I have a couple of questions for the doctor if I may..Might have to split in into another thread or continue in
my breeding thread as I don't wanna foul Tobe's one.
As you might know already I'm about to embark in a multi year project.
First I want to find the White Widow I smoked when I was younger. It still exists as I smoked some a couple of years ago and it took me back thirty years in the past. For this I've sourced regular photo seeds from the three sources that claim to have the 'real' deal. Now, I'm not into politics and want to do this search blind. ie, As soon as the seeds germinate and transferred into small P9 pots I won't know which is which. My missus will keep a note on what's what, but since she doesn't smoke or has any affinity with my mistress, go figure

, I can't be influenced by her.
The males from the original batch will get a treatment of Ethephon to turn them female, which is my guess, would make things easier to find a couple of special trannies. Of course before the treatment I will take clones to keep the original chemotype available.
After this rigorous selection I hope to keep three ladies and three gents which will be crossed to one another and labeled. These seeds will have to be grown out and tested. Just to find the right male. (hint for any
@Cultivators by then)
Until this part everything is very straight forward and has nothing to do with growing auto's.
But now come the questions...What cultivar should I use as the auto parents. Should I go for a proven auto cultivar of recent years, with the risk of getting so much variance in the resulting F2 after two breeding sessions to get the recessive auto gene to apear again? I've got a great specimen which is already great on it's own.
Or should I go with one of the more well known auto variants of the White Widow,
@Antonio_DutchPassion Dutch Passion's come's to mind. Or should I go with a cultivar like Lowryder, which lies on the foundation of most auto's? This would be taking a step back in my opinion as potency wasn't all that great back then, but on the other side the genetics inside that cultivar are the most pure to begin with. This is the same reason I went looking for the original breeder of White Widow and tumbled into the rabit hole of lies and deceit.
I want to finally end up with a White Widow in auto format, stable and with as less variance a possible. For me of course, but also to share with friends who never grew up with that fantastic cultivar.
What's your thoughts on this subject? And I apologize in advance if I offended you by calling Lowryder a low potency cultivar, I've never smoked it so I can't say and am going on what I've gathered on the interweb.