Outdoor Trailanimal's 2016 Greenhouse plus Voodoo Girl

My avatar is dedeoverde haze auto grown that plant several times,even bred a lil with it when I first started breeding it to a nl haze and got an auto off the first f1s then bred it back to the dedoverde haze for a guaranteed auto line still have some seeds a real frosty lemonade haze taste
this makes me wanna grow it more!
Time for another 2016 grow tale
This, a testament to the hardiness and extreme zeal canna can display in her quest to give to us her healing. Mid Sept., while harvesting the last of this year's, I found a brand new sprout that came up at the base of a smart pot; and I remembered that seed I lost while planting. I cleaned out the greenhouse, left one of end open and pretty much left her as a sacrifice to see wtf. No food water or protection. She hung in there for a long time, suffered a lot of cold. Took -10f long about the first of Nov to lower the hammer on her. She showed me that whatever happens during my growing season, cold will not bring my plants down!
Mold and rain sure do a number on mine ,and then the humidity rises and usually I've lost the battle,where I'm at in Oregon it's not so cold but rainfall is plenty.
my nemesis too, and it will go from mold making back to dry and sunny, but the bad guys have come into the grow, curses!