Mephisto Genetics Sant0rini Likey! Sant0rini Grow Mephisto! Ripleys OG + Tyrone Special

Why not set up the exhaust fan/filter outside the tent?

Yea I tried to put it on the outside and I couldn't figure out how to have it. I don't have much room to work with in the closet. I moved everything around for 1.5 hours trying everyway and ended up putting it back just how it is in the picture. My filter and exhaust are just too big for this tent.

When I made the purchase I was thinking for the future so I don't have to grab another filter / exhaust later when I get a 4x4 :-)

Here's a picture; maybe someone can give me an idea how to run it?

Tent size 4x2x5

File Jan 13, 10 01 59 AM.jpeg

File Jan 13, 10 03 31 AM.jpeg

File Jan 13, 9 50 22 AM.jpeg

I thought about putting the filter on the right side in the tent going vertical and having the exhaust fan on top of the tent, although that option does not allow the ducting to be attached on the outside on the top of the exhaust. I also don't have a way to hold the filter vertical in the tent..
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I also wanted to upload this as I am getting a few DM's on my GoGrow light about distance. @James007 I want to let you know I am still learning as it did not come with instructions on how high to place the lights maybe this can help.

After doing tons of research with similar lights and talking to a few others on the forum I am going with this below schedule I made up. I will leave my lights up where they are and always be adjusting the plant height with boxes....Ideally I would want them at 40" from pot for seed into sprout-let.

If anyone is looking or wondering hopefully this can he a reference and help.. we will see how this does..If you have any input please feel free to share. :cool1:

Light Distance

Week 1:
40" inches (seedling)
Week 2: 40" inches (Veg)
Week 3: 36" inches (Veg) (all inches from now are from top canopy)
Week 4: 33" inches (Veg)
Week 5: 30 "inches (Transition Week Veg/Flower)
Week 6: 24" inches (Flower)
Week 7: 20" inches (Flower)
Week 8: 18" inches (Flower)
Week 9: 16" inches (Flower)
Week 10: 16" inches (Flower / Harvest)

Easy Version
Seedling - 40" inches - 36 inches
Veg - 34" inches - 28" inches
Flower - 24" Inches to 16" inches

Tag Team Style: @Hansbricks @Pops @budelee @Discretepete2676

Since you guys are testing this light I figured I would tag you to see what you think of this schedule. I've went though 1 grow with this light so far and my heights were way off. I think I have them figured out now. Only time will tell. All of your plants are looking great!
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I have my exhaust fan outside of my tent with my filter hanging inside with the ducting going through the roof port. If you could move the exhaust fan outside but keep the filter in you may gain some space.

Yea; I have tried with my exhaust fan on the outside of the tent and my filter vertical; just dont have a way to hold it in vertical position and takes up a lot of room on the side.. Once I figure out how to mount it to a side pole I will try again..
"Pulls up chair sits down and opens your Doritos " Let's do this (lol) . All sub up and come for the ride dude...

Hey welcome to the journal and thanks for stopping by! It's great to have you here and hope you enjoy those Doritos!

Funny story about those Salsa Verde Doritos..

It's time for... Off-Topic Story Time!!! With your Host... SANNNNTOOOORRRIIIIINNNNIIIIII!


:shrug:*crowd is supposed to be going nuts right now*

*Thats your cue guys...go nuts*....


Awesome its great to be here everyone! Thanks for the overwhelming reactions! :smoking:

Back in June I wrote Doritos an email because they didn't have the Salsa Verde in our state. A friend told me about them and I had to google them to see if they had them around. (I used the Dorito locater to find them).

They didnt have them within 250 miles of us. I told them they should try to bring them here they would do well. About a week later I got (2) $5 manufacture coupons from Doritos in the mail for free bags of Doritos and a personalized note that said "We are very sorry; we don't have the Salsa Verde Doritos near you, we will discuss it at our next board meeting. Here are 2 coupons blah blah blah.."

Well a few weeks ago I went to the grocery and whats there? A row of Salsa Verde and now they are all over in the city. I like to think I brought them to our state / city.. SOOO point of the story is if you want to try/ see some new chips or type of food in your grocery store email the manufacture and maybe they will send you coupons and get the item in store.

My favorite are still these Sweet Spicy Chili Doritos...Sorry Doritos for wasting your time I really thought they would be better; back to the normal Sweet Spicy Chili Doritos FTW [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] :cool1:

File Jan 15, 9 32 27 AM.jpeg

......and that concludes this week's short story time with Santorini! :d5:

Anyways here's a nug of some no name street weed that taste

When you pass a really OLD lady at the grocery store and inhale all of her oversprayed musk perfume..:thumbsup:

It taste like it would smell..Its weird because its a good taste after a minute yet I hate that smell lol..

Very Musky.. then Earthy, Pungent and Piney..Has some nice amber on it. I'm not sure the effects yet..

So here's to the first blunt of the day..

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*passes blunt* :pass:

Until the next update Happy Growing Guys!
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Midnight Day 35

Girls are looking good so far; here's a quick shot during lights out will take more pictures once lights switch back on. Watered them yesterday 32oz each plain 6.5 ph water. I received this Monster Bloom and am thinking about using it in a few weeks on them.

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Ripleys OG:

File Jan 15, 4 04 12 PM.jpeg

Blue Cush (Day 18 & 16)

I was going to top these yesterday although I noticed they both have pre-flowers coming out of the top already? Im thinking I'm already too late, they started to show sex on day 14 :-O

Still super small and in a 1 gallon pot with 1/2 Happy frog 1/2 Kind Soil. I'm sure ill need nutes on these little ones very soon. Not sure what to grab.

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File Jan 15, 4 04 33 PM.jpeg

Sorry for the BLUR! Next update with better pictures in a few days..
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Heyyy sorry guys been away for awhile here's a quick update on day 57? I'll have to check may be way off.. anyways Tyrone Special is first; Ripleys OG is second.


Will add more pictures below. Any questions feel free to ask.. life got busy and I apologize I was not able to keep up here.. [emoji123][emoji57][emoji117]

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Heyyy sorry guys been away for awhile here's a quick update on day 57? I'll have to check may be way off.. anyways Tyrone Special is first; Ripleys OG is second.


Will add more pictures below. Any questions feel free to ask.. life got busy and I apologize I was not able to keep up here.. [emoji123][emoji57][emoji117]

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No need to apologize...shit happens. Great job!