New Grower True 330 Watt LED/COB Soil Grow First Time Indoors!!

Feb 6, 2017
Reaction score
1/10/2017 DAY 2

AK Auto Fem Canuk seeds & Auto fem blue cheese Royal Queen Seeds
Germinated both seeds via paper towel method the AK tap root sprouted in 23 hours and the cheese in 27 hours.
Planted the AK in a 5 gallon smart pot, and the cheese in a 5gallon plastic pot with drilled holes. Coco coir with compost and worm castings 30% perlite PH at 6.5 and pre watered soil. AK I planted tap root down and cheese tap root up never understood the difference I've always done taproot down but we'll see.
24 hrs of light in my 2x4x5 grow tent, 4in 240cfm exhaust and 4in 140cfm intake, 6in clip fan, cool mist humidifier and warm mist humidifier that keeps my tent between 73F-80F and 40%-65%humidity.I have one 400w (195w) Roleardo C.O.B. And One Ledgle 300w (135w)

2/5/17 DAY 27 and DAY 15

The two older girls are "pre flowering" and are starting to explode vertically in the last two days and the 15 day old Blue Cheese is starting to look very good too. I started doing some lst on her 3 days ago. This is a journal I'm bringing over from RIU I'm hoping to get more advice over here. I'll post new pics later today they are now 32 days old and huge I'm going to run out of space I think and time...
I'm now running 22/2 light schedule it's the longest I can leave the lights out without having to run a heater haha in just 2 hours of darkness temps drop down to 65f from 75f. Plus I need to rush them so hopefully only getting 2 hours of darkness help them develope faster.
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Looking forward to seeing what you got growing! And welcome aboard!
Do hope to see some canna porn on here, do like me some photos

Good luck with your grow!
hey bro i run all my lights and all my autos under 24 hrs of light no dark period ever, and i have only grown monsters, actually i dont think i have grown an auto that yielded under 100 grams, to stop your temp swings id say just let them run 24/7 and let them thrive
hey bro i run all my lights and all my autos under 24 hrs of light no dark period ever, and i have only grown monsters, actually i dont think i have grown an auto that yielded under 100 grams, to stop your temp swings id say just let them run 24/7 and let them thrive
Yes I believe that is what I'll do hopefully more light will mean they'll finish faster? That's the plan anyhow lol
IMG_0551.JPG IMG_0552.JPG IMG_0553.JPG IMG_0554.JPG Here's the Ak at day 32 lots of bud sites she's under the "Ledgle 300w aka 135w actual draw" and has two 2700k 40w 2500 lumen cfl for side/supplement light.
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32 day old Blue Cheese has some spots on a few leaves and seems not as healthy as the Ak, but she is a lot taller than the Ak... any thoughts? Been feeding 4ml/gallon of cal mag every watering and 6ml/gallon B-52, 5ml/gallon Advanced Nutrients "PH perfect GROW" every other watering. Temp at highest in tent is 79f usually sits around 75f though and coldest is when lights have been off 65f humidity between 35-60% usually at 50% though. She is under the Roleardo 400w 195w actual draw COB and one 2700k 40w 2500 lumen cfl for side lighting.
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Day 20 younger sister Blue Cheese. She seems healthy and is only under a huge 6000k 105w 12000 lumen cfl. I'm going all natural with her no lst or experimenting. Some group pics too :smoking: