Mephisto Genetics Triangle Kush + Deep Blue C, Soil and CFL Grow

In my confusion of the curling leaves i have only finally gone and got myself a Wassertech PH soil probe, this seems to be the equivalent of the Accurate 8 in Spain and seems nicely made with a chunky solid probe.

It for sure was not overwatering that was curling the leaves, as the pot is the same weight as when i would feed, i took 2 readings and moisture was at 1.5 at the very bottom of the pot and 2.5 for the middle, gave a 1L feed of calmg and algamic and took a reading 20 mins later with moisture showing 8-7 top to bottom and PH 6.7 top and middle to 6.8 nearing the bottom.

So looks like the curling is some freaky leaf pheno as Rhyce mentioned, or thinking back the mix i used for the neem spray was a little stronger, due to not taking into account a smaller spray bottle than previously used so could have been that.

But apart from her appearance she's growing healthy starting to drink heavier, drinking her last 1L feed dry from the soil in 48hrs as she starts to put all her energy into the stretch, currently putting on about 2cm(1") daily.

Also this week got a replacement bulb for the sidelight that died, they are only 16w LEDs with 1600 lumen output but still seem plenty bright enough lighting up nicely the lower growth, at €5 each are 75% less than what i paid for the corn bulb, and if more output is needed i can always run a splitter with two bulbs on each E27 connection.

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In my confusion of the curling leaves i have only finally gone and got myself a Wassertech PH soil probe, this seems to be the equivalent of the Accurate 8 in Spain and seems nicely made with a chunky solid probe.

It for sure was not overwatering that was curling the leaves, as the pot is the same weight as when i would feed, i took 2 readings and moisture was at 1.5 at the very bottom of the pot and 2.5 for the middle, gave a 1L feed of calmg and algamic and took a reading 20 mins later with moisture showing 8-7 top to bottom and PH 6.7 top and middle to 6.8 nearing the bottom.

So looks like the curling is some freaky leaf pheno as Rhyce mentioned, or thinking back the mix i used for the neem spray was a little stronger, due to not taking into account a smaller spray bottle than previously used so could have been that.

But apart from her appearance she's growing healthy starting to drink heavier, drinking her last 1L feed dry from the soil in 48hrs as she starts to put all her energy into the stretch, currently putting on about 2cm(1") daily.

Also this week got a replacement bulb for the sidelight that died, they are only 16w LEDs with 1600 lumen output but still seem plenty bright enough lighting up nicely the lower growth, at €5 each are 75% less than what i paid for the corn bulb, and if more output is needed i can always run a splitter with two bulbs on each E27 connection.

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Yep same pH probe - manufactured in China and distributed around the world by several companies with OEM agreements. CWP Instruments calls it the Accurate 8 here in the US. They also have a much shorter version called the Accurate 7.

I also noticed the leaf droop during the first 4-5 weeks on some of my Mephisto girls. I figured it was too much N as it seemed to go away after my mid-grow flush. Haven't done a Triangle Kush yet but it's on my wish list. Looking good as usual mate. The DBC looks like my first one - a short bushy little cabbage she was.
Guessed as much on the probe as there seemed to sold under a few different brands depending on what country the website was based in, found them for sale direct from China under the model numbers VD-06 and VT-06 with the second being sold a little cheaper, but both look identical only the packaging is different and seem to come out of different factories. I wanted to get one shipped here quick so shopped local but could have saved 15€ buying direct from China with it being shipped on the slow boat.

Not sure what is causing it but as long as its not slowing her none am not gonna let it bother me to much, noticed a little curl on Sour Crack but never anything this pronounced. Would be happy with even half of what you pulled from your DBC in the 1L pot, the nodes are stacked for sure reckon she must be at 2" in height total lol god knows how she will end up.
Hi Spang
She looks great dude beside the leaf curl of course.
I know for sure its not a N toxicity and you know already that its not over watering. What kinda of soil are you using? Looks ot me like there is something in there the plants not too happy about.
Hey Grim pal, thanks she is a bit twisty for sure but sucking the soil dry and putting on size day by day with new growth looking to be normal.

Am using Bio Bizz Light Mix, along with a bit of pre washed perlite, Mycos and the Agrobactrias bennies. Am still swinging towards either some twisty leaf pheno as Rhyce mentioned, or a overly hot preventative spray of neem as i done the math and worked out due to a new lot smaller spray bottle i went 2.5-3 times the recommended mixture.
Day 24 Triangle Kush

She is still putting on size day by day and leaving her house mate in the dust, the newer growth looks to be coming out normal looking now and whatever seemed to have caused the funky growth does not look to have fazed her, and with another week or two of vertical growth left is going to be a close one whether or not she out grows her home.

She is still drinking hard and as i will be away for the bank holiday weekend, i have given her a 2L feed today to keep her moist enough till i get back Monday afternoon. Reckon i will be feeding again as soon as i get back though, as she looks to be on track for 2L feeds every couple of days very soon.

Day 20 - grow 2ml/L + algamic 2ml/L + calmg 1.2ml/L @1L
Day 21 - X
Day 22 - algamic 2ml/L + calmg 1.6ml/L @1L
Day 23 - X
Day 24 - grow 2ml/L + algamic 2ml/L + calmg 1.2ml/L @2L

Day 20 - H=17cm (6.7")
Day 21 - H=19cm (7.5")
Day 22 - H=21cm (8.2")
Day 23 - H=23cm (9")
Day 24 - H=25cm (9.8")

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Day 20 Deep Blue C

Still staying squat but has put on a bit of vertical growth over the past couple of days, still no show of sex which is fine by me as is going to give her a bit more time to put on some more size before she is done and in flower.

She had a 0.5L feed put through the pot today, and will put some plain water through tomorrow before i leave, with fingers crossed this will stop the tiny pot drying out before i get back.

Day 16 - X
Day 17 - X
Day 18 - calmg 1.2ml/L @ 500ml
Day 19 - X
Day 20 - grow 2ml/L + algamic 2ml/L @ 500ml

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Gonna be a nice few days away, going to check out Santiago De Compostela, which is the ending point of the Camino De Santiago (the old pilgrims way).

Thanks for the best wishes pal.
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