Indoor Tyrannosaurus Duck...........

@bf80255 you may like this thread.
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Update: I'm creating a new thread to cover all my duck breeding projects. I'll keep The current grow posted here but the actual breeding work will be its own thread.

Ducky, my momma Ducksfoot, moved to new digs in a 3.9 gallon Auto pot, as did what I'm sure is............ a male Azure Duck! Didn't have enough soil to fill the other 2 pots yet, and its snowing pretty good here so I'll go to town tomorrow.

Plants look like they had a nutrient issue, but I know my soil, this was a water ph issue that I cuaght and fix about 4-5 weeks ago. The added fresh mix will fix things, and these plants have been in these small pots a long time. They will look good in about a week!

ducksfoot tent -12-12-2016.jpg
Today I hope to repot three of the Azure Ducks. I'm going to make a black, plastic sleve and put 2 branches on ducky, on a 12/12 schedule. When they begin to flower, I'll STS them, wait 2 more weeks, and put my lights on 12/12. THEN the fun begins!
1 Azure Duck and Momma duck are now on the res, RO/tap water blend, 70/30 ro/tap. See how it works...... my tap water at full strength kills cannabis! I usually ad 20-30% tap to my RO though to cut down on its wastefulness. 100 ppm GrowMore Mendicino Cal/mag. I use pure citric acid now as ph down, and baking soda as ph up. They work well and you only use TINY amounts, I'm talking maybe a 1/16th tsp max! I've had the same box of baking soda for three years now and haven't made a dent in it. Not bad for 99 cents!

Put three Blue Dragon seedlings in auto pots and 1 duck clone. The unkown seedling look like crap and are being trashed, I need the room!

Check the breeding thread for updates on the Azure Duck seedling!

I took 8 clones from momma tonight. 6 went into my DIY clonebox, and 2 in 1 quart pots. Ducksfoot, at least this, is a nightmare to clone. My success rate is abysmal!
So, because I've I'm seeing my useful layed back way of doing this failing, I'm experiments with how I approach the cloning process.

Cuttings go in a cup of ph'd RO& calmag water, with a 1/2 teaspoon of H2O2. I'ce started using Dip n Grow rooting hormone for these clones. Never really needed it for other plants. But anything to give me an edge with these........... I cut various lengths of stem for the clones, se if a certain size clone has better sucess. When I had my 8 cuttings, I then set up in the clone cab. I took a cutting, placed it in the hormone solution for 5-10 seconds, then place it in the neoprene disc that fits in a 2" netcup. I cut the basket off the netcup so the clone can root unobstructed. One had to be placed in a netcup with hydroton. The last 2 were planted, again in soil. Both were dipped in hormone solution.

Here's where I'm doing another experiment. I suspect, ducksfoot clones like dry soil. So one I'll water about as any other, and the opther will get very minimal watering for 1-2 weeks.

I'm also using a humidity dome on my clonebox now, something else I never felt I needed. Hopefully, it makes a difference with this batch. My last hydro clones were a total falure.

Possibility I'll be receiving some REAL, landrace Ducksfoot seed sometime in Jan. Keep your fingers crossed folks!

Ducksfoot clones pic1 -12-22-2016.jpg
Ducksfoot clones pic2 -12-22-2016.jpg
Ducksfoot clones pic3 -12-22-2016.jpg

I took 8 clones from momma tonight. 6 went into my DIY clonebox, and 2 in 1 quart pots. Ducksfoot, at least this, is a nightmare to clone. My success rate is abysmal!
So, because I've I'm seeing my useful layed back way of doing this failing, I'm experiments with how I approach the cloning process.

Cuttings go in a cup of ph'd RO& calmag water, with a 1/2 teaspoon of H2O2. I'ce started using Dip n Grow rooting hormone for these clones. Never really needed it for other plants. But anything to give me an edge with these........... I cut various lengths of stem for the clones, se if a certain size clone has better sucess. When I had my 8 cuttings, I then set up in the clone cab. I took a cutting, placed it in the hormone solution for 5-10 seconds, then place it in the neoprene disc that fits in a 2" netcup. I cut the basket off the netcup so the clone can root unobstructed. One had to be placed in a netcup with hydroton. The last 2 were planted, again in soil. Both were dipped in hormone solution.

Here's where I'm doing another experiment. I suspect, ducksfoot clones like dry soil. So one I'll water about as any other, and the opther will get very minimal watering for 1-2 weeks.

I'm also using a humidity dome on my clonebox now, something else I never felt I needed. Hopefully, it makes a difference with this batch. My last hydro clones were a total falure.

Possibility I'll be receiving some REAL, landrace Ducksfoot seed sometime in Jan. Keep your fingers crossed folks!

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Landrace ducksfoot? A duckfoot pheno from a landrace strain? never heard of that before, very interested to know more.
Awesomely cool thread and grow, @pop22 !

Have you ever done on the stem air layering for taking cuttings / clones?
It may give you more time to move the stem tissue to undifferentiated tissue to then root tissue,
while the lateral is still on the plant and thus getting it's nutrients and water.
It's not that hard. Have to select a good branch, though, and prob cut away a couple of nodes of leaves and tertiary laterals.
In the past I had pretty much 100% success rate with this, though my usual clones are almost 100% too, haha.

1. Find a nice lateral or two, over 10cm = 4" long.
2. Cut away most of the nodes leaves and secondary laterals, leaving just two sets at the tip.
3. Very gently rough up the outer layer of the stem (bark).
4. Take some cotton wool, or sphagnum, or whatever, and dip in rooting hormone.
5. Wrap it around the trimmed node area.
6. Use a 5cm = 2" or so wide strip of plastic to cover that in place.
7. Use regular tape to seal top and bottom (esp. bottom, so hormone doesn't run out).
8. Just leave it for a week (maybe 5-10) days.
9. Can remove to check, but it's a hassle, so avoid if no problems.
10. Cut down lateral stem and re-dip in rooting hormone if need be.
11. Plant in your usual clone / seedling mix.
12. Give it the usual care of a clone, i.e. mist at least daily, etc. but in general it will be so fast rooting now in the medium that it won't need it much.

Zing! High success rate from air layering.
I learned this from Clarke's Marijuana Botany, I think.
Worth a play if you haven't tried it before.

Love and hugs,