the green genie always welcome!

Haha! Well, we have some sun today, and more for the next week or so.
Meanwhile, the little ones will go under my new COB -- photos soon.
I'll try to give them at least a few days, let those side laterals grow a little after topping.
Then, outside to the wilds, where they can grow up and bud.
They've been on the window sill outside all this time, so the outdoors shouldn't shock them at all.
I've found if you want big plants from your fems, plant several seed and grow forward with the most vig/biggest one

Totally man! Right from my first proper grows 20 years ago,
I'd always drop far more seeds than I wanted plants.
That was also the plan with these multiple plants per pot idea.
It's just good thinking, and even more essential for breeding.
I recently saw an awesome documented breeding grow on a Dutch grow site.
I think it was Sannie himself or one of his crew.
He dropped 200+ seeds, had like 150 seedlings,
and finally narrowed it down to his favorite 3 or 4 phenos.
This was for his ... Killing Fields, I think, or Silver Fields.
Those of us who breed from just a few plants... um... not ideal at all.
My Heavyweight fem photos should be in within a few weeks.
So will start another round then.
I'm thinking the tallest lankiest regs have a high % of male

Usually very true, in my experience, and I'm keeping my eyes out.
Though, the Safaris are surprisingly tight in the inter-node length.
I think because I used the Indica/Afghani pheno of the Safaris.
They aren't getting a huge amount of sunlight, but the first 4 nodes are just 1/2" to no more than 1".
Will have to see what the laterals are like.
Actually, with 2+ in a pot, stretching a little more would be good,
so they don't crowd each other.

I'm not really interested in any males for breeding this time around,
since I've got some 10 or so other fem photos seeds coming.

The autos though.... they are all stunted really, not doing well at all under these conditions.
Maybe will get a 2" bud on one or two of them if I'm lucky.
our favorite ninja in action!
You vetted your spots well, soil sounds nice, more equitable clime, and last year's experience in hand,
rocking season in potential awaits

Hehe. Well, a winter start is a bit crazy, but in the sub-tropics... why not?!?!?!
It's a better situation than last time for the Safaris, though the last autos were in pots...
Start now, get a couple of rounds going up to summer.
Maybe try some other sites in case... you know....

Start them under the COB, and put them out after 2-3 weeks.
Works well for 2' tall plants that yield maybe 1/2 - 1 oz.
As promised, finally, some more pics.
Because everyone loves pics!!!

First, the little bubbler DWC hydro unit for the veges - kale, rocket and lettuce, just popped.
20180110 Seedlings + COB (2).jpg

Then, the new COB, cheap Chinese brand.
2 independently switchable COBS each 300W, real draw 50W each = 100W.
20180110 Seedlings + COB (3).jpg

20180110 Seedlings + COB (4).jpg

Okay, that came out pretty blurry..........

20180110 Seedlings + COB (5).jpg

Look deep into my eyes..........
20180110 Seedlings + COB (6).jpg

With Red 630-670nm, Blue 450-470nm, White 6500K, IR 730nm and UV380nm.
Looks mainly blurple....
20180110 Seedlings + COB (1).jpg

I've moved the window plants under it for now.
The hydro with the veges will move in under it soon, and herbs around it.

But, what you've been waiting for, the seedlings....
Whole garden:
20180110 Seedlings + COB (7).jpg

The canna. In general, the tiny little stunted plants are the autos, the taller healthy ones the photos, almost all Safari Indica/Afghani pheno.
20180110 Seedlings + COB (8).jpg

Pot 1
The closer one is the prob photo, first to make it to 5-pointer leaves.

20180110 Seedlings + COB (11).jpg

Pot 2
These two photos doing nicely, the closer one branching and responding to topping nicely, the back one good too.
Both fairly tight on the nodal length.

20180110 Seedlings + COB (9).jpg

Pot 3.
Not the best pot....

20180110 Seedlings + COB (10).jpg

Pot 4.
Two photos and one auto (the Mazar or Blue Amnesia).
The photo on the left is leaning right over, bending up, with fairly good branching response to topping (really... fimming.....).
The photo on right is the longest inter-node length of the photos, and least branching. May be a boy...?

As you can see, apart from one little photo plant, the rest are all still just putting out 3-pointer leaves.
They had a tough time on that window, light is 11/13 at best, and often cloudy and wet (though they are sheltered from direct rain).

I had them under the COB for most of today and more tomorrow, then a day break back to window.
The weather outside should be nice and sunny.
Then a few more days under COB from maybe Saturday or Sunday on to ...

... probably plant out in the outdoor site on Thursday or Friday.
They'll thus have ... maybe a week under this COB.
Hope they can make the best out of it.

Don't have much hope at all for the autos, the 11/13 and cold window sill just too much for them.
But these Safari ^2 still looking okay.
If they are like their mommy, they'll start to flower outside after about 2 weeks, and then another 6 weeks give or take will finish.
A total of 8 weeks outside under 11/13 moving to 12/12 closer to March 22 equinox.
Don't be fooled with the location of these photos everyone.
This is their first day inside since seed soak....

Meanwhile, checked the outdoor site that I dug out and dropped in the chicken poop fert and crushed eggshells.
Today was very nice and clear weather, but before that several straight days of rain.

The site holes are looking fine. They are wet, yes, but it's been raining a lot. Not too wet.
The soil quality on top still looks pretty good really, considering I haven't added anything else.
No signs of being dug up by dogs or other critters. I think that chicken poop is nicely aged and eggshells not tasty....
I forgot to spray urine around the area though. I should prepare ..... :p