Indoor UnholyFire's Multi Strain Test Grow

hope your feeling better now ! my friend:tiphat: i have a mflb, but my batterie's are dead,:no:and i need the cash for the ac adapter."Bailers Booya" they want 50buck's:jaw: iuse it when i feel lungy!:smoke:
Oh man astro. I dont know what I would do with out my mflb now. My lungs are so worn out before I got the vape I could just do 3 hits from anything. After that I would be coughing so bad it would be hours before I could smoke again. With this little mflb I can smoke a trench and not cough once! I love this little thing.:pighug: Peace friends
Howdy UHF--welcome to the zany world of vaping.

Next step = Arizer Tower or the more pricey Volcano.

Understand about updating. Gets trying when one grows consistently and not running at 100%.

Thanks for dropping by my last slow going thread--that is update wise.

Howdy UHF--welcome to the zany world of vaping.

Next step = Arizer Tower or the more pricey Volcano.

Understand about updating. Gets trying when one grows consistently and not running at 100%.

Thanks for dropping by my last slow going thread--that is update wise.

:hug::Sharing One:
Hi friends, I'm not gone yet :)

Here are my favorite strains just doing their thing. They had a big stretch going on with the lights on 12/12 so i tied them over to slow them down and try for a few more bud sites. One pot has two plants in it. Over the last two weeks I've moved my lights back to 18/6 by adding an hour more light every few days. I did not go in any order. Just a hour here and a hour there. They look fine but we will just have to wait and see. Enjoy and peace my friends.
Very nice UHF. How have you been.

They look like they will junglize soon.

Sounds like a good technique for adjusting the lights.

Thanks my friend. I'm doing much better for now thank you brother:Sharing One:.

Yes the adjusting of the lights were a must for me. i need the 18/6 "pher Wiggle"
Also the plants have to be finished by end of May for a short break in the growing. So they need all the light i can afford to give so they can grow as big as they can. The stretch from the 12/12 was looking like it would of just left one good bud on top and hardly nothing down below. Now they all have about 10 bud sites more or less. They wont be monsters in the 5x5x5 pots but it will be fantastic meds:smoke:

- - - Updated - - -
Hi friends. Cut the rest of the WRB today. Nice 2 liter bud:grin: Smelled so berry! Still have the one more WRB that is very frosty. I'll get pics up in a few days :peace:
2 Liter cola. Not the beverage...
Way to grow!
Congrats on the harvest.
:Sharing One:
Hi friends. My camera was down when i harvested the SD and the DFG X BH. Ill get some dried pics up in a day or so. As for now here are some pics from my next grow. Stone Dragon x Duurty Dragon, More Dr feel good x Blue Himalayan, and a new strain for me Double Dragon. I marked them 5/5 for day one but they were more like day 7 or 8 from sprout. Started with 13 seeds and have 10 babies. Peace friends
"Munch..munch..munch Looking forward to it bro.......