drive, but it's very low and doesn't prevent us from driving, because driving is so much more convenient than not.
Same with touching seeds. I'll live with the tiny risk of my germy hands ruining 1 seed in a thousand. Until I see valid evidence that touching seeds harms them in real life, not just in theory.

The best combination of simplicity and effectiveness is to use bare hands to plant seeds into rapid rooters, and then put the rapid rooters plus sprouts into their final destination.
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Let's focus on the bigger picture here. This is @slowandeasy method of germing hes not trying to tell people what has to and doesn't have to be done. Hes simply sharing his tech on starting seed. If rapid routers work for you so be it, other people have bad luck with them. I personally use rockwool when planning a dwc plant but have had seed fail due to being too wet or too dry, that's not to say that everyone who germs in anything other than rockwool is wrong.

I personally am thankful you shared this slow, I have used many methods to germ and many different products. Like you said a bit of precharged coco and a soaked seed with a dome I find to work best also. Thanks again man. I hope this whole thread doesn't get over run with people talking about touching or not touching the seed, that's irrelevant. The important part is that seeds popped, and new comers can use this as a guide to help them.
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