Transitioning to Organic

nice man, do you have a link for the carbon filter you are using currently?

Any KDF shower filter will have the same basic replacement cartridge. They are cheap and seem to be making a pronounced difference in my garden. I am thinking of putting one on the sink underneath and adding a faucet spur so I could fill up directly rather than lumbering down the hall.

They are starting to stretch big time. I have been frantically leaf tucking and jostling the canopy around so that every growth point is able to get what it wants. It will hopefully pay off i the yield.
I changed them over to Flowering nutes yesterday and holy hell. They just burst at the seems. I had watered with strait water backed with a second pass of Herc and Demeter. There was plenty of salts in the can and I let them pass over the last three days allowing them to use up some of the available. It seems to have worked. I don't think they stalled but I saw a pronounced amount of output from secondary and tertiary material. that means more growth points and that means more flowers. Running a pretty time consuming regimen now but I have the time and materials. So let the good times begin. I will try to get a few pics up later this evening as they have definitely changed size.
I think I'm gonna need a bigger boat.


If you look at this picture you will see a sink on the left. Between that sink and the back wall I had a 2x4x5 tent last run and pulled just over a pound. Now I am nearly triple the space and I am really biting my nails over whether I have enough space to see these guys through to the end. Its gonna get crowded in here. I have an autopot I have just started that will need to stay in here. I have set up the old 2x4 and will put three seedlings that just cleared dirt.

Suffice to say I think I found a nice nutrient regimen I can grasp. It is complex and time consuming but boy howdy it seems to be flying. I want to hold back on praising too much as we are just starting to enter flowering so the hard part still lies ahead. Bah, Pictures. That Danged Bloom Kaos is the bomb.

Yeah man those are looking super happy. Great work.
Yeah man those are looking super happy. Great work.
Thanks Jraven. It's a testament to my ability to read and follow directions... lol

I still think it could be better and the next flight will have the right light throughout the entire run. We shall see.