To defol or not to defol?

Aye they are as you say, chilly and a wee bit damp! Sucks, but they're not looking bad are they? So long as you stay vigilant for mould and mildew and get as much air movement and exchange as possible, think you'll get by alright :thumbsup: roll on the summer
Aye that’s why I was thinking of plucking some leafs, jist the spindly ragging ones, got some calmag there since I’ve lacked that so hopefully that helps to but ye know what it’s like here clearly lol as a said that purple number is doing amazing, just need the others to fill out a bit but they took longer last time out as well
Hey, week 9 roughly and my banana blaze autos are a little bushy, should I take some leaves from the middle ? Hoping the banana blaze fatten up as they’re a little wispy.

also can’t get my humidity down enough and my temp higher as it’s not extra cold winter in Scotland , kinda stuck for cash just now so can’t invest in heater/dehum. They look like they’re doing okay considering the low temp and high humidity

check my purple lemonade though, she looks amazing
What are you growing in? I put plastic on my pots when they are idle to help keep moisture in and the microbes alive and breaking down the material in the soil. If that is soil you can always add mulch that will help some.

Also you can research vapor pressure deficit. If you have enough airflow RH is not much of a factor. You have to do some math though and have a good extraction fan. I gave up on controlling RH years ago it is very cost prohibitive on a small scale.

You can also defol if you want I see people leaf tucking and doing other options I always give her a hair cut a few weeks after flower to decide what buds get the most light. Some will tell you you are taking from the plant but honestly if your grow ends like most well grown plants do there is not a ton of fade and you will still have bright green unused leaves you are trashing or composting anyway. Again it is preference but there is no scientific data to prove it has a great effect one way or another unless you go to an extreme. If you cut half you leaves off that is an issue. It is always less is more.