First Ever Grow: Beginner Questions

I think I’ll wait til I can actually cultivate :baked:
I got 4 grows going now im documenting. But I dont think there under grow journals. There under the mephisto and gnome automatic forums. You think that will count? And i started posting. After they started but got pic from the beginning wonder if it will still count ? If anyone know let me know.
Ask staff they can answer that here I'll tag one in and let them explain what it takes... @St. Tom could you please help these guys with what they need to get in cultivators club?? Shit read my grow journal that will show you what you need to be doing.....
I think I’ll wait til I can actually cultivate :baked:
Ok shit I'm not I'll get through trial and do you think everyone on here learned....and are the best of the best...that will be me one day...all cause the people here on this network and the advice theses nice people offer...but I understand..ain't nothing holding me back......
Start a grow journal from beginning to end....
Hey don't forget to let me know when you want to pop these blackberry haze????well do it at the same time and see who's comes out the best....we're both new so why not........just for fun....