Indoor Tyrannosaurus Duck...........


Baby ducks are ready to transplant. I set up one gallon pots yesterday and let the soil warm up over night. I'll do the transplant later today

Azure Duck pic1 -11-5-2016.jpg
Although I'm growing out this cross, I'm not all that interested in continuing it. Look at my ducksfoot and then look at Southsider's cross. The leaves, although not typical Cannabis looking, look more like cannabis than mine do. My leaves have mostly smoothed edges. I do plan to hit a clone with STS and make fem seed though best way to preserve the strain I figure.

Might make some clones available too. Got someone who may be able to take care of that.

That is very interesting. You guys talk breeding and crossing and I am so lost. Could you cross it with moby Dick? Moby duck sounds fun
Been spraying my clones with Optic Foliar's Overgrow. Don't know if it will help, but it won't hurt!

Ducksfoot clones ate stubborn little Beeatchs...... The momma was a clone I thought was dead. I went back to throw it out a couple days later ( this was after a month.... ) and There stood a pretty little plant, I was thunderstruck! So I've been babying her. could have taken clones 2 weeks ago but I let her grow more.

I started using Dip n Grow for my clones also. I've always done mine with no hormones but These stubborn things convinced my to try just about anything!