Mephisto Genetics Triangle Kush + Deep Blue C, Soil and CFL Grow

Day 5 Triangle Kush

She is moving along nicely, putting on a bit in size day by day and pushing out her next proper leaf set. Still misting daily and dabbing off excess water from leaf tops before putting back under the light, gave a small watering around the root zone a couple of days ago with another slightly bigger due tomorrow, the next feed after this will be with weak grow nutes and calmg.

Day 1 - X
Day 2 - X
Day 3 - plain water 100ml
Day 4 - X
Day 5 - X

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Day 1 Deep Blue C

The baby seedling had surfaced and opened when i woke up this morning, this time with no seed casing in sight ;) popped the humidity dome off and misted her as i welcomed her into the world and will call it day 1 proper on this girl in the mini pot.

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Peace and happy growing ;)
Good to see your back! Glad I caught it this early, I'm subbed up for the rest of the ride.

Good to be back bro and great to have you here, fingers crossed is plain sailing from here and sit back light a doob and enjoy the show ;)

Cruising right along! :thumbsup:

So far so good bro but you never know what she will throw at ya just like real life ladies lol. Is great to see how far your growing has come along, your really rocking that coco and putting out some beautiful girls.

Looking so good right now. Im subbed.

Good to have you here pal, here's hoping i get the best from these girls and deliver lots of girly bud porn for your viewing pleasure ;) Am loving that monster bush you got going in your tent, cant wait to see how that one ends up.
Day 12 Triangle Kush

She has been showing some real nice early growth, with the second leaf set reaching across the diameter of the 6L Air-Pot (19.5cm) before the end of Week 2, am gonna have to see how she plays out but if growth keeps up at this pace could be getting a bit crowded in the box on this run.

She had her first feed a few days ago with just Grow and AlgaMic, as my CalMg also has 1.1 of added Nitrogen i wanted to see how she took this feed first, which she did fine so fed again today adding some CalMg also into the mix, will be feeding every watering from now on increasing the Grow and AlgaMic week by week before the transition into bloom feedings.

Have also popped her upper growth in a pony tail for the first time today and will keep it there for about 5 hours a day, for the next 4-5 days giving the newly forming lowers a chance to reach for the skies.

Day 6 - plain water 200ml
Day 7 - X
Day 8 - X
Day 9 - grow 1ml/L + algamic 1 ml/L @ 500ml
Day 10 - X
Day 11 - X
Day 12 - grow 1ml/L + algamic 1 ml/L + calmg 1.2ml/L @ 500ml

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Day 8 Deep Blue C

She has been a slow starter in comparison to Triangle Kush, but is looking healthy enough and pushed out her second leaf set now, so should be some speedier growth over the second week as she starts to push out more leaves increasing their potential for photosynthesis.

For now just keeping soil damp as needed watering around the root zone, will be adding a weak grow feed once she puts on a bit more size and looks like she will take it.

Day 1 - X
Day 2 - X
Day 3 - plain water 100ml
Day 4 - X
Day 5 - plain water 100ml
Day 6 - X
Day 7 - plain water 200ml
Day 8 - X

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2016-04-17 11.59.11.jpg

Have just undone her pony tail after the second days 5 hour period of being tied up, grabbed a couple of quick pics that show the lowers already stretching up to the light.

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