hi Mariamy first thought was,we playing battleships ? then was ahh X marks the spot.
then i started reading and it all became clear,sounds/looks like a good plan.not that id know as i know diddly bout the outdoors,and not a lot more about indoors.
does the river see much action ? you any good at climbing trees ? no dont be silly.
have heard of leaving some loose change near the scene,chances are if it has visitors.....find a penny pick a penny.but maybe thats as old as the hills and its shows my lack of sense spose.
anyways good luck as allways.
Almost no action at the river at all, apart from a lot of birds and fish, and at some places (though not here) some lazy fishermen chilling out.
I am good at climbing trees, but the ones here aren't that tall, and wouldn't want to draw attention to myself. Would attract a lot of attention here.
Cos lots of other people on the walking / cycling road, day and night.
Right nearby is a garden, which will prob have gardener come a couple of times a week.
But that's about 20m away.
Last grow I did a couple on an abandoned mountain garden, had 8 plants in two areas.
But half way in, the gardeners cleared out one side, and mowed down 3 plants...
Still got the other few.
I think this area is better, because doesn't seem that my area has been used for several years.
Soil much better here, weather much better, drier and less rain, a bit more sun.
It's winter, but around here, usual temps are around 16-24C this month, with colder snaps.