Mephisto Genetics UPDATED Seed starting advice in real time with slowandeasy

I'm a huge fan of watering more often (if needed) with a smaller amount. And have watered like that in the past. Thank you again.
I'll post some pics at some point. Learned a good amount already.
Currently, I'm watering the outermost edge of my 3gal smart pot

The majority of the roots in general are about as far out as the leaves. Water around an imaginary circumference created by the leaves and the plant will stay well fed while at the same time keeping the roots reaching out for more. As it grows, just keep making the circle larger.

The majority of the roots in general are about as far out as the leaves. Water around an imaginary circumference created by the leaves and the plant will stay well fed while at the same time keeping the roots reaching out for more. As it grows, just keep making the circle larger.

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Completely wrong! Unless you want slower growing plants and thin roots. Monkey see Monkey do around here. Read the thread and learn a little. Draw that line around the outside of the pot if you want to grow better. Watering near the stem is counter productive. I have grown thousands of plants. Started hundreds of seeds and Taken thousands of clones. I love this site, but too many people don't use their head and copy others mistakes. Your drawing is a Prime example. The Blind leading the blind. Roots will seek Moisture. They will stretch much farther than their leaf width if you water around the OUTSIDE. But do as you say and they have ZERO reason to seek moisture. 20+ years of using clear cups to Clone and start seeds will teach you a lot about root growth.

I cringe eveytime I see plants being watered around the base of the stem, which is daily on this site and backwards thinking.. It's kinda like the "no transplant tiered growing". I don't know why people think they can't transplant an Auto. I used to see that technique around here, but not as often now. That is a useless technique, unless your goal is to yield worse and have smaller plants. Everyone I have told to water around the edges vs near the stem sees that I am absolutely correct and change their methods. You need to think of the Coco, peat, soil, ect as a SPONGE. Watering around the edge will keep the most moist medium near the outside and moisture will wick inwards. If you water near the stem, the moisture will wick in both directions, leaving the Outside driest. The roots won't grow as fast or as thick because the moisture is right on the stem already. The roots have no need to work on getting bigger. Which is why I also suggest Bottom dunking seedlings or Clones in cups. If you top water a fresh seedling it drowns the roots from the top. The roots have Zero incentive to grow and will be thin water roots. Bottom dunking will produce thick white fuzzy Roots that fill the cup tremendously quicker.