Indoor Tyrannosaurus Duck...........

@Maria Sanchez Hey! Going to try air layering soon on my ducksfoot. Going to split a Jiffy pellet in half and use that as a medium.

Awesome! All the best for your experiment!
I used to use just cotton wool inside a strip cut from a plastic bag.
Also thought about using some rock wool, as I used to use 3"x3" rock wool cubes for cloning, just rip it apart for the air layer.
Tag me in the process.
And if you've got photos of the whole thing, please share.
When I searched a while back, not much on air layering here on AFN.

Love and hugs,
Sometime in the next week I'll be giving this a shot! I'll document it as well as I can, definitely useful information for all!

Awesome! All the best for your experiment!
I used to use just cotton wool inside a strip cut from a plastic bag.
Also thought about using some rock wool, as I used to use 3"x3" rock wool cubes for cloning, just rip it apart for the air layer.
Tag me in the process.
And if you've got photos of the whole thing, please share.
When I searched a while back, not much on air layering here on AFN.

Love and hugs,

Ducksfoot all over the place lol! Most of my ducksfoot plants are doing well. Got one in a cab thats sickly, but I'll chop her up for clones so no loss. The rest are coming along fine. My two pollinated true Ducksfoor were hit with Azure Duck pollen. Should make for some interesting plants. These I'll grow out for male selection over several generations, hoping to produce a male with mostly duck traits eventually. Its no longer a prime goal as I'm now 2 sources of pure ducksfoot. AND.................... Auto Ducksfoot by Mr. Educk! My many months of searching have paid off well!

Clones are still alive. Some doing very well, some likely to die before rooting. HOWEVER......until they are certified dead for at least 6 I'll keep them!
One's going to die for sure, before rooting. Hell I'll be ecstatic id 50% make it! If these clones do well, they'll likely go the the greenhouse near the end of April and given supplemental lighting till mid may to prevent flowering. Should get some good size to them with a long veg in a raised bed!

New duckfoot I purchased will get planted soon. I'll start just a few for breeding. The others will get sent to the greenhouse in the spring. I'm just itching to start the new ones but tents are all booked till mid summer! so the ones I start will stay in small containers and be bred there.

Ducksfoot bud pic1 -2-11-2017.jpg
Ducksfoot seed momma pic1 -2-11-2017.jpg
Ducksfoot pic1 -2-11-2017.jpg
Ducksfoot pic2 -2-11-2017.jpg
Ducksfoot clone pic1 -2-11-2017.jpg
Ducksfoot clone pic2 -2-11-2017.jpg
Ducksfoot clone pic3 -2-11-2017.jpg
Ducksfoot clone pic4 -2-11-2017.jpg
Ducksfoot clone pic5 -2-11-2017.jpg

Ducksfoot all over the place lol! Most of my ducksfoot plants are doing well. Got one in a cab thats sickly, but I'll chop her up for clones so no loss. The rest are coming along fine. My two pollinated true Ducksfoor were hit with Azure Duck pollen. Should make for some interesting plants. These I'll grow out for male selection over several generations, hoping to produce a male with mostly duck traits eventually. Its no longer a prime goal as I'm now 2 sources of pure ducksfoot. AND.................... Auto Ducksfoot by Mr. Educk! My many months of searching have paid off well!

Clones are still alive. Some doing very well, some likely to die before rooting. HOWEVER......until they are certified dead for at least 6 I'll keep them!
One's going to die for sure, before rooting. Hell I'll be ecstatic id 50% make it! If these clones do well, they'll likely go the the greenhouse near the end of April and given supplemental lighting till mid may to prevent flowering. Should get some good size to them with a long veg in a raised bed!

New duckfoot I purchased will get planted soon. I'll start just a few for breeding. The others will get sent to the greenhouse in the spring. I'm just itching to start the new ones but tents are all booked till mid summer! so the ones I start will stay in small containers and be bred there.

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Hey my friend
Looking nice your ducks, good you found different sources. I think there will be much different ducks around in 2017.

I hope to see more and more with different flavors and colors.

In a few years we will get prices for the best ducks @ the canna cups i think.

cu tobe
Would love to see them become more popular! A very nice strain of Cannabis indeed!

Hey my friend
Looking nice your ducks, good you found different sources. I think there will be much different ducks around in 2017.

I hope to see more and more with different flavors and colors.

In a few years we will get prices for the best ducks @ the canna cups i think.

cu tobe
As always, pop is blazing a trail!!!! (lol no pun intended, but maybe it works here..)

How is the smell of the ducksfoot compared to other bud?? I almost feel like it would smell a bit different, but still noticeable as canna..

Thanks for the motivation!!!!!
nothing like any canna I've smelled! I was just describing the smells to someone. Until late flower, these have little smell, maybe a faint odor like ferns. The they get a l;ittle stinky, like ferns and a burnt out campfire. After curing its more like chocolate and burnt toast, quite pleasant really.

As always, pop is blazing a trail!!!! (lol no pun intended, but maybe it works here..)

How is the smell of the ducksfoot compared to other bud?? I almost feel like it would smell a bit different, but still noticeable as canna..

Thanks for the motivation!!!!!