Maybe read the post below before you decide. And then use the auction site if you do dicide on buying seeds there. It'll save you some money for sure. You do have to be patient as I had to wait 6 weeks on my seeds...But if you have time and plan things accordingly not a reason not to buy of course.
I know all three origin stories. The problem is, they all claim they have the original.
White Widow was created at GHS, that's a fact. Then Scott (Shantibaba/Waterboy, depends on who you ask

) got into a fit with Arjan and left GHS, claiming he took the parents with him. Then there is Ingemar (De Sjamaan), who also worked for/with Arjan. He found the seeds that made White Widow and suppose he gave the plant and copyright to Arjan too use. He also gave several cuts too Henk at Dutch Passion.
So far the history...Now in the meantime all three seedhouses who until the mid 90's were legally producing seed all got raided by the police. Ingemar was the only one with a goverment certificate to grow outside for medical purposes. If the White Widow was in it's fields it surely got air pollinated by neighboring plants, remember...pollen can travel for miles and miles and still be good to go.
Scott was residing in Switzerland at that time and evaded those busts, but he got so eager selling legal weed across the border into Italy (as potpoury, I'm not joking!!), they fucked it up for all the legitimate growers in the region and so all of them got raided as most of 'm only got a license to grow CBD. He even talked about it in one of the few interviews he gave (search YouTube). He admitted lossing his 'special male' and the White Widow mother. And this happened at least two times. So he had to start from seeds at least two times. Then there is the discussion on his own forum where he explains Black Widow is backcrossed to one of the parents and then sibbling mated. In fact creating a totally different cultivar or at the very least a different selection based upon phenotype.
Henk's methods were a bit more like in the old days. He didn't put his eggs in the same basket and spread out his grows. But who knows which got raided, I couldn't find more info on it.
See how complicated this whole story gets and it changes depending on who you ask. That's why I don't care about the politics. I only want to find my White Widow, the Widow I smoked...Breda/Bergen-op-Zoom region and two years ago in Catweazle. So I know it's still out there and I'm willing to go far to find it