Not done a journal for a while with all this covid shit going on,but i have a nice auto AK420 from seedstockers just started flowering,and she is a monster.

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Thanks for popping by :pass:
Jeez mate , that’s how it’s done, lovely plant.
Thanks bro.just a 3 gallon fabric pot, coco and perlite, no ph checking, no ppm checking, just tap water and dry soluble mineral nutrients :thumbsup:
Snap when I’m growing coco. No need to fuck about with ppm, ph etc. Just let them ride. I’m lucky to live in a soft water area though so it rules out the extra checks
If you’re in a soft water area there’s little need to check tbh.
My starting water is 0.54 after sitting for 24 hours bubbling it is 0.54 lmao will be cutting it 50/50 with bottled for my next grow . Is that cool?
My starting water is 0.54 after sitting for 24 hours bubbling it is 0.54 lmao will be cutting it 50/50 with bottled for my next grow . Is that cool?
I assume you mean 0.54 EC = 270 ppm. That's fairly high, but not so that buying bottled water is warranted. If it has the right substances it can even be a good thing. I entered the values of my tap water into HydroBuddy and it calculated that I needed +10 grams less of Calcium Nitrate because of the high Calcium level in my tap water.
cheers bud, yes I was talking about ec. surely It’s too high for a new seedling. I probably got one of the highest ec readings on this forum, i have to filter it if I wanna drink it, it tastes foul, It causes me problems when mixing feed and my ph was way up there at times which means more ph down, I wasn’t comfortable putting that many drops in. Think i will cut it with bottled just for seedling stage and see what happens.
Filled space lol 4 plants and a solo in the middle it went a bit nuts :vibe: