Indoor Tyrannosaurus Duck...........

My they grow fast! Azure duck is doing very well! Clones are still alive......... that's a good sign! The one in the test grow tent looks the best, must be the light........

Azure Duck pic1 -11-9-2016.jpg
Azure Duck pic2 -11-9-2016.jpg
Df clone pic1 -11-9-2016.jpg
Df clone pic2 -11-9-2016.jpg
Time for an update!

See for yourselves, Azure Duck is looking HOT! Full of that F1 vigor! No ducks but I didn't expect any. IF I get a male however, maybe next gen.

Ducksfoot clones are slow. I used Dipn'Grow this time and 4 and maybe even the 5th one will make it. 4 of them show signs of perking up after lying flat on the soil for almost three weeks! I think that spraying them with Optic Foliar's Overgrow spray, may have helped. This is the first time I've had better than 50% success with duck clones! We'll know more in 4-5 days. Once they sprout again, they will grow fast!

Azure Duck and Ducksfoot clones -11-21-2016.jpg
Azure Duck plant 1 -pic1 -11-21-2016.jpg
Azure Duck plant 2 -pic1 -11-21-2016.jpg
Azure Duck plant 3 -pic1 -11-21-2016.jpg
Azure Duck plant 4 -pic1 -11-21-2016.jpg
ducksfoot clones -pic1 -11-21-2016.jpg
I had planned to do this eventual, but aq male in the greenhouse did it for me. My Blue Dragon knocked up a Ducksfoot! WOOOOOOO!
Now I have no idea what way I'll go with these but I decided to grow out a few and see what I get. I'm excited really! I'm not after an auto duck so much as I am after the Duck pheno type. If I can have the duck's traits and a useable make it would be wonderful. But any way it works out, this is going to be fun!

And I labeled then Dragon Duck...... it fits on the tag...........

Picture Godzilla crossed with Donald Duck............

I read that and the first think I wondered was who's on top? Thats got to be one ugly baby!

A sure sign the coffee has not kicked in yet...
going to take several clones from momma today, pot her in an auto pots and will flower her and the Azure Ducks soon.

And I'lll be starting my breeding project with Azure duck and the pure duck clones. 've decided to try a cross with Black Dragon. I may also try pure Pakistan Kush, then cross with an auto.

I'm going to grow 40 or so Azure duck in my small tent in solo cups shortly. Let the fun begin!

sorry, py pics suck today

Azure Duck pic1 -12-1-2016.jpg
Azure Duck pic2 -12-1-2016.jpg
ducksfoot clones pic1 -12-1-2016.jpg
ducksfoot momma pic1 -12-1-2016.jpg
going to take several clones from momma today, pot her in an auto pots and will flower her and the Azure Ducks soon.

And I'lll be starting my breeding project with Azure duck and the pure duck clones. 've decided to try a cross with Black Dragon. I may also try pure Pakistan Kush, then cross with an auto.

I'm going to grow 40 or so Azure duck in my small tent in solo cups shortly. Let the fun begin!

sorry, py pics suck today

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Nice bro
happy breeding.
cu tobe

Planted 25 Azure Duck seeds this morning, my entire stock.

i recently upgraded my "Seed Starter" box. I went high class and bought a $2.49 toolbox! Perfect for how I do things and provides a completely black environment for seed starting. I store several empty pill bottles in there. I used these small bottles to soak seeds in. perfect size, you could safely start 25 in each. I keep it to around ten, I don't want them exhausting the O2 before I plant them. I read recently about using a 50/50 mix of water and H2O2 to start seed in. It sterilizes the outer shell, improving the odds of preventing damping off, and provides the seeds with extra O2. Use only the drugstore 3% Hydrogen Peroxide, the horticultural grade is 35%! Even then, I decided to go with 2/3 water to 1/3 H2O2.

When I have more than one strain in the box, I rubberband a plant tag to the seed bottles. I keep the Dip n' Grow measuring tube in there along with a few plant tags and some seed tubes and a couple plastric cups.

I soaked the seed yesterday in a 2/1 mix of water and H2O2. It sterilizes the other seed and oxygenates the water. I soaked for 12 hours. A couple seeds had tiny tails already! Hoping for a good germ rate and a few males.We'll see!

Seedbox pic1.jpg
Seedbox pic2.jpg
seed cup pic1.jpg