Indoor Natsu's topped 4 strain coco/soil with Advanced Nurients

Hey guys. My Cheese Auto is still growing a little funny, but looks good and is showing steady growth.
The Pakistan Ryder looks pretty good, a little light in color, but it looks good in the photos. Steady growth.
Super Sonic is looking pretty good too, nice color, slight leaf twisting, but I think it will grow out of it. Steady growth with this one as well.
The Mamba Negra is showing slower growth, but also its second set of leaves came out basically as one leaf with two tips. I can see another leaf tip poking out so hopefully it is strong enough to grow out of it. pretty nice color, but showing some mild twisting towards the tips of lower leaves.
Pics follow the order above.

I started them on nutes, right now they are getting 150ppm AN cal/mag, 4ml Sensi Bloom A&B, 8ml Voodoo Juice, 6ml Bud Candy and 3ml Rhino Skin mixed in one gallon RO water. The Bud Candy is to feed the beneficial soil bacteria in the Voodoo Juice, and the Rhino Skin I gave to the micros through the whole veg as a test and I think it helped them get stronger faster, so I'll give it to these plants in small amounts for now. I'll probably even lower it a little bit next batch of nutes I mix.


I got a little hasty when I was cutting down the micros and chopped the first one with out taking a pic first. The bud shot is after the trim, of the first plant I cut down, it was the taller Purple Widow x Afghani Kush. They are all drying separately in paper bags, and will get cured separately as well so I know how much each one weighed.

Hey guys. The Cheese Auto is still growing funny, it looks more like a clone than a plant grown from seed.
Super Sonic is growing nicely, good growth and nice color.
Pakistan Ryder, still a little light, but nice growth.
And the Mamba Negra is not looking so good, nice color, but I don't see any new growth coming from between the leaves. I'm soaking another one of those seeds right now as I have very low hopes for this one.
Nutes today were 160ppm AN Cal/mag, 2ml Sensi A&B, 4ml Voodoo Juice, 1.5ml Rhino Skin, and about half tbs Molasses mixed in 2L water, ph to 6.3
Pics follow the order above.
Thanks guys:mrgreen:

Hey guys, Plants are doing pretty good, getting a bit lighter, I'll check ph and ppm of runoff tomorrow when I feed them. I ended up pulling the Mamba Negra and starting a new one of those, this one looks a lot better so far. I topped the Pakistan Ryder yesterday above the 4th node, I may have slowed her down a little bit, but not by much. I've been giving them all, except Mamba Negra a foliar feed of B-52 and small amount of AN Cal/mag.
Super sonic is looking pretty good, I'll top her above the 4 when I grows out a little bit more. The Cheese I decided just to fim it because its showing weird growth patterns.

Last feeding was 150ppm AN Cal/mag, 3ml Sensi Bloom A& B, 2ml Voodoo, 1.5ml B-52, 1.5ml Rhino Skin, and about 10mls Molasses mixed in 1.5L water.

The weight of the micros was 15.07g for the 3 Purple Widow x Afghan Kush and 5.45g for the 2 Afghan Kush plants

Pics are Cheese Auto, Pakistan Ryder, Super Sonic Crystal Storm, and Mamba Negra. The last one is of the harvest from the 60ml pots experiment.
Thanks guys.
