Mephisto Genetics Triangle Kush + Deep Blue C, Soil and CFL Grow

Day 1 Triangle Kush

Well she is up and open with the first leaf set double in size from yesterday, and so far looks to be healthy, just misting with plain water 3-4 times a day at the moment.

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Deep Blue C Day 0

She had surfaced this morning with the shell stuck on, with the point of the kebab stick i managed to remove it and pick off enough membrane to let the leaves open, i nearly pulled the seedling out while doing this but managed to slide it back in and poked the soil down a bit around it, leads me to think i may have planted a bit shallow this time round but hey lesson learnt, she has not opened yet but should be by tomorrow so should be day 1 for her then, or she shrivels up and dies but will have to wait and see but looks ok so far.

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Deep Blue C still had not opened by this morning and was looking a bit worse for wear so pulled her, put this down to a slightly brutal shell removal and planting a bit to shallow. Still got 2 beans left so put another into germ and will be potting her up as soon as she cracks (a little deeper this time).
Good starts are key to the whole deal...might as well have the patience to get a good lift-off. pays dividends later.
I've gotten relatively brutal with culling too....finite amount of energy in an's all in how you want to spend it. ;)
Well that sux. So a few more days going through the expectant father routine while they germ

Yep, it looks like thats how it going to be, just a small set back and is only my 1L bonus girl, on the upside Triangle Kush is looking great showing signs of her second leaf set already ;)
Good starts are key to the whole deal...might as well have the patience to get a good lift-off. pays dividends later.
I've gotten relatively brutal with culling too....finite amount of energy in an's all in how you want to spend it. ;)

Hey bro thanks for dropping in, hope fatherhood is treating you well.

Yep, was how i was looking at it, nearly two days above ground and cotyledons had not even opened seemed like enough time lost to me, and even if she did pull through would have probs been another week just to pull back from that, got the beans better off just starting again.