Mephisto Genetics Triangle Kush + Deep Blue C, Soil and CFL Grow

I'm late dude.... love the pony tailing ... i'm going to be throwing that into my arsenal. Enjoy your break fella.

Hi pal and welcome to the party, might be late but still far from over and the bulk of the fun should still be to come. Saw Chester using the the pony tail last year and he was putting out some real good looking plants using it, look forward to seeing what you manage to pull off with it, in combo with your canes should make for some interesting ladies ;)

Enjoy yourself and family! See you and the ladies when you get back. Sounds like a good time. Keep on keepin on!! :d5:

Thanks pal, a great time was had by all ;) Will update on the girls tomorrow, as the misses is already annoyed enough that i left her to unpack and went to mix up a feed for the girls as soon as we got in lol, but they are both looking good with Triangle Kush still putting on 2cm(1") per day , even DBC has put on some size over the past couple of days and put out her first few pistils.
Day 28 Triangle Kush

Still stretching at 2cm (1") per day and putting out pistils as her bud sites form, with only another 23cm-26cm (9"-10") vertical height left in the box am hoping she slows down soon and slips into flower before it gets to tight for space.

Gave her one more small feed the morning before i went away just to make sure she was not to dry when i got back, this looks to have been about right as when i got back yesterday evening she was showing 2.5-3 on the moisture meter, so put another 1L feed through and will be leaving her for today before i start upping to 1.5L feeds every other day, will be adding the bloom bacterias at some point over the next week to work them into the soil and have them active for when she is in bloom, and then once growth slows to 0.5cm (0.25") per day will start adding bloom nutes and switch out the CFL to the 200w 2700k.

Day 25 - grow 1ml/L + algamic 1ml/L + calmg 1ml/L @ 750ml
Day 26 - X
Day 27 - grow 2ml/L + algamic 2ml/L + calmg 1.2ml/L @ 1L
Day 28 - X


Day 25 - 27cm (10.6")
Day 26 - AWAY
Day 27 - 31cm (12.2")
Day 28 - 33cm (13")

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Day 24 Deep Blue C

She has shown sex while i was away showing off her first few pistils, so that makes it Day 22-23 for this girl. She is also finally showing signs she is starting to stretch with visible vertical growth compared to the squat little cabbage she was before, so have started her on a few days pony tail sessions to try pull out the lowers you can see in the pics before she's done going vertical.

As with Triangle Kush i gave her another small feed the morning before leaving and the moisture reading was about the same 2.5-3 on the probe, is about this stage in the 1L pots that i have to start to feed more regularly as she starts to drink more heavy going into the stretch, so when needed will be keeping the same 500ml amount but feeding every day, which then as she is in flower will be upped to two times daily as the flowers bulk up.

As she is sharing home with Triangle Kush who is the hopefully meant to be the star of the show, she will also be under the 2700K CFL no matter if she is still in veg or not, bloom nutes will not be added though until vertical growth starts to slow.


Day 20 - grow 2ml/L + algamic 2ml/L @ 500ml
Day 21 - grow 1ml/L + algamic 1ml/L + calmg 1ml/L @ 250ml
Day 22 - X
Day 23 - grow 2ml/L + algamic 2ml/L + calmg 2ml/L @ 500ml
Day 24 - X

Day 24 - 8cm (3.1")

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Day 31 Triangle Kush

She is still going vertical and continues on full strength veg feeds, i took a few leaves from her on Day 29 that were blocking bud sites, when measuring her on Day 30 there had only been 0.5cm(0.2") of growth in 24hrs, but when checking again this morning she had put on 1.5cm(0.6") over the following 24hrs, so either the trim slowed her a little for a day or she is finally slowing as she goes into flower, will keep on measuring and make the switch to bloom nutes and light when she goes past 48hrs only showing 0.5cm per day.

Added the bloom bacterias in her last feed, since getting the PH probe i have been feeding off the moisture meter readings waiting till it gets between 2-3, this is resulting in me feeding less often than in previous grows, no defs so far, less feeds to mix and more cost effective on nutes, so seems like a win win to me but will have to wait and see.

Day 29 - grow 3ml/L + algamic 3ml/L + calmg 1.6ml/L @ 1.5L (Added Bloom Bacterias)
Day 30 - X
Day 31 - X

Day 29 - 35cm (13.8")
Day 30 - 35.5cm (14")
Day 31 - 37cm (14.5")

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Day 27 Deep Blue C

She still seems to be stretching slowly but surely at 1cm(0.4") per day, also removed a couple of lower leaves from her and she also slowed to 0.5cm(0.2") for the 24hrs after, before picking up the pace again.

Still pony tailing her for 3 hour sessions each day, trying to pull out the lowers as much as possible before she is done with the stretch.

Day 25 - X
Day 26 - grow 3ml/L + algamic 3ml/L + calmg 1.6ml/L @ 500ml
Day 27 - X

Day 25 - 9cm (3.5")
Day 26 - 9.5cm (3.7")
Day 27 - 10.5cm (4.1")

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Day 34 Triangle Kush

Vertical growth has slowed now putting on on 0.5cm(0.2") per day on average now for the past 3 days, frost has started to appear on most of the leaves around the developing buds and flowers can be seen starting to show among the bunches of pistils at the bud sites, so the 2700K CFL was introduced today and she was given her first mix with a splash of bloom nutes, will be upping the bloom over the following week, before starting to back down a bit on the grow around about week 7.

Day 32 - grow 3ml/L + algamic 3ml/L + calmg 1.6ml/L @ 1.5L
Day 33 - X
Day 34 - grow 3ml/L + algamic 3ml/L + bloom 2ml/L + calmg 1.6ml/L @1L

Day 32 - 37.5cm (14.7")
Day 33 - 38cm (14.9")
Day 34 - 38.5cm (15.1")

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Day 30 Deep Blue C

She is still on veg feeds for the time being, as she continues put on roughly 1cm (0.4") per day. Will add bloom bacterias in the next feed as i forgot to do them this morning and should be able to push a few more veg feeds before she starts to go onto her first bloom mix. Have stopped the pony tail sessions now and removed a couple of leaves blocking out light to her cola.

Day 28 - grow 3ml/L + algamic 3ml/L + calmg 1.6ml/L @ 500ml
Day 29 - X
Day 30 - grow 3ml/L + algamic 3ml/L + calmg 1.6ml/L @ 500ml

Day 28 - 11cm (4.3")
Day 29 - 12cm (4.7")
Day 30 - 12.5cm (4.9")

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Day 38 Triangle Kush

Buds are starting to take shape now and throw out more frost daily, as it spreads from the bud leafs to the smaller fans, took the last few leaves that were shading bud sites, so now time to sit back with fingers crossed that she fattens up nice.

Have upped the bloom a little more and she will get one more feed like that, then between Weeks 7-9 will little by little decrease the grow while increasing bloom and adding PK boost, before starting a 7-10 day plain water flush.

Day 35 - X
Day 36 - grow 3ml/L + algamic 3ml/L + bloom 3ml/L calmg 1.6ml/L @ 1L
Day 37 - X
Day 38 - grow 3ml/L + algamic 3ml/L + bloom 3ml/L calmg 1.6ml/L @ 1.5L

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Day 34 Deep Blue C

Finally remembered to add bloom bacterias this feeding after forgetting them again last feed, also added some bloom nutes into the mix as she has nearly stopped vertical growth, also looks like i will be feeding every day soon as she is starting to drink the pot dry quicker now, am going to see i can get away with once daily feeds all the way through flower this time round, unlike on past 1L pot grows where i have gone twice daily from week 5 till the flush.

Day 31 - X
Day 32 - grow 3ml/L + algamic 3ml/L + calmg 1.6ml/L @ 500ml
Day 33 - X
Day 34 - grow 3ml/L + algamic 3ml/L + bloom 2ml/L + calmg 1.6ml/L @ 500ml

Day 31 - 13.5cm (5.3")
Day 32 - 14cm (5.5")
Day 33 - 14.5cm (5.7")
Day 34 - 14.8cm (5.8")

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Spanglish, your girls, as usual look absolutely great! But what I'd really like to compliment you on this AM is your picture taking ability. Stellar pictures. And I particularly appreciate the fact that you always show pictures of the entire plant, instead of just close-ups of branches and buds. Though most AFN folks are pretty good about taking pictures of the whole plant, YouTube videos are notoriously lacking in such shots. Bud shots set to rap music are great but they tell no one how big the plant really is or what its growth structure is like.

When you upload a series of pictures, you let them tell the whole story. Thanks.
