Mephisto Genetics Triangle Kush + Deep Blue C, Soil and CFL Grow

@Nuggz feel your pain bro there's nothing worse than paying for shit smoke
I know most of the dealers round here and they know I won't buy any shit smoke so I usually get top gear
Day 50 Triangle Kush

Buds are starting to get dense now and swell a little, and the covering of coloured pistils is spreading, got a loupe on the trichs and were just about what i was expecting, mostly clear with quite a few starting to cloud up and a very occasional amber, so is looking like a Day 63/64 harvest.

They both had been getting a solid 7 hours out in direct sun, but been back in the box for the last couple of days due to rainy/cloudy weather that don't look to be going anywhere till next week, but will continue to give them as much sun as possible till the end.

Forgot i still had some Plagron Green Sensation tucked away in the cupboard, which is a true PK booster that produced some of the densest buds i have grown last time i used it on a Deep Blue C, is very concentrated so have been feeding little over the past week and will be cutting it out after Day 52 feed and after Day 54 everything else except the bloom as it is such a mild nute and does not seem to me to affected bud quality or taste, so will use it to the end.


Day 45 - X
Day 46 - grow 1ml/L + algamic 3ml/L + bloom 3ml/L + PK 1ml/L + green sensation 1ml/L + calmg 1.6ml/L @ 2L
Day 47 - X
Day 48 - grow 1ml/L + algamic 3ml/L + bloom 3ml/L + PK 1ml/L + green sensation 1ml/L + calmg 1.6ml/L @ 2L
Day 49 - X
Day 50 - algamic 3ml/L + bloom 4ml/L + PK 2ml/L + green sensation 1ml/L + calmg 1.6ml/L @ 2L

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Day 46 Deep Blue C

She is budding up nicely into a little chunky cola with a insane amount of trichs packed in tight all over her sugar leaves and flowers, she is also a little stinker compared to my other DBC grows.

Still being fed once a day with no noticeable difference to 2 x day feedings and all looking healthy. Green Sensation has also been added to her diet and grow has been cut as she is getting more than enough N from the BAC PK Boosters strange NPK numbers at this stage, will continue these feed for about another week and see where she is then before backing off on some or all of the nutes.


Day 41 - grow 2ml/L + algamic 3ml/L + bloom 3ml/L + calmg 2ml/L + PK 1ml/L @ 300ml
Day 42 - grow 1ml/L + algamic 3ml/L + bloom 3ml/L + calmg 2ml/L + PK 1ml/L + green sensation 1ml/L @ 300ml
Day 43 - grow 1ml/L + algamic 3ml/L + bloom 3ml/L + calmg 2ml/L + PK 1ml/L @ 300ml
Day 44 - grow 1ml/L + algamic 3ml/L + bloom 3ml/L + calmg 2ml/L + PK 1ml/L + green sensation 1ml/L @ 300ml
Day 45 - algamic 3ml/L + bloom 4ml/L + calmg 2ml/L + PK 2ml/L @ 300ml
Day 46 - algamic 3ml/L + bloom 4ml/L + calmg 2ml/L + PK 2ml/L + green sensation 1ml/L @ 300ml

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This is going to be my last grow using the LED corn bulb, did not even think about the fact those bare solder joints may be live until i can across the below YouTube video.

@Duckster @Nuggz careful handling these bulbs without disconnecting them from the power 1st, and share this vid with anyone else you know using these bulbs.

Will be sticking with the plastic covered E27 bulbs i got in the beginning of this grow for the time being, but they are lacking a bit in light over the corn bulbs, like these as my next purchase for side lighting, when i get some spare cash :)
I saw that video too. I don't know who that guy bought his lights from, but I don't see bare solder joints on the bulbs I bought made by Cree. As far as I can tell, there was only one vendor on E-bay selling the Cree bulbs. The rest of them were cheaper Chinese knock offs and you can tell who sells the cheap stuff because they either don't state the bulbs' lumens, or the stated lumens are very low .

Cree has a name and reputation to uphold. The copy cats don't.

I suppose if I were stupid enough to stick a metal object down one of those little holes, I might get shocked. But I'm just not that stupid... :baked:

The 50 watt Cree bulbs are 8520 lumens each. If the vendor doesn't state that, then he's not selling Cree.
I saw that video too. I don't know who that guy bought his lights from, but I don't see bare solder joints on the bulbs I bought made by Cree. As far as I can tell, there was only one vendor on E-bay selling the Cree bulbs. The rest of them were cheaper Chinese knock offs and you can tell who sells the cheap stuff because they either don't state the bulbs' lumens, or the stated lumens are very low .

Cree has a name and reputation to uphold. The copy cats don't.

I suppose if I were stupid enough to stick a metal object down one of those little holes, I might get shocked. But I'm just not that stupid... :baked:

The 50 watt Cree bulbs are 8520 lumens each. If the vendor doesn't state that, then he's not selling Cree.

Looks like you got better quality bulbs than me then pal, as the cheap ones i got here have got the solder joints exposed, explains why the other one died so quick as i was misting the seedlings near that bulb and some moisture must have built up on the solder.
Here's the link to the bulbs I bought.

The bulbs were shipped free from China. I think this ebay vedor has to be associated with the factories in China that won the Cree contracts. I have looked elsewhere for these bulbs, and so far, I can't find them sold anywhere else on the internet.

Trust me, Spanglish. The bulbs I bought are hands down, the best thing I've ever seen for side lighting. I've been growing pot off and on for over 40 years and I've seen a whole lot of bulbs come down the road.

I'm getting more of these...
Here's the link to the bulbs I bought.

The bulbs were shipped free from China. I think this ebay vedor has to be associated with the factories in China that won the Cree contracts. I have looked elsewhere for these bulbs, and so far, I can't find them sold anywhere else on the internet.

Trust me, Spanglish. The bulbs I bought are hands down, the best thing I've ever seen for side lighting. I've been growing pot off and on for over 40 years and I've seen a whole lot of bulbs come down the road.

I'm getting more of these...

Yeah can see from the pics in the link they are better made than mine, you can see what the solder joints look like on the cheaper bulbs from the pic of mine below.

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The Triangle Kush looks really good. both plants are very frosty. Very good lookin grow...

Thanks FadedMalone, Mephisto do that hard work putting out these great beans, i just feed, water and keep her warm and she does the rest ;)