Indoor Tobe's test and breeding ground

Hi @Bob's Auto's
I talked to some of my local grower friends and to some of my crew , who I know has grown different white widow from different sources. All of them say the DutchPassion version is the best deal.

Have a nice day
cu tobe
Thanks Tobe :thumbsup: You hear that @Antonio_DutchPassion? DP for the win? :hump:
You are all one swell group of people. Wish I had a crew, except for AFN I'm flying solo with this growing thing. Way to paranoid to tell anyone...
Hey @Bob's Auto's
I know how hard it is doing all solo , I have do that over 15 years but time change. It has taken around 2 years to form a group of people to a crew who work together. Not easy with all these different characters.

Have a nice day
cu tobe
Hi friends little update
The 90's Blues male started to reveg, makes me really happy because this male got a nice and sweet berry smell also the test smoke show his potential for some nice new berry crosses.
Jaggen x Orange Assault f1
All plants got numbers and I started to make some notes. Two plants show pre flower one male one female. Than there are two plants with more intense smell than the others.
That's it at the moment I think I give them a few more weeks to grow before I push them to flower.
Hi friends
Little update what's going on right now. The 90's Blues male is still alive, I let him flower in the next days and harvest more pollen for later use. The BlueCandy clones didn't make it but some more are on their way to root.

The Jaggen x Orange Assault f1 looking ok , I got a thrips attack and I hope I killed them all.
In a few days I switch the light and let them flower but at first they need a bit to recover.
Hi friends
You all know my passion for my Orange Assault line. To make them better it's time to take a look for some Orange genetics to find the one with the nicest Orange terps.
In the tests we got Tangie from Barney's farm, it was a delicious smoke with sweet orange taste. We hold a mother so a test cross will definitely come. The other one we tested was Kali Orange from DutchPassion, I can highly recommend that strain.
So I ordered some more strains for test crosses from DutchPassion.
Orange Bud 2.0
Kali Orange
Tropical Tangie

Really happy makes me the Orange Bud auto free seed so there will be much to test.
Special thanks to @Antonio_DutchPassion my friend realised that it's better to order direct from the company and don't use a reseller.
Hi friends
Now back to cannabis. A friend of our crew quit growing his selected Thai mother and asked if we like to take cut before she is gone. So here we go , the Thai cuts arrived today's. A friend from my crew make space to hold them alive. 2 of the cuts are on their way to my buddy, he want to use her for a test cross with my Skywalker haze X Orange Assault cross, I gave the project in his hands because he got the passion and knowledge to work the cross to stabilise line.

Thai cuts

Hi friends
Now back to cannabis. A friend of our crew quit growing his selected Thai mother and asked if we like to take cut before she is gone. So here we go , the Thai cuts arrived today's. A friend from my crew make space to hold them alive. 2 of the cuts are on their way to my buddy, he want to use her for a test cross with my Skywalker haze X Orange Assault cross, I gave the project in his hands because he got the passion and knowledge to work the cross to stabilise line.

Thai cuts

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They look like they have rooted nicely!!