Indoor Tobe's test and breeding ground

@Bob's Auto's , DP is the tops for White Widow and half of a favorite cross I’ve been growing for years. Never grown a single disappointing plant from them, but that house is not known for speedy autos. Many folks don’t mind 90-100 day behemoths and welcome the yield for time spent. Lately, my choices skew more toward speedier plants, or a couple to stagger the harvest.
@tobe ’s Orange Assault showed sex at 18 ish days…big smile and Berry Assault finished in the 70’s.
Hey my friend
You are right I have grown so much strains from DP with great results too.
A little update to my projects. I harvest much pollen from the 90's Blues and started to reveg the male. The pollen is in the freezer waiting for the BlueCandy clones. I hope to get the male back in veg because the smoke test was amazing the sweet berry taste was present and the flower structure is what I am looking for.
A little update to my projects. I harvest much pollen from the 90's Blues and started to reveg the male. The pollen is in the freezer waiting for the BlueCandy clones. I hope to get the male back in veg because the smoke test was amazing the sweet berry taste was present and the flower structure is what I am looking for.
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That male has enough leaves and nodes to return to veg. Just keep him 24/7, this is me telling a formula 1 driver how to park his car. :toke:
Do have a couple of questions for you mate...
  • Which part of the male flower do you smoke? Do you wait until the pollen is released and then pick the petals? Could you show us how you do it?
  • And what do you look for in a male? ie, I've read that the distance between nodes (using the Fibonacci sequence) is important. Also a rubtest on the main stalk can tell you loads of nice things. There's a list somewhere that denotes which smells are preferred in a male. The onion smell is one of them.
  • What is a good male flower cluster? The more flowers the better? Or is it the placing of these flowers? Again the Fibonacci sequence comes to mind. A great example of this is a sunflower.
@tobe your smoking the pollen sacks? I’ve smoked a hermie bud that was harsh presumably from the inclusion of male flowers. Is the smoke harsh? Oh I have so many questions and a sudden urge to try
Hi Farmer Jake
I smoke the flowers after releasing the pollen. I dry the flowers and smoke them in a little wooden pipe I only got for the tests. The smoke is harsh you will not have a smooth smoke like a female flower and I know it's the oldskool way to do. My grandfather has done it the same way and I adopted some of his old methods.
That male has enough leaves and nodes to return to veg. Just keep him 24/7, this is me telling a formula 1 driver how to park his car. :toke:
Do have a couple of questions for you mate...
  • Which part of the male flower do you smoke? Do you wait until the pollen is released and then pick the petals? Could you show us how you do it?
  • And what do you look for in a male? ie, I've read that the distance between nodes (using the Fibonacci sequence) is important. Also a rubtest on the main stalk can tell you loads of nice things. There's a list somewhere that denotes which smells are preferred in a male. The onion smell is one of them.
  • What is a good male flower cluster? The more flowers the better? Or is it the placing of these flowers? Again the Fibonacci sequence comes to mind. A great example of this is a sunflower.
Hi Bob's Auto's
I smoke the hole male flowers after releasing the pollen.
I look for the internodes and the side branches all depends on the breeding goal for example the shiva cross I made got the tendency to grow a strong main top and is perfect for sea of green and to grow much plants in small pot side by side so I look for the same trait on the male side with small to no side branches.
To the flower clusters, in my experience more flowers close to each others give you harder buds. If the male flowers are not so close I ended up with more fluffy female flowers.
It's only my observation.
I also do steam rubbing to see what smell is present.
Hi Bob's Auto's
I smoke the hole male flowers after releasing the pollen.
I look for the internodes and the side branches all depends on the breeding goal for example the shiva cross I made got the tendency to grow a strong main top and is perfect for sea of green and to grow much plants in small pot side by side so I look for the same trait on the male side with small to no side branches.
To the flower clusters, in my experience more flowers close to each others give you harder buds. If the male flowers are not so close I ended up with more fluffy female flowers.
It's only my observation.
I also do steam rubbing to see what smell is present.
Thank you for sharing you're expertise my friend :cheers:
You are preaching to the choir my friends. All you have said is completely true and I've grown many a cultivar from Dutch Passion including the Auto White Widow, Auto Night Queen and many more. Both stellar breeds, but the Widow didn't have the taste of old. None of the auto versions of WW I tried have that...With Dutch Passion's version coming closest. That doesn't mean it's a bad thing...I'm just looking for that specific taste and not to recent ago (two years) when I was in the Netherlands I ordered myself a baggie of White Widow in a coffeeshop and on the first toke, it took me right back to these old days so I know it still exists. Probably not in auto form as pro growers in Holland laugh at the sight of an auto...
I've had several talks with Antonio from Dutch Passion about the subject and what came out of that was that I needed to go on a photo search for myself. Even if I can't transfer that taste of old into an auto form I will have the selected parents so I won't ever run out of clones...Most likely the "taste of old" will disappear as will all things picked up and I will make new memories and look back at this experience when I'm old and grey...wait...Older and greyer :haha:
Regarding "I'm just looking for that specific taste," have you considered that the 'taste' you seek could well be strongly affected by or fully due to the growing methods, media, nutes and approaches to feeding, lighting, etc. that are all different now vs. decades ago? I suspect any of these factors could affect "taste" as much as a strain's genetic lineage. Or maybe the 'taste' you seek is due to the drying/curing methods used?

For example, perhaps simply growing out Dutch Passion and/or other commercial White Widow strains, even autos, under the 'right' conditions could result in "the taste of old" you seek.
Regarding "I'm just looking for that specific taste," have you considered that the 'taste' you seek could well be strongly affected by or fully due to the growing methods, media, nutes and approaches to feeding, lighting, etc. that are all different now vs. decades ago?
You hit the nail on the head with that line of thought...Everything changes over time. In the early days loads of people used nutes with PGR's without even knowing what went in their plants. Lighting has changed, although I think many "professional" illegal growers still use HID these days as they don't care about the electricity bill. :shrug:
I still feel that genetics plays a much larger role in flavor and effect then environment, don't get me wrong...treating one plant like a queen and treating another like crap will surely affect the outcome. But the fact remains that what I smoked two years ago, in a totally different region in the Netherlands, gave me a flashback to the White Widow I smoked 30 odd years earlier.

Either the supplier of that weed of old is the same guy and he's using the same techniques as he did in the day or the clone is still being passed around, which is more plausible? My guess would be the latter. I know now that the chance of me finding what I want in seeds is like searching for a needle in a haystack. But that won't stop me from trying :pass:
Hi friends
We have done some experiments with light soil and feeding with the some clones from different cultivars.
1. The best end product was in living soil with HID lights.
2.After that was living soil with Led.
3. Earth with organic feeding and HID
4. Earth with LED and organic feeding
5. Coco with HID and organic feeding
6.Coco with led and organic feeding.

We haven't got more locations to the same time so we haven't test hydroponic at the same time. In our next meeting from the collective I am a member from we will discuss our next test.

I hope it helps a bit.

Have a nice day
cu tobe