Indoor UnholyFire's Multi Strain Test Grow

Man we know all the pain bro bad as it is I'm really trying to protect my mom and family with medical needs they have Ted all government pulsation recommendations and my mom has had to detox literally be submitted into watched detox fir xananx she been on them for 35 plus years ....dude I coulda choked her Dr .....literally beat him to pulp for what he did for the last 40 years ....she lived with pot for years but very light smoker she was into edibles and teas and sorts to hide it .....she was the bbest mom when we was 12-16 ....then shit got really bad in the 80s with pot so inebriated herself on. A PILL ......TESTIMONIES LIKE THIS and many of us have seen bro best friends terminally ill HEP B ....blood transfusion by DRS. was a home style man so no fooling in the bushes ....came to us as 25 year old rocking punks ....yo can I smoke with y'all .....he said I can't eat anymore the morphine pills pills pills ...has me fucked up ....
.so we smoked ....his days began to last longer ....his months began to last long ....Drs gave him marinol the scientific break through of THC ....Haha if you wanted twitches take it effects whatsoever his consumption grew into pot ....we made him Brownies edibles smokes pipes ......then man lived 12 yearspadt his due date inevitable he passed but was offered 6-10 months before MJ ......ISO this is off subject but man it feels good to say that hey we ate doing this for reasonable needs u said they small and mostly u can see they will be personal .......u ain't even trying to make a farm bro man best wishes man this shit sucks its a plant wtf!!!!!!!!
Nice swampman :thumbs: Yes my wife has about relaxed me back to norm for the mean time with kind words and some Critical+Automatic she had stashed. Back to counting down days till i get my tent and lights. The PM is taking off. They really liked the full strength nutes. Ill have my cab up tomorrow in my storage and get some pics.
Amen ....I think unfounded my problems too ....the soils for the DR FEELGOOD wasn't right ....I went back to my very airy coco compost and this new seedling at 4 days old is a big as my 28 day old ....sonic transplanted into my coco bucket for the nutes test .....she should like it in there pretty bland and will feed ....only thing she for was microbe powedered stump tea she should get back on tract the don't do small cups well in my eyes gotta go straight to measured dirtbucket ....

And nice can't wait to see flowers
Yes i used FFOF on my dfg and its doing ok. Wish i would had some very light seedling mix i used on another grow where FFOF seemed to thick and heavy. I'm going to order some more dfg asap just to try it again in some light warrior from FF or some jungle growth Professional Grower's Mix which is about the lightest stuff i have found and believe i opened and did a hands on n the bag test of every kind of soil in my driving range and the jungle growth Professional Grower's Mix was the lightest
:) Peace friend
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Id say it love very airy ....mines doing a lot better in the coco ....way greener and growing way fataster here's to the lil BIC lighter baby I transplanted her into 2.5 l pot with straight coco compost!!! ....hit her with some stump tea and lets see what happens!!!
Hi friends, just pics tonight. Details tomorrow:peace:


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they look so beautiful!

healthy greens all over.

wish i had your green thumb unholy.

my thumb seems to be turning purple and blue. haha
Shit blue and purple still good colors!!!!
nice grow, speaking to all the growers in my hood we cant wait to see how this new strain does, if it does good well order some for ourselves and your probably the best one to test it here, so goodluck with the grow brutha and keep us updated
your man otwo
Still feel a bit yuck, or maybe i just got lazy with the rain:toke: :bong: :smoke:. Pics and update today :peace: