Mephisto Genetics Triangle Kush + Deep Blue C, Soil and CFL Grow

There looking lush mate love me a petite lady hope she get some extra curves soon

sending good vibes your way bro that pony tail method looks good think I will give it a shot am I best off doing it a few hours a day like you have or can I do it 24 on 24 off

Thanks pal, she should hopefully go at least another couple of weeks so still plenty of time to chuck on the weight, and those last 2 weeks seem to be when they put on the most of the curves ;) is a big mistake new growers make when harvesting to early, it can really hurt a yield to take them to soon and cut before some real weight is put on.
Yeah patience is the game when growing you carnt force nature

those last pics are mouth watering bro bet u carnt wait so close yet so far away these last 2 weeks will feel like months
Yeah patience is the game when growing you carnt force nature

those last pics are mouth watering bro bet u carnt wait so close yet so far away these last 2 weeks will feel like months

Exactly bro, they are done when they are done and nothing is gonna change that ;)

Yeah these last couple of weeks are gonna seem slow your right, does not matter to me how many times i finish of a grow it really tests my patience looking at them sparkly crystals and smelling those tasty odours, going to more so this time round as i finished the last of my bud yesterday evening, i am SO happy i saved my trim jar this time round otherwise the wait would seem LOTS longer than usual :)
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Nightmare when all you have left it the trimmings and you have a crops so close to harvest I feel your pain bro be strong lol

Just had 3 bowls of grinded up SODK x Alien pop corn and sugar leaf from my small trim jar, she was a real frosty girl in the 1L pot the trim is covered in trichs and hits pretty good for what it is, just takes a couple of bowls more.

Gonna be plenty enough to keep me from picking at the ladies chunky bits, so no worries there ;)
Just been out in the sun snapping a few pics of the trim i was talking about, you can see what i mean by its frostiness.

Small 8oz jar this is the SODK x Alien, over dried this a bit but smokes ok if not a bit harsh and with a slight sour taste.
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2016-05-23 16.01.58.jpg

Big 32oz jar of Deep Blue C, jarred this just right and this stinks like rotten berries when you open the jar and smokes pretty smooth with the Deep Blue C berry taste without the fuel that you get from the bud, could not get the zoom quite right on the frost on this one due to the depth and narrow neck on the jar.
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Hey Spanglish, good trim that you've grown yourself beats the hell out of having to buy street schwag. I'm smoking schwag now that leaves black oily tar in my pipe and makes me cough like crazy. Evidently the joker who grew it didn't even bother to flush. Terribly rude of him...


I'd smoke your good trim any day over the crap bud I'm smoking now.
Damn thats a big jar plenty to keep you nice and medicated why the lady's fatten up

Think I might save my trimmings like you have that's some rainy day gold dust
always a good idea to have a back up stash

I have some bubble bags in my draw but never get enough trim to make a decent amount of hash

Great pics as always bro keep up the good work
Hey Spanglish, good trim that you've grown yourself beats the hell out of having to buy street schwag. I'm smoking schwag now that leaves black oily tar in my pipe and makes me cough like crazy. Evidently the joker who grew it didn't even bother to flush. Terribly rude of him...


I'd smoke your good trim any day over the crap bud I'm smoking now.

Know what you mean Nuggz pal, the last time i got a bag from the street was the first time since quitting smoking tobacco that i started to cough up black specks in my phlegm again, unflushed, contaminated weed seems to be a norm these day and with synthetic cannabinoids is pretty scary, just another plus of growing your own.

Would rather have some frosty Mephisto buds, but frosty Mephisto trim comes a very close second in times of need ;)
Damn thats a big jar plenty to keep you nice and medicated why the lady's fatten up

Think I might save my trimmings like you have that's some rainy day gold dust
always a good idea to have a back up stash

I have some bubble bags in my draw but never get enough trim to make a decent amount of hash

Great pics as always bro keep up the good work

Always a good idea to have some just incase of a rainy day, don't you worry pal once you get a few grows out of the way you have trim coming out of your ears and get a chance to put them bags to use.