Transitioning to Organic

Yeah, I have to make a transition based on when I can get things here and finances line up. I should start seeing some boxes in the mail next week. I am going to run out their program for growth and will run a second run behind it from the start so I have an understanding of what I am reading. I am most interested in starting a soil program. Not unlike keeping sourdough going. As a kid my mother kept a culter of Sourdough for several years before we decided we were gat enough.

I Gave the girls a shot of Piranha and there certainly responded. They are looking healthy of a bit smaller than with Mineral fert.
So far so good. I have thrown away the clock and simply grow depending on where the plants are. I am liking the organic route even though it is a little like chess. Trying to constantly get out ahead of what is going to be needed next. Plants look good though, and they are growing wide out.

sorry for the white balance. Getting lazy in my young age. The first two are the same plant 3 days apart after an application of Pirahna on Thursday. This evening they all got a drink of EWC tea with some CalMag and Hurculean Harvest added in.

Looking good bro ,with time and practice it will come like second nature knowing what the plants need at a given time ,i used to pick up the pot ,or jam my finger in the soil but now i can tell when to water by the curling of a leaf ,reading plants is a life long commitment
Looking good bro ,with time and practice it will come like second nature knowing what the plants need at a given time ,i used to pick up the pot ,or jam my finger in the soil but now i can tell when to water by the curling of a leaf ,reading plants is a life long commitment
Thanks Dank. My gro is starting to smell a bit dank 3with the organic material...

Plants are moving effortlessly. Seem to grow without any care in the world. That is a good sign. Humidity is running 55% and temps in the mid to upper 70's f. Space seems to be dialed in moderately well so they have little to concern themselves with other than expressing their joy at life.
Life is good.
ABSOLUTELY FLYING! I got a second 3500 1212 up and running and they just exploded. they are sitting under 250 watts of cobs powered by chinese drivers so I would be more likely to guess I am running around 220 watts total. Still that gives me a nice 110cw's (CobWatts) and that will hunt. I have a new 5k chip on order and should hopefully be able to reap some of it's benefits but will more likely have to shift it to my autopots I am starting.
Damn somebody get a fire extinguisher plants cant grow this fast without causing serious friction. I am loving the Organic approach, slow down, think fast, and enjoy the show. Seems like every day the grow environment gets a little tighter and the plants reflect that.
Well @Puddentane I think you are differently on the right track. Organics and Cob Led's were
made for each other. You also have the benefit of some excellent growers here willing to guide you
to the nirvana you seek. I don't need a yield of 4 or 5 ozs for each plant. I concur with @Eyes on Fire
that we seek the finest smoke and enjoy the moment. Organics is fun and really simple growing.
Right now you will be filling your head with so much stuff that I am sure you don't know whether to
shit or go blind. Also, for organic reading check out @ThreeLittleBirds. Find out what works best for you,
as not everybody is into brewing some stinky ass living tea. My soil is always ready and waiting to be used
and reused over and over. Most times start to finish its PH'd air bubbled water/molasses in airpots.
And just to be friendly I will load up the ROOR and enjoy another organic hit in your honor.:joy:
your teas stink? they not balanced enough if they straight up stink broseph. the three little bird mix might work as is. but I would personnaly go to another easy mix similar. its essentially the TLB mix with three or four items added to catch the growth from a fairly tame mix but it does work certainly.