Totally forgot about the roc seedlings which were prematurely put outdoors. Had a few days in snow up here and the little buggers are still going. Albeit looking a bit beat up
Totally forgot about the roc seedlings which were prematurely put outdoors. Had a few days in snow up here and the little buggers are still going. Albeit looking a bit beat upView attachment 1307333

You had them outside in that recent snow!?!
Tough little ones, aren't they?
I'm impressed.
It was a total accident, there are normally on a windowsill in a glass type room at the back of the house. I had put them outside to get acclimatised and then just forgot. Think they had 2 full days in the snow and were really wrinkled up. Seem to be bouncing back strong though
It was a total accident, there are normally on a windowsill in a glass type room at the back of the house. I had put them outside to get acclimatised and then just forgot. Think they had 2 full days in the snow and were really wrinkled up. Seem to be bouncing back strong though

Your name... means you're from up north, is that right?
It's encouraging. Because I've been thinking it's still far too cold to go outside.
Damn weather recently, that lovely warm week, then back to snow.
But I'm guessing around here (west of London) we may not see any more 0C until the end of the year.
When do you normally plant out to permanent pots? (Assuming you grow outdoors...)
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I'm a proper novice, this is only my 2nd grow and both indoors. Guess I have gone the route of most starters, soil and 600w hps.

Outdoors is a complete experiment so I really can't help I'm afraid. And yeah I'm close to Durham now and it's quite regular that we get snow in April. I'm guessing May onwards would be best though with the most daylight hours (I think)
I'm a proper novice, this is only my 2nd grow and both indoors. Guess I have gone the route of most starters, soil and 600w hps.

Outdoors is a complete experiment so I really can't help I'm afraid. And yeah I'm close to Durham now and it's quite regular that we get snow in April. I'm guessing May onwards would be best though with the most daylight hours (I think)

Okay. Well, you've helped already by inadvertently having that little one outside to test the weather!
I've never lived anywhere so cold, last place was tropical/sub-tropical, could grow all year around outside.
Shouldn't be any more snow where I'm at.
You must have a very short outdoor season then, grow something auto or 'fast version' outside!!
Yeah I think I would stick to autos outside. Got some grape mints and a couple of other roc strains I'm going to have a bash at. I got some turbo photo beans but I think I'm gonna save them till the winter when I will start indoors again.

Wow, may I ask where you were living. I've been quote fortunate and got to travel quite a bit due to my dad's job. We lived in Turkey for a while then a little stint in Dubai but I have been back I'm the UK for a long time now. Lived down South for a while but just missed my roots and my home.
Okay. Well, you've helped already by inadvertently having that little one outside to test the weather!
I've never lived anywhere so cold, last place was tropical/sub-tropical, could grow all year around outside.
Shouldn't be any more snow where I'm at.
You must have a very short outdoor season then, grow something auto or 'fast version' outside!!
Out of all the places, you chose cold Blighty, if I had my way, I'd sell everything and move to Mexico.:jointman:
Ah Mexico, it was the last holiday we had as a family before we separated. I actually watched the live launch of the hotels lazy river the other day, that's how much I miss getting away right now
Ah Mexico, it was the last holiday we had as a family before we separated. I actually watched the live launch of the hotels lazy river the other day, that's how much I miss getting away right now
I just love Acapulco me, outdoor growing, tacos, sport fishing, hot woman and sun.