Mephisto Genetics Triangle Kush + Deep Blue C, Soil and CFL Grow

Have just tied her up for the 4th days ponytail session, another session tomorrow and should have pulled those lowers out enough for them to continue to reach for the skies without any extra assistance, am thinking of ponytailing the next node up next for shorter 2-3 hour sessions for a few days to see if it pulls out a couple more strong secondaries.

Sex was also suspected yesterday and confirmed today with a couple of stray pistils, so is day 14/15 for this Triangle Kush auto fem ;)

Will update on DBC this weekend, as for now she is ticking along healthy but at a snails pace, but hopefully should see a bit of change by then.

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Hey Spanglish! How ya' doin'? I thought I should tell you that it was one of your threads that inspired me to do some research on those corn cob LEDs that you've been using for side lighting. In the process I found a couple of very interesting articles about Cree using a new LED technology that allowed for much brighter lights.

So I went looking for Cree Corn Cob LEDs on Ebay. I found 50 Watt Cree Corn Cobs that put out a whopping 8520 lumins of white light for $10.45 a bulb. (!!!!!!!!)

They were available in both veg and flowering spectrums. I bought four of the flowering bulbs and have them placed about 1 foot above my 20 day old girls who are also getting an additional 50 watts of blue spectrum CFLs.

So far, so good and no signs of any leaf burn. And Holy Moley man, those lights are BRIGHT!

Thanks a bunch, friend. You sir, were the inspiration!

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Love that pony tail trick its sometihn you usually only get from LST.
Amazing skills man.

Thanks for dropping by and the kind words Grim bro, can't take the credit for the pony tail trick it was something i saw @Chester doing a while ago, and liked the gentleness involved in it and the results it gives.

Hey Spanglish! How ya' doin'? I thought I should tell you that it was one of your threads that inspired me to do some research on those corn cob LEDs that you've been using for side lighting. In the process I found a couple of very interesting articles about Cree using a new LED technology that allowed for much brighter lights.

So I went looking for Cree Corn Cob LEDs on Ebay. I found 50 Watt Cree Corn Cobs that put out a whopping 8520 lumins of white light for $10.45 a bulb. (!!!!!!!!)

They were available in both veg and flowering spectrums. I bought four of the flowering bulbs and have them placed about 1 foot above my 20 day old girls who are also getting an additional 50 watts of blue spectrum CFLs.

So far, so good and no signs of any leaf burn. And Holy Moley man, those lights are BRIGHT!

Thanks a bunch, friend. You sir, were the inspiration!


Hey Nuggz pal welcome, am doing well thanks.

Happy to hear my ramblings have been of some inspiration to you, i have been pretty happy with the results from the corn bulbs since i started using them, as you righty state they are damn bright and reasonably prices also, fired up mine today as i was planning to start using them soon and on one of the bulbs only one strip of LEDs are lighting up so not quite the 30000 hours life advertised, but got a grow and a half out of it so still well worth the price to me.

Not seen the Cree corn bulbs here in Spain yet but like the sound of them, so gonna be doing a bit digging into them as it looks like i am now in the market for a new bulb or two.

So thank a bunch to you too, for the kind words and the info on the new tech out there, best of luck on your grow and hope the new light does you well.
Just a quick update on Miss Triangle Kush as i had her out giving a preventative spray of Protect Killer neem and citrus oil, will do a full update on the pair tomorrow.

Here she is a few minutes ago out in the sun @ Day 18 currently 31.5cm (12.4") in width and 13.5cm(5.3") in height.

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Day 19 Triangle Kush

She is on her 3rd 3 hour pony tail session on the next node up, this is getting in light to the previously stretched out lowers from the first sessions and is teasing out another set, ready for her to head into the stretch.

She is showing what looks like curl from over watering in the new growth from the tops of the lowers and the main stem, is strange though as soil is nearly dry and the pot is light, noticed a similar curl in the last set of fans to grow which they grew out of so maybe is genetic, am gonna give it another day before feeding again to be safe and keep a eye on it, but reckon she will just grow out of it.

@Rhyce Saroni bro, you have grown out a few of these girls before, you ever see curling in growth with no reasonable explanation.

Day 13 - X
Day 14 - X
Day 15 - X
Day 16 - grow 2ml/L + algamic 2ml/L + calmg 1.2ml/L @500ml
Day 17 - X
Day 18 - X
Day 19 - X

Day 18 - W=31.5cm (12.4") H=13.5cm (5.3")
Day 19 - W=31.5cm (12.4") H=14cm (5.5")

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Day 15 Deep Blue C

She is short, squat and tiny. The only thing i can think that caused this is the soil in the 1L pot was packed pretty tight in comparison to the bigger pot, which could of slowed root development and stunted her, looking healthy though so will just let her get on a do whatever she wants to really, as if it is 1g or 60g i am never gonna be saying no to some dried and cured DBC ;)

Day 9 - X
Day 10 - plain water 200ml
Day 11 - X
Day 12 - grow 1ml/L + algamic 1ml/L @ 250ml
Day 13 - X
Day 14 - X
Day 15 - grow 1ml/L + algamic 1ml/L + calmg 1.2ml/L @ 400ml

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Thanks @Rhyce Saroni for the clarification, has been confusing the hell out of me, curling looked like over watering but pot was dry or N tox but the leaves not overly green, knowing you have seen some funky leaf phenos of these is going to put my mind a bit more at ease ;)