New Grower PG’s Autoflower Grow Tents

Hahahaha lime jello doesn’t go with skunk noted lmao that’s funny :crying: I will decarb a little hotter next time then I think I did like 200F for 20 min ….. any advice for infusing the pucks? I was gonna do a double boiler for like 2 hours ….. looking forward to learning more! I need to see some of ur presses - rosin is what got me into homegrowing in the first place! Love that solventless
I use my rosin chips for butter. I save them in the freeze till I have a small sandwich baggie full of them then I decarb them in the oven bag and all at 225 for 25 to 30 mins then I boil 4 sticks of butter with about a half cup to a full cup of water mixed in the melted butter and I cook the chips down in the water butter mixture for roughly an hour. Throw it in the fridge over night so the butter can harden and separate from the water which the butter ends up on top the next day hardened and then I poke a hole in the butter to drain out the leftover water and its good to go.... The used rosin bags work just like cheese cloth keeping the particles out of the butter so thats why I just cook them press bag and all. I can usually make 3 or 4 batches of cookies from a run of butter like that and I also use half weed butter and half regular butter when making the cookies and they are still a bit much so a hole bag of rosin chips isn't necessary I just usually have a sandwich bag full when I make butter. I usually only press bubble hash and Kief so material used probably makes a difference also. I think the Rosin is the easiest to infuse into things as far as gummies or hard candy which IMO works totally different the hard candies almost work like a sublingual entering in through saliva glands hits way faster totally different and buzz is more intense.
Plants 1 and 3 are 38 days and plants 2 and 4 in the autopots are 24 days just showing pistil hairs

and here is my earthbox junior day 10 on the left and 6 on the right
I haven’t posted in a while. Sorry for my lack of updates but I was going through job changes and some stressful personal stuff And as a result I slacked on my journal updates. No more testers for me I’ve got too many plans at the moment. Short update - the autopot run that I last posted here was successful - between the two plants I yielded 7.5 oz dry of some stuff that dried and cured out perfectly. The earthbox junior grow I had two plants that yielded 2 oz and 1 oz dry respectively. That grow had some issues next time I use EBJR it will be one plant only.

I now have two photoperiod feminized Holy Punch (Church x Grape) by GreenHouse SeedCo in veg in my 2x4 tent with the HLG 300L in autopots. They are about 35 days old now. I transplanted one of them and it got stunted in its small container but has fully recovered now. The rez has cutting edge solutions nutrients, root hormone, microbes, and silica set to 600 ppm and 6.0-6.2 ph. It’s pretty much set it and forget it which has given me time to figure some other things out.


I realized I had my light fixtures all wrong. I moved them up as high as possible and put them on full blast. After doing this I checked the PPFD readings on an application called Photone and my readings were perfectly appropriate. I’ve noticed some new vigor since then. The plant now is to defoliate sometime today or tomorrow and really open them up, break the apical dominance and get as many budsites as possible. I wanna fill this tent because I only got 3 seeds and after germination only 2 sprouted. So I want as many grams as possible off these two plants. Once I’ve got the structure I really want then I will flip these to 12/12
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I got a new light fixture in my 2.5x2.5 tent - photontek SQ200 watt with added 730nm Far Red (IR) - took a minute to figure out best hanging distance but ultimately decided to do the same thing as my other tent- raise light high as possible and put on full blast. PPFD readings were spot on , again.


The smallest two here are Triks autofems by Mendo 20/20 - I threw them in just in case all the rest were males (the other plants are all regular photoperiods except one feminized photoperiod) - I really wanna stick 2-4 females in this 20 gallon honor bags raised bed. I’ll be filling with plain coco and using a pump sprayer wand to fertigate the medium. Same nutrient program as the autopot reservoir but I’ll add a wetting agent called Rain by Aurora farms - it’s got too much organic matter in it for the reservoir but helps greatly for hand watering. Whenever sexes are shown I’ll remove males and fill the raised bed. The autos are subject to however things play out I might transplant them into rain science bags, leave them and squeeze them where they fit, or put in the raised bed. Havent decided yet. The one feminized photoperiod I have decided it will get its own tent and light fixtures and will be transplanted into a 3 gallon rain science bag filled with plain coco. Thanks for tuning in fam. Trying to raise the bar as always. Whenever I get good enough at growing I’ll try my hand at creating my own lineage with a breeding project but I’m not there yet
Photo Fem tent

Holy Punch #1 - this plant got abused from LED light fixture being way too close and as a result has extremely tight internodal growth. I feel the only thing helping her move forward at all is a heavy defoliation every 5 days or so lol - here she is after a moderately heavy stripping

Holy Punch #2 - she can’t be stopped I accidentally ripped the main stalk about 5 days ago tying her down and it only made her stronger. Today she got a light defoliation and a little lollipop of the lower branches that will always be covered by canopy space - I also watered in some transition strength bloom nutrients that were extra leftovers from my autoflower containers this morning

Grape Diamonds - this plant got stuck into a tent with no airflow or fan for a couple days - what a huge mistake that was - she looked terrible - but after putting her back into this tent with a little Fung Shuay (lol?) she’s back in action- LST is in her near future
4 regular photoperiods plants and 3 different strains here - I don’t really care about them much at all until the gender reveal - I flipped to bloom 4 days ago - and started giving transition strength nutrients - they are still in small plastic containers - still no sign of genitalia - but as soon as I remove males they will be transplanted directly into this raised bed they are sitting in now - I would grow all 3 of these strains again they are passing my basic stress test
Autoflower tent - two triks by Mendo20/20 (triangle Kush) - they are somewhere between 3-4 weeks old - I had two small QB HLG LED that i tied together up high but it was too much - I’ll admit they look way better after I cut one of them off - maybe halfway through bloom I can try both fixtures again - they were also drying out quicker than I expected - so I’ll get them right again by my update next weekend - oh they also showed sex yesterday (female confirmed) around day like 24-25 - I was able to delay bloom for about week week with some 1/4 strength grow nutrients every watering
2x4 autopot tent 300LHLG
Grape diamonds - gave her some LST and just a little defoliation - shes looking right now

Holy Punch #1 - she’s getting big - I readjusted all the ties to different parts of the branches , added some cannabenders - I love her purple splotches on the stems can’t wait to see her bloom

Holy Punch #2 - this is obviouslya different phenotype- no purple all green, super squat - wonder how the structure is gonna change during the transition - might a small yield

I’m adding bloom nutrients only to the reservoir at this point and just changed the light schedule to 12/12 - I think in a month I’ll do 11/13 and then for last month of bloom 10/14 just for shits and gigs - wanted to wait longer but I plan to move in March lol so needed to harvest by then - light fixture at 50% draw - I’ll post my updates for the other two tents by the end of the day
Day 32 for these triks autos by mendo 20/20 - I cleaned up the canopy and lollipopped some lowers to make it all even - they kinda look like shit but have been through lots of stress so now I’m just gonna water them and leave them alone since they running out of vitality lmao should be able to finish them though