Mephisto Genetics Triangle Kush + Deep Blue C, Soil and CFL Grow

Both beans had cracked and where showing little tap roots a couple of hours ago, so they are both potted up and each watered in a little with 100ml of plain water and covered over to keep them nice and humid through germination.

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LoL prepare for a few more yet am only just halfway through, gotta say the new cab is looking sweet bro and you look to be rocking it nicely.

Thanks man, I really had to break my neck to get the cab it was not cheap, but in this damned apartment complex i had to have something pro built and I really suck at building stuff so I had to drop the cash... so far though I have to say that I am happy I did it, although I miss the hell out of my tent the cab offers a lot more custom options like the t5 side lighting,the panda panels that are magnetic so you can take them off and clean them. I was really worried about the smell with 5 plants in a 24x24 area but the filters and fans both have blown all of my doubt out of the water, my ladies stink and they stink good the air that exits the cab smells like your at the ocean it smells so clean. Sooooo thus far all is going smooth like :d5:
Triangle Kush broke the soil this morning wearing a little seed helmet, popped it off with the tip of a wooden kebab stick and she has her leaves open a few hours later, have misted her with water a couple of times since taking off the humidity dome, dabbing with tissue paper to remove excess water from the leaves to prevent the light burning them.

Deep Blue C is nearly there and can see the shell peeping out from just below the surface of the soil, she should be up and open by tomorrow so will count day 1 for them both then.

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