Mephisto Genetics Triangle Kush + Deep Blue C, Soil and CFL Grow

Spanglish, your girls, as usual look absolutely great! But what I'd really like to compliment you on this AM is your picture taking ability. Stellar pictures. And I particularly appreciate the fact that you always show pictures of the entire plant, instead of just close-ups of branches and buds. Though most AFN folks are pretty good about taking pictures of the whole plant, YouTube videos are notoriously lacking in such shots. Bud shots set to rap music are great but they tell no one how big the plant really is or what its growth structure is like.

When you upload a series of pictures, you let them tell the whole story. Thanks.


Thanks for the compliments and kind words Nuggz pal really means a lot, just use my phone a Samsung S5 for the pics. I like the full plant shots myself also, and find it easier to spot the changes in growth and any problems that may be coming by looking at the pics in my journal updates, more than looking at the plant itself on a day to day basis.

I dabbled in YouTube vids a couple of times on a past grow just for a bit of fun but just dont get the time anymore, have still got my channel up so i will try to get one of this grow when she gets into flower a bit more, full plant shots only ;)
Got at least a week of good weather on the forecast, so have had them both out in the sun for a hour today to start hardening them off and will get them out in the sun as much as possible to give them a boost from that natural HPS in the sky just as they need it.

Grabbed a couple of pics of TK out basking in the sun just before i bought them back in, will hopefully get another 2-3 hours back out there tomorrow afternoon and up to a full 7-8 hours by mid week, for as long as weather permits.

2016-05-15 18.04.57.jpg
2016-05-15 18.05.16.jpg
Proper update coming in a couple of days when i feed them both next, grabbed a couple of pics of the developing frost on TK in the sunlight yesterday as i was enjoying my afternoon bowl ;)

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2016-05-16 16.42.46.jpg
2016-05-16 16.43.09.jpg
Oh there is nothing better than a sweet young thing out basking in the sun. She's looking good bro!

Cheers pal, am out there rotating them every hour or so lol, she's not going to be my biggest yielder unless she chunks up like crazy during flower, but what is there is already looking like pure Mephisto fire once again ;)
Day 44 Triangle Kush

Her buds are still continuing to chunk up a bit and a scattering of coloured pistils are popping out amongst the many remaining white, the frost is spreading further to some of the bigger fans around the cola, she is looking pretty well done for her age but reckon she can be pushed another 3 weeks at least, so plenty of time for her to fatten up some more i am hoping ;)

Have had a change up in the feeds, as i checked the NPK for the first time on my B.A.C Organic PK Booster and was surprised to find it was 4-2-8, so a fair bit of N and not really much P for a PK booster, my guess is that it is designed to fit in with there organic feed lines NPK levels, the Bio Bizz grow has NPK 4-3-6 and the bloom 2-7-4 so for now have backed off on the grow a bit and replaced it with the PK to give the slight boost in K over the grow and then increased the bloom to boost the PK ratio against the N, then from Week 7 will cut out grow completely and up slightly the dose of PK boost as she should be getting plenty of N from that not to need the grow also, at the same time boosting slightly the K level, well in my head it makes sense lol.

Day 39 - X
Day 40 - grow 3ml/L + algamic 3ml/L + bloom 3ml/L + calmg 1.6ml/L @ 1.5L
Day 41 - X
Day 42 - grow 2ml/L + algamic 3ml/L + bloom 3ml/L + PK 1ml/L + calmg 1.6ml/L @ 1.5L
Day 43 - X
Day 44 - grow 1ml/L + algamic 3ml/L + bloom 4ml/L + PK 1ml/L + calmg 1.6ml/L @ 2L

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Day 40 Deep Blue C

Her flowers are starting to take shape and she is looking to be one stacked little cola, some of the lower leaves are fading in colour but this has happened on all my 1L grows and progresses so slowly they never die off till it is time for harvest.

Am feeding once daily now and seems to be plenty enough so far, will be cutting back on the grow more in a few days as i did with TK, as i introduce the PK boost and then take it from there, no real plan on the 1L grows and just feed as i think is needed and try get that cola fat as i can ;)

Day 35 - X
Day 36 - grow 3ml/L + algamic 3ml/L + bloom 3ml/L + calmg 2ml/L @ 300ml
Day 37 - grow 3ml/L + algamic 3ml/L + bloom 3ml/L + calmg 2ml/L @ 300ml
Day 38 - grow 3ml/L + algamic 3ml/L + bloom 3ml/L + calmg 2ml/L @ 300ml
Day 39 - grow 3ml/L + algamic 3ml/L + bloom 3ml/L + calmg 2ml/L @ 300ml
Day 40 - grow 2ml/L + algamic 3ml/L + bloom 3ml/L + calmg 2ml/L + PK 1ml/L @ 300ml

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2016-05-19 16.53.44.jpg
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There looking lush mate love me a petite lady hope she get some extra curves soon

sending good vibes your way bro that pony tail method looks good think I will give it a shot am I best off doing it a few hours a day like you have or can I do it 24 on 24 off
Here are a couple of quick shots i grabbed of Triangle Kush as i was sitting there watching her sparkle in the sun on a stoney Sunday afternoon ;)

2016-05-22 19.19.34.jpg
2016-05-22 19.16.36.jpg
2016-05-22 19.17.05.jpg
2016-05-22 19.17.47.jpg
2016-05-22 19.18.45.jpg
2016-05-22 19.18.55.jpg
2016-05-22 19.19.09.jpg